solutin is simple:
kino the baby, kino it hard (if its a girl even better but dont let gender stop you); give plenty of mini take aways (babies love this stuff, gets the laughing/interested). Use a lot of CF, heavy of the F. After a few days the baby should be all over your sh1t, like white on rice, but the next part is crucial. I advice doing this BEFORE you get the number (i know most Djs will say u gotta take that baby out! wtf u thinking, just cause its a baby doesnt mean it has feelings/needs etc, but just trust me, ive dealt with more babies than u DJs could ever imagince so i speak from experience.
OK so when you/baby are alone (shouldnt be hard to do, u can isolate by saying "let me borrow the baby for 5 mins ill brb") ask it for a massage, then, THEN go in for a kiss on the neck, slowly working ur way up to its lips. the baby will basically cream his/her pants and BAM! the baby is yours. After this let the baby decide who he/she wants to be with and i GUARANTEE the baby will choose u