California and gay marriage

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Don Juan
Oct 17, 2008
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speakeasy said:
I didn't say "evil gay agenda" so I don't know why you put it in quotes. Is this just a smear?

It's not about whether it affects me personally. A guy smoking crack on the other side of town doesn't affect me personally. That doesn't mean I think it should be legal.
The way that you described the "underlying agenda" that homosexuals don't want to admit just seemed a little much.

Also, how can you compare homosexuality with drug addiction? Homosexuality should only affect the two consenting adults, and how they live their lives. To give children the idea that heterosexual couples are ideal, and thus preferred, in this society will breed intolerance towards homosexuality (in my opinion).

ANyway bro, I'm not trying to attack you or belittle you. My bad for coming off that way.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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New jersey
Ken785 said:
Im all for gay people having equal rights...whatever.

But unless you think its OK for school systems to teach your children fairy tales about princes kissing other princes in the 2nd grade without parent consent, then be smart for the sake of your children...

Ask yourself can say give gays their rights to marry and blah blah...but...

Would you want your KIDS to be educated about being homosexual?!?

How would you feel if your son or daughter grew up and said they wanted to be GAY?!??


Watch this...
Being gay is NOT a choice man. I can be exposed to gayness 24 hours a day and at the end of the day, biologically, I will still want to fvck women. Parents then might actually have to EXPLAIN something to their kids about something that truly exists in the world and has existed for millenia...OH NO!!!! Gayness is real, let them be married, call it marriage, and everyone else just get a chick and stop caring about something you are not.

And there's no way you can compare drug use to homosexuality. One leads to crime and degeneration, the other one leads to a well groomed appearance and living space. I've never seen two gay cat burglars...;)


Feb 10, 2005
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WhitePimp said:
Being gay is NOT a choice man. I can be exposed to gayness 24 hours a day and at the end of the day, biologically, I will still want to fvck women.
Yeah but they say being a pedophile isn't a choice either. It doesn't really matter if it's a choice or biological or both it's still abnormal. To say it should be tolerated or accepted is one thing. But to put it as an equivalent to heterosexual is another.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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fuzzx said:
Gayness is not biological, it has to do with the way you are raised as a child. This was explained to me by several good friends (gay both tops/bottoms). There is whats known as 'gay soup' in their circles. Ask a gay guy about his upbringing and you will always hear about severely dysfunctional families. Its not just absentee fathers, there are a lot of factors involved, but all severely mind bending: abuse, abandonment, neglect, perversion... Gays will know other gays almost instantly because of the gay soup factors: for example gay lisps are in no way biological. In a way its not their choice but at the same time they are bi-products of dysfunctional relationships and I for one wouldn't, don't and won't foster and encourage that in society.
You are confusing several ideas. Some of what you say is correct.

Saying that no gayness is biological is completely untrue.
Some developmentalists and researches will agree that certain childhood events can lead to sexual confusion (I would agree too), but this does not exclude biological dispositions toward being homo.

You need to examine the distinction between gender and sexual differences.

I would say you are right about the "gay soup" factor. This happens in any group or cohort. People who say "dude" alot typically hang out with people who say "dude" alot. It's a natural part of social interaction.

It's also been shown that children raised by gay parents turn out gay at the same rate as children raised by straight parents.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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There are biological predispositions to cancer many other conditions. I guess that makes them a-ok and we should just accept them.


Oct 3, 2006
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This is coming from a straight guy

VOTE NO on prop 8. Nature has already put a curse on these homos since the beginning of time. That curse is they can't have kids. like men and women do. And thats where the line is drawn FOREVER.

How will same sex marriage affect your daily already miserable lives? Non whatsover and it would generate revenues. Definitely won't affect your pockets.

Seriouisly, you see gay people roaming the streets, on TV, everywhere. WOuld you really care if they were married or not? I wouldnt.

As for teaching this in schools that same sex marriage is OKAY, i would be totally 101% against it. Let people who they want to be, we don't need anymore brainwashing

And for all you religious nutz here, if GOD was against same sex marriage, then let those homos go to hell for marrying each. Its NOT YOU WHO IS GOING TO END UP IN HELL. Let them homos do their thing and go to hell while you do your thing and go to heaven.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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A lot of poor science in this thread from people who know absolutely nothing about homosexuality, claiming that being gay is a choice and some crap about 'gay soup factors'...

Also a lot of people trying to enforce their beliefs onto others: just because you believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, doesn't mean everyone else does. That's why I say yes, let the gays marry. Marriage isn't sacred to me, so I am not forcing my beliefs onto anyone else. If you think it is sacred, however, then make your one sacred.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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No, *I* believe permitting a guy in a frock execute a legal contract between 2 people without adequate legal counsel is wrong for anyone. Making this "service" available to a wider slice of the population is therefore wrong.

Marriage as a legal concept is completely jacked.


Oct 3, 2006
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bigjohnson said:
No, *I* believe permitting a guy in a frock execute a legal contract between 2 people without adequate legal counsel is wrong for anyone. Making this "service" available to a wider slice of the population is therefore wrong.

Marriage as a legal concept is completely jacked.
yes on 8 or no on 8?


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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Nature or Nurture?

Anybody think of just what percentage of people are gay?

last i heard the research said 3%, i'm willing to bump it up to 5% for the ones that are scared.

10% of the male population has had some sexual experience with a guy but not nessicarily genital contact.

so let's round off at 7% of the male population is gay for argument sakes.

I'm getting these numbers from the NATSAI survey taken in the UK FYI.

Common sense tells me that 7% of a whole number is NOT alot. Yet we're constantly bombarded by images of it on TV, ads, and even in our legal system (Props 8 for example).

I recall in school, we'd have gay and lesbian speakers come and talk about their experiences. Hell even in sex ed they taught us to use different condoms for anal!

So when i hear Nature Vs Nurture, i see a myriad of factors. What environment is the kid growing up in? what kind of education is the kid being given? personal experiences of the child? Parentage?

But what really convinces me, is that 80% of those questions are Nurture related. only about 20% are nature related.

We see that 20% all the time, in both males and females. That soccer chick who could probably kick your ass? Yeah she's probably 20% male, but she still loves to **** like she's riding a racehorse!

That guy who loves to write poetry, he dresses very well and can even do origami? Yeah he's probably 20% female, but he'd still love to pork that soccer chick.

This is the train of thought that brings me to my stance on homosexuality, it's an abberant behavior in a small percentage of the whole population, we're FEEDING it by giving it so much attention.

Yes there are a small number of people who naturally lean towards homosexuality, but that number is being inflated by the constant barrage the average person receives of homosexual messages, and they start to use it as a crutch for the rest of their life.

Things didn't work out with that girl you were dating? you must be gay.

You like to write poetry and romantic stuff? you must be gay.

People aren't smart, they can't figure out the difference between a choice and a tendancy in their head. they let their surroundings affect their choices and become tendancies.


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
Teflon_Mcgee said:
I think marriage is a man made concept and calling it a 'sacred' thing is ridiculous. It's a word with a definition.

Marriage or civil union? It's a matter of semantics. It's a silly distinction.

Because it's something you consider sacred or have a special meaning for does not make it universally so.

Many people of this earth hold many ideas to be sacred. And they actively protect and demonstrate there sacredness with much rigidity.
You, and us, violate these sacred ideas on a daily basis without a second thought.

Eat a hamburger, kill a bug, joke of the prophet, say "Jesus" in vain.
You've just trampled on the sacred ideas of hundreds of millions of people.

But I think regardless of your beliefs, you should let responsible adults conduct their lives as they see fit so long as their behaviour is not truly disruptive or harmful.

Live and let live.

Society naturally progress and ideas must be challenged for the good of mankind. To refuse the reality of social evolution is to be blind of the truth.

You don't have to like it. You do have to realize the ideas we hold now will be considered antiquated in the future. Just as we consider societal behavior of the past ridiculous. And not only of the past, but also cultures of the present who dictate law based on their ideas of sacred teachings.

Do I care if gays can marry or not? No.
Do I care if straights can marry or not? No.

Do what you will, but allow others to do as you do.

BigJohnson hit it on the head.
Sounds like a man with some sense..

Most of the rest seem like a bunch of homophobs with a bible, which is pretty funny to me because Athiest get married and no one seems to have a problem with that. So much for sacred.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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verysuave said:
This is coming from a straight guy

VOTE NO on prop 8. Nature has already put a curse on these homos since the beginning of time. That curse is they can't have kids. like men and women do. And thats where the line is drawn FOREVER.

How will same sex marriage affect your daily already miserable lives? Non whatsover and it would generate revenues. Definitely won't affect your pockets.
Wow so you're telling people they should change their values for monetary reasons. Oh, because there's revenues, that makes it right. Yeah...why don't we sell crack at the supermarket too since that generates revenues.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ
Somewhere around 80% of the money flowing in urging people to vote yes on Prop 8 is from the Mormon church. i'm sorry but i don't think i like their track on marriage; let's see gave up the right to plural marriage to gain statehood; of course some sects still support plural marriage and you have 60-70 yr. old men marrying 13-14 yr old women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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verysuave said:
yes on 8 or no on 8?
I don't live in California. I'm against anything that more deeply entrenches marriage into the legal machinery though, so I'm for making everyone get a "civil union" if they want a legal contract and getting rid of State regulated marriage altogether. It's a religious thing, get government out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
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bigjohnson said:
I don't live in California. I'm against anything that more deeply entrenches marriage into the legal machinery though, so I'm for making everyone get a "civil union" if they want a legal contract and getting rid of State regulated marriage altogether. It's a religious thing, get government out.
That could be a possible compromise. But then the question becomes whether we limit how many people can enter a civil union. Everytime we move back the goalpost to accomodate another group, someone else is going to claim they want their rights next. What if there's an incestuous relationship, would we grant a civil union to a brother and sister that wanted to get married?


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
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United States
Ken785 said:
Im all for gay people having equal rights...whatever.

What do you think "equal rights" means?

But unless you think its OK for school systems to teach your children fairy tales about princes kissing other princes in the 2nd grade without parent consent, then be smart for the sake of your children...
Sake of your children, eh? This issue has nothing to do with children at all. If I had children I'd want them to be tolerant and accepting of all kinds of people.

Ask yourself can say give gays their rights to marry and blah blah...but...

Would you want your KIDS to be educated about being homosexual?!?

How would you feel if your son or daughter grew up and said they wanted to be GAY?!??


Watch this...
*sigh* Why are you shouting at me?

Again, you're making this issue about kids who it has nothing to do with.

1) Sure, I think it's good for kids (or anyone) to be educated.
2) "Wanted to be gay?" It's not a choice. And if a child of mine were gay I would love and support him/her and hope he/she has the best life possible, even though legalizing gay marriage doesn't really affect whether or not your kids will be gay anyway. No one who would have been straight otherwise is going to suddenly turn gay just because gay marriage is legal.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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speakeasy said:
.... would we grant a civil union to a brother and sister that wanted to get married?
You need to think more clearly, you're still mixing a contract (civil union) with marriage where there should be no mixing. Of course you and your sister can get a civil union, you can also start your own LLC or any number of other legal contracts.

First it's probably already legal to hump her if you really want to.

Second the civil union means nothing outside survivorship, health care and other LEGAL issues. It's not a license to have sexual relations - last I looked no such license is required anyway.
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