Here's my study method for Calculus (got 100% in Cal I and II):
1- Never miss a note given in class (you don't have to understand everything beforehand; I am a big procrastinator, so I am against reading the book in advance... and it still works for me)
2- Write every homework, exercise to do at home, and chapters to read in the book on a SEPARATE sheet, that way you can keep track of what you are doing.
3- Organize your time so that you can do the following, in the exact order, before the exam (don't mess up and be short on time, you WILL fail, because you need to do everything):
a) Read the chapter in the book, and RE-DO THE EXAMPLES without looking at the solution written in the book (ie you re-write the question and do it again). While you are doing this, take note of the KEY elements that you might not remember on a separate summary sheet. Put a checkmark next to the appropriate pages on the sheet you have written all the exercises and pages to read on.
b) Read the notes give in class, and RE-DO THE EXAMPLES given in class. While you are doing this, take note of the KEY elements that you might not remember on a separate summary sheet. Put a checkmark next to the appropriate pages on the sheet you have written all the exercises and pages to read on.
c) Make sure you understand the theory PERFECTLY and that you can do all the examples without looking at the solution.
d) Then, and ONLY THEN, will you start doing the exercises in the book. Check the answer after each problem. Re-do the problems you did not get right. If there is a problem you don't get right after the second time, or you really don't know how to do it, GO BACK TO "a" AND START OVER. After you're done, look at the sheet you have written all the exercises on, and re-do the ones you have missed on the first try (hoping there are not too many).
Best of luck with Calculus! I hope this helps.
Now back to studying for my Physiology final... (Why am I even on here???)