Call her out on it, OR let it sit?


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
So if you have a EX and both of you are TRYING to do the "Friend" thing with and you talk Wednesday about grabbing a few drinks and hanging out for a bit on Saturday and you text her Friday in the evening to see if you're still on for it and you don't get a reply. Then Saturday noonish you get a message from her and it has nothing to do with initial question. Do you call this sh!t out and let her know that you wouldn't put up with it when you were dating and you defiantly won't as a friend. Or do you just let it ride, like whatever and don't ask the girl to hangout anymore.

I don't want to hear "Why do you care", "Don't hangout with an EX" etc..I'm just asking what you guys would do. Call her out, or just ignore it and don't invite her out anymore. Like sh1t does come up but still, it takes 10 fvcking seconds to say yeah I can come, or no I can't. Part of me says call her ass out on it, the other says who give a sh!t. I still went out and had a fun night.

If it was a guy friend who did this, I would probably jokingly hit him up and be like WTF man, you never hit me up last night what happen? But its not and that's probably not the right way to go about this. Idk, opinions?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
The answer you want to hear: call her out on it. Lay all your cards out on the table and tell her how much you still care about her, how much you think about her, how you deserve more from her, how you won't tolerate this level of disrespect from her anymore, so let's give it another shot next weekend. Whether it takes a single text or several hours to express all of this is irrelevant - what matters are your feelings, how she treats you and (especially) her perception of you. It's very important that this one particular girl respects you. Let her know and make sure that she understands this. You're not a quitter, so keep at it. Stay the course. Fight for her.

The answer you don't want to hear: find a girl that digs you right off the bat and doesn't mess around with your head as if it were own personal little beach ball. Realize that there are billions of other people (not just women) to be "friends" with, and a good number of these would be more than happy to kick it with you without having to jump through hoops and explaining yourself and demanding that they treat you with respect.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
If you call her out on it you are telling her her behavior effects you. Say nothing to her... go have drinks and pick up another girl.

She's ignoring your question because it is annoying to her. Calling her out on it will only annoy her more... you can not win arguments with women because they do not use logic. All you can do is ignore her and walk away.