By The Way...


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2002
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who in here knows any tips on how to become smarter cuz i just feel like a dambass most of the time... mylittle brother and me argue ( i'm 16 he's 13) and it just seems like he has better arguments. plus my memory is REALLY bad so i forget what i say and make myself look like a dumbass... which also brings me to the point of how to have better memory, cuz i cant even remember what i did yesterday or even earlier today. i remember though that when i was between 10-13 i felt like i was the smartest, the fastest, had the best memory basically the best at everything. now i dunno what happened to all that...

another thing i neeeed help with is how to be less self-conscious, act more instead of react, and not feel like i have to show people or impress people in some or other way ( i'm still stuck on trying to give people the impresssion that i'm "gangsta" you know with the slang and the what not...i have lost the walk though) so enlighten me .... some of you guys are actually some help, some of you are just haranging me to make yourself seem better but thats okay, for those of you really ready to help,.... do yur thing

The Bishop

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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Originally posted by ABGPlayer
who in here knows any tips on how to become smarter cuz i just feel like a dambass most of the time... mylittle brother and me argue ( i'm 16 he's 13) and it just seems like he has better arguments. plus my memory is REALLY bad so i forget what i say and make myself look like a dumbass... which also brings me to the point of how to have better memory, cuz i cant even remember what i did yesterday or even earlier today. i remember though that when i was between 10-13 i felt like i was the smartest, the fastest, had the best memory basically the best at everything. now i dunno what happened to all that...

another thing i neeeed help with is how to be less self-conscious, act more instead of react, and not feel like i have to show people or impress people in some or other way ( i'm still stuck on trying to give people the impresssion that i'm "gangsta" you know with the slang and the what not...i have lost the walk though) so enlighten me .... some of you guys are actually some help, some of you are just haranging me to make yourself seem better but thats okay, for those of you really ready to help,.... do yur thing
Dont smoke so much weed.

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
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!Robin Hood country, Uk!
The way i got smart was to read.
When i was younger, i would read everyday, History books,Fiction books these can teach you so much, you can learn the authors thoughts and learn knowledge that would elude you otherwise.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2003
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Jonny is right. Just read as often as you can, the newspaper, magazines, whatever. It doesn't have to be Shakespeare, just find something you're interested in and you'll enjoy it more than you might think. Even Sports Illustrated articles have really good writing. This will really improve your vocabulary and persuasive skills.

Solving your other problem is a little tougher, but not impossible. I used to be extremely self-concious but have improved quite a bit. Every time you feel self-conscious, just ask yourself "Why the hell do I care what this person thinks about me?" The majority of the time, you'll find that you don't have a very good answer.
Nov 15, 2003
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Re: Re: By The Way...

Originally posted by The Bishop
Dont smoke so much weed.
Seriously maynn, do you smoke weed??? Cuz I don't know what else might cause that much of a memory loss over 3 years, u mite wanna see a doctor about that unless its the weed jus cut down n quit eventually.

If u wanna be smarter, jus sit back and observe more. Try to look at less obvious things and dont blurt out just anything. If you argueing something and ur losin instead of sayin sumthin that makes no sense jus say "uhuh ok, wuteva u say".

Dont' be self conscious cuz everyone else (every gurl) is. If you not self conscius, u have the advantage ova them. Plus, being self conscious dont help u, it wont make u look betta or anythin else, so its useless, jus be ****y as hell and think u da **** in yo mind.

As far as that gangsta ****, the reason mad ppl wanna be gansgta is cuz it demands respect, but if u TRYNA be gangsta that aint respect worthy...gansgtas will always fight or wuteva wheneva they get "dissed", and people that try 2 be gangsta will try2 act like they wanna fight all the time too, but really u should want to fight if ugot dissrespected to regain your repsect and get revenge, not to ive up to a certain persona. And the u carry a gun?? Cuz the reason gansgtas walk like dat is cuz they got the toast in they jeans to one side and it weighs them down on one leg. The slang u use, no matta if it be "ghetto" or wuteva otha kinds of slang there are, should ust be something you pick up from hanging around whoever u hang with and from Tv and music, not a way u feel u must talk.

Listen to G-Unit, on one joint's hook 50 say "They talkin that gangsta ****, they aint bout that, man matta fact, hand me my strap, show me wheer they at I'ma make 'em stop talking like that!" Bein gangsta is about having your respect and doin wuteva to maintain it, not about TALKING. Real gansgtas dont boast, they jus go bout they bizz.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2002
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see... the problem is i dont smoke at all.... never have.... thanks for the replies......

if anyone wants to give anymore advice go ahead


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2003
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San Francisco
Read the "Metamorphisis" by Franz Kakfa. (It's only 30 pages... you can handle it)

Watch "8 1/2" by Fredrico Fellini. (It's a movie, for christ sake... a comedy also. You won't even realise that you're reading subtitles)

Stop there or you'll become an intellectual (that is a little problem that I have). Unless of course, you're going for the intellectual women (that's another problem I have). Just ask for extended list if needed.

Now that I've thought of it, read Breakfast Of Champions, it is just kick-ass. Funniest book ever. Or really anything by Kurt Vonnegut, they are all hilarious. Plus they are generally excepted as serious literature.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2003
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Well, memory is the kind of thing that is easiest to improve while you're still a kid. I remember they made me constantly memorize poems back in 1st-5th grade (Russian Schools) and now I can remember most of the material just by skimming over it once. For example when our french teacher tells us to memorize some 3 page dialogue and present it in class I just read it twice 5 mins before the class begins. About being smart, I dunno what a good advice would be, it depends on you and your surroundings. For example I hate reading books but my mom probbaly read every single book in the library back when she was in school and is like a walking encyclopedia now and I often talk to her on many different topics so I'm inheriting her knowledge. Also, like others said, before commenting on something try to wait a little, think about your response. And in conversations, try to look at it from the other person's view when they argue about their point, then you can understand where they're coming from and see the strengths and flaws of their argument.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
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Probe deeper into understanding things, and think before you speak when arguing. (Don't do this when trying to pick up chicks...this is my problem, I hesitate too much) Probing deeper would be thinking, instead of "Dude I just got the new Dave Matthews CD", add along "Do CD's play tracks going out of the center (radially) or going around (tangentially, and the right answer)?"

Spend time thinking about stuff..philosophize.