Calling all fat guys!


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
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Its probably one of your resolutions to get thinner and more cut. We've gained weight over the Holidays, even over our excess, and now we're too fat! We could have the DJ skills of 1000 Pooks and still not get any. We forfeited health and girls because of our over indulgence and lack of self discipline.

That ends now!

Here's the deal: I want you to post your weight and your goal, and post your progress. Use any diet you want. I prefer Atkins, but whatever. We can motivate each other when we make progress and push those who relapse. We are food addicts and we should support each other, like other recovering addicts.

I'll start: My weight is 245 lbs. My goal is 190 - 210, depending on how much muscle I keep after the diet is finished.


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by victor von doom
Atkins sucks. Go on a real diet and hit the gym.
Why do you think that Atkins sucks?
Dec 14, 2003
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kingdom of latveria, central europe
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Why do you think that Atkins sucks?
I guess it all depends on your goals.

If you just want to lose weight so that the scale says you lost weight. I guess it's good.

But if you want to lose weight AND look good with your shirt off, it sucks.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
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What diet would you suggest? Will it prevent muscular atrophy?


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
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What research validates Diesel's guide to cutting? Does a sticky make it gospel? Have you used it?

Mr. Latte

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
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Atkins will make you what we call a "skinny fat guy." Let's face it....losing weight is good for your health, but we do it to look good with our shirts off. If you're gonna put up with all the pain and STILL look fat, why bother?
Dec 14, 2003
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kingdom of latveria, central europe
Originally posted by Devestator
What research validates Diesel's guide to cutting? Does a sticky make it gospel? Have you used it?
You'll have to ask DIESEL that. But I do know that lo-carb diets are bullshyt. What, do you expect to go lo-carb for the rest of your life? It like all other gimmick diets is destined for failure.

Besides, it's nutritionally unbalanced.

The best way to lose weight is to make a wholesale lifestyle change. That includes a reasonable diet with moderate carbs as well as a well designed exercise regimen.

You made a good first step by acknowledging your food addiction.

good luck,
doctor doom

P.S. To prevent muscular loss while dieting you have to lift Atkins lo-carb diets limit your ability to do this. No glucose in the blood = no big lifts.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
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I weigh 217 and I'm trying to lose about negative 15 lbs.

I'm bulking, by the way.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
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Boston, MA
Hey Devestator, this is a good post. It will help encourage people to get in shape. Good luck to you.

The key to getting in shape is nothing more than Discipline. If you watch what you eat day in/day out and exercise, you'll do well. The reason why people screw up is because they don't follow the guidelines that they set for themselves.

Fat Tony

Don Juan
Jul 9, 2002
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A little over 2 years ago, I tipped the scale at around 350 pounds. Yesterday (1/1/04), I was down to 221 poinds. My goal is somewhere between 185 -195 pounds, I'm guessing. I don't know for sure, becuase I have been overweight since the 2nd grade. I'm trying to reach my goal by the summer.

This weight loss is thus far my life's greatest acomplishment, to make up for the failure of gaining it in the first place. Aside from the obvious health benefits, my confidence in EVERYTHING has skyrocketed. I became more confident with women because of it (along with finding this site), more condfident with my job and job interviews (my salary has almost tripled in that timeframe), and confident about life in general.

As for what I did to lose the weight, it's been pretty much burn more calories than I take in. I watch what I eat, and work out 5 days a week. No Atkins, no South Beach, no Cocaine + Ephedra as coffee creamer, etc. Basically, it's pretty close to Deisel's cutting diet (actually, after it was posted I took a lot of advice from it, and it works).

If you need to lose this much weight, the #1 thing you need to do is get the right mentality. Everytime you think about grabbing a supersized Bic Mac meal, or skipping your workout to have a few beers, you need to ask youself "what choice will make me happiest tomorrow." Once you get into that mindset, the healthy choice will almost always win out.

With few exceptions, it's our own fault we got this way. We need to accept that. The good news is, we have the power change it. If you think you've gone too far downhill to fix it, or are to old, you've got to stop making excuses. I started when I was 28, after never playing a sport, exercising, or having a manual-labor intensive job in my life. I stopped making excuses, and so can you.

I remember how intimidating it was the first time I walked into the gym. I remember watching other people as fat as me stop going to the gym as I continued on. A couple of months ago, a guy in his 40's, in pretty good shape, approached me. He said "I've been watching your progress for awhile. Great job. Your an inspiration to everyone here." Trust me, it's a great feeling of accomplishment.

Get started, get fit, stay fit, and be happy!

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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Great to see people wanting to change and improver their lives.

There are new diets every year. New fads and new quick weight loss ideas.

the problem is, it's a lifetime committment.

Too many people just want a quick fix.

They want to go from 250 down to 200 pounds in a relatively short amount of time. And most people dont' want to put too much work into it.

Look at gyms and fitness centers around the US.

After Jan 1, the gyms are packed. Then around Mid-Feb, if not earlier, it goes back to the normal people.

Wait a few months and suddenly around May and Early June, the gyms and fitness centers are once again, Packed.

Come Mid to late July, they are back to normal again.

Great to make resolutions, great to say you want change, but unless you keep with the program, it's all meaningless words.

As they say, Actions speak louder then words.

Somebody can say they want to change and lose weight and/or gain muscle, but if all they do is talk about it, what's the point?

What needs to be remembered is, make a plan, make goals, and put those plans and goals into action. Try and achieve them.

Make smaller goals first and then larger ones.

Saying I want to go from 250 to 200 pounds in only a month or two is not a good goal.

In fact, losing too much weight too fast is very unhealthy.

Back to the main point, problems will happen. That's life.

Maybe you had a bad week and indulged in a weekend of chocolate, cake, pastries, alcohol, cheesesteaks, and so on.

don't let it get you down, come back in full force on monday.

Maybe you have a nagging ache or pain and take a week or two off. Don't let it bother you, come back even stronger and more rested.

maybe you have family obligations or work obligations and maybe you let a month go by without going to the gym. Maybe you even let your new healthy diet go by the wayside for a month,

whatever it is, you have to find your way back towards your goals.

There will be problems, just don't let those problems conquer you.

If you do, then you will be no better then the people who whine and complain all the time, yet go to burger king 3 times a day, order fries and burgers, but then order a diet coke.

Make plans and goals and stick to them. Problems will happen, but find a way to get back into the swing of things and make more plans to acheive your goals.

Talk means nothing. And it's a lifetime committment, otherwise, you'll be part of the statistics. The people who join the gym after Jan 1 only to stop going by Jan 31.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
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Thanks for everyone's support. The gym at my school is closed until next week, but I do go regularly. The trouble is I eat too much. I like to eat. I'll stay motivated because I have to post my progress next week. I hope everyone else will be similarly motivated.

Oh, we should to continue to DJ even if failure is probable. We'll build up very thick skin to rejection and very good skills having had to compensate for being fat.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2002
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I'll post my details in this thread as soon as I'm able..

I do agree with fat tony when he says the big obstacle is 'mental'.

I've learned to associate GREAT pain to junk food. And now I don't miss it or care for it. The way I look at it is that , I've eaten more than my fair share for a life time so I don't need any more.

I think of junk food as poison.

When I see a burger king add or mcdonalds add, I see their adverts as a 'brainwashing' attempt that failed on me.

When I see ppl eating burger king, I think of them as brainwashed people.

This way of thinking, works for because I like to run, I say to myself that, if I eat all this junk food, then there is no point running...and I know that i want to lose I just decide not to eat the junk food and just run :)


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2003
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Nice post, good luck to all with their resolutions.

My "regimen" if you can even call it that just involves me doing normal exercises like crunchies, push-ups, etc, cutting the junk food out of my diet and reducing intake of starches and fruit, increasing lean protein intake (usually chicken) and eating more veggies. I've always had a couple glasses of skim milk/day so I just continue that...And 1 multivitamin/day. For losing weight this has worked relatively well even if it's not perfect..I went from 220 this summer to 170-175 now.

I'm not sure whether I should keep trying to cut or start bulking (I know I'll need to start lifting for this, but I should have access to weights by mid-January). The thing is I still have a bit of a gut, although it's much better than it was before...I'm guessing my bf% is around 14-15.
Mar 22, 2002
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Sydney, Australia
I'm currently 237 lb and aim to get down to around 200 lb over the next 6 months. My weight was around 230 to 240 lb for a couple of years until about a year ago when I bulked up to 265 lb.

I bulked up to 265 lb because I was frustrated that I couldn't get my love handles off or get my weight below about 230 lb and I wandered if my love handles would disappear if I bulked up (filling the rest of the tummy out). A silly idea I know but anyway I was curious to see how heavy I could get plus I thought it might improve my bench so I decided to gain heaps of weight instead seeing as I couldn't loose it. (Yes its a bit irrational to think 'well I'm not successful at loosing weight so I'll try to succeed at gaining weight instead' but that's what I did - maybe its just the satisfaction of being able to know that I can at least control my body weight in some way).

Any way I went on a bulking diet (ate 4 lb of yoghurt a day and probably half a pound of fish and a half pound of red meat). (I used the yoghurt because it was the only thing I could stomach in such large quantities - I could not eat that much solid food like for example meat in that quantity). I succeeded in gaining 2 lb a week until I got up to 265 lb.

At 265 lb I decided I definitely did not like how I looked. One body fat test I did which I found on the net (by taking body diameter measurements) had me at 27% body fat another one had me at 32%. Sure I was big but I just looked fat (though my chest was still bigger than my gut). I decided being 265 lb wasn't any fun (I couldn't really run at all) so I decided to cut down again. Getting down to 255 lb only took about a month or so and was just a matter of going back to eating normally again. I then seemed to get stuck at 255 lb for about 4 months. (Despite the fact that I reduced my food intake to the point I was constantly hungry - you need to maintain a minimum level of food intake of protein and carbs to maintain muscle tissue and I was on the minimum of what I thought was acceptable for muscle maintenance yet wasn't loosing any weight). Any way I hung in there and the diet I was on eventually started to work albeit very slowly. After probably 5 more months I got down to 245 lb. I then spent about 2 months stuck at 245 lb despite being on what I would consider a sub maintenance diet.

Then about 4 weeks ago I decided to add walking (on the treadmill) to my training routine. At 240 lb I can burn over 400 cals an hour just by walking at 5km/hr. Hence to burn 1 lb of fat (around 3500cals) I only need to walk for 9 hours (So theoretically I could burn 1 lb of fat a day, as a nine hour walk in a day is quite possible - I've done it before many years ago). So I decided to do a three hour walk three times a week thus forcing my body to burn at least 1 lb of fat a week wether it likes it or not.

In actual fact I only managed to do a two hour walk twice a week (on top of my usual 4 hrs weight training a week). Despite only walking 2 hours a week not 9 as I had originally planned I have been losing 2 lb a week for the last 4 weeks.

The moral of the story seems to be that you need to add a fat burning activity to your routine as well as dieting in order to loose weight. Dieting seems to get you down to a certain point but then to continue to loose weight you seem to need to have some aerobic/fat burning exercise going on to get below this point- at least that is the way it works for me.

I plan to continue my diet and walking routine for two more months until I'm down to 220 lb (hopefully continuing to loose 2 lb a week). I'll then spend maybe a month or two stabilizing my weight and semi-bulking (but not going above 225 lb) just to recover any muscle mass I've lost in the dieting phase. I'll then reassess the situation when I'm down to 220lb and if I think it necessary will spend another two months dieting again down to 200 lb or maybe even 190 lb depending on have low I have to go to get ripped. (I also hope to replace my 2 hrs walking with a 40 min run but I'm only just recovering the ability to run).

My aim is to get down to 10% body fat. As a teenager (and naturally skinny ectomorph) with out even trying I was always around 9% (based on body calliper measurements) and I want to return to this fat level (in fact at one stage when I started weight training 17.5 years ago I used to have a clearly visible double peak to my biceps even though they were quite small). Now I've got the size (18.5 inch arms) they would like quite good if I could return to this level not to mention that at 36 years old I'm at the age when heart attacks become a real possibility and I can seriously benefit from having a low body fat level health wise too.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
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Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Mr. Latte
Atkins will make you what we call a "skinny fat guy." Let's face it....losing weight is good for your health, but we do it to look good with our shirts off. If you're gonna put up with all the pain and STILL look fat, why bother?
BS - a Low Carb diet teaches your body to burn fat for energy as opposed to carbs.

Look at all the so-called body builders who carb load - they have muscle hidden under layers of fat.

You want to drop weight, cut the carbs.
You want to get cut, cut the carbs.

Take it from someone who's actually done Atkins, went from 240+ to 180 in 8.5 months who doesn't look fat - "skinny" fat or otherwise.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people who know so little about Low-Carb feel the need to lecture others on it.

Atkins/Low Carb is one of the fastest and easiest way to lose weight in a healthy manner.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by victor von doom

You'll have to ask DIESEL that. But I do know that lo-carb diets are bullshyt.

Based on what? Do you just parrot what others say without researching it?

What, do you expect to go lo-carb for the rest of your life? It like all other gimmick diets is destined for failure.
Besides, it's nutritionally unbalanced.

Really? Atkins diet has been around longer than you have.
Some fad. Destined to fail? Based on what?
And i guess all those low-carb, fiberous veggies really make my diet "unbalanced"

The best way to lose weight is to make a wholesale lifestyle change. That includes a reasonable diet with moderate carbs as well as a well designed exercise regimen.

Subtitute the words "moderate carbs" with "low-glycemic" carbs and an exercise regimen, and you've just described the maintanace phase of Atkins. But you know the ins - and - outs of Atkins, right?

P.S. To prevent muscular loss while dieting you have to lift Atkins lo-carb diets limit your ability to do this. No glucose in the blood = no big lifts.

Are we talking about losing weight or gaining muscle?
And why do body builders load up with PROTIEN in order to build muscles?
Again, in the maintanance phase of Atkins, you are up around 100 grams of low-glycemic carbs.
And again, please educate yourself before spewing your ignorance.