ive kissed this girl about 5 times, been on a few dates, things are going fairly well with her, last night she was meant to come over but about 2 hours earlier she texted me and said her sister was having a party and that her sister was making her stay at home.... obvious bullsh1t i know...
anyways i texted her saying yeah its cool dw about it, she replied saying, oh thats a relief, i thought you be mad at me for bailing...
to this i replied: i am mad at you for bailing, i just cbf with your annoying games. she hasnt replied to this.
you should also know that this girl is the worlds biggest frigit, im the only guy shes kissed and shes really shy. its not the first time she has flaked on me though...
i cannot figure out for the life of me why she does this...
1. why does she flake sometimes, but usually seem keen to see me and is happy to kiss for ages, texts me and asks me to call her to say goodnight etc..
2. how should i change my game to stop her flaking?
3. what should i do now that she hasnt replied to my text? (im guessing ignore her?)
anyways i texted her saying yeah its cool dw about it, she replied saying, oh thats a relief, i thought you be mad at me for bailing...
to this i replied: i am mad at you for bailing, i just cbf with your annoying games. she hasnt replied to this.
you should also know that this girl is the worlds biggest frigit, im the only guy shes kissed and shes really shy. its not the first time she has flaked on me though...
i cannot figure out for the life of me why she does this...
1. why does she flake sometimes, but usually seem keen to see me and is happy to kiss for ages, texts me and asks me to call her to say goodnight etc..
2. how should i change my game to stop her flaking?
3. what should i do now that she hasnt replied to my text? (im guessing ignore her?)