call several times?


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
OK I am in Spain, so I dont know how it works in the US. I have one question. Do you guys think it is better to "befriend" the girl, i mean talk to her several times before asking out, I think that gives them a little confidence about you, otherwise, IF only IF you want a decent girl she'd think that you just want to go out and make out and blah blah blha, this occurred to me after i commented to my sister that i have been rejected several times when asking a girl out after getting her number and waiting some days. It is kind of stupid, but she told me -If you asked me right in the first call or MSN chat or text message i wouldn;t go out with you. I need you to call me sometimes and chat with me to give me some confidence "

Sooooooooooooo If what i want is like her...:kick: :trouble: I might withstand some hangs up, and No-answering AT FIRST.....And guys she is not a *****, nor a stupid girl.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
yea I know, but i am asking since i have never tried this, I mean it's not that i am going to be hher friend obviously. But giving her confidence. I dont know it clicked me just some time ago, reading a tip that said something about this. Anyone remember if it was here?
