the dating market is way more competitive now than ever....even in our lifetime since we would have been teens we can see a huge shift towards this. Tons of stats out there that are showing substantial portions of young men are sexless. Women are far pickier and demand more than what you would have saw with older generations of women lol. I've repeated this a million times on here.
The thing is, many women aren't really all that exceptional but they believe they are and therefore think they are too good for men roughly on their level. This is something you'll see a lot with career women especially.
Michael Sartain is well known for saying that 80% of men are invisible to women. Rollo Tomassi is well known for saying that the average woman isn't interested in the average man.
You're correct that women are far more selective now than in recent decades in the past. Sexlessness has even increased since the 2000s, which wasn't too long ago.
Career women are some of the fussiest women out there. Not only are they fussy on looks, they are also fussy on income/money. Most career women make their own money. Consider the semi-successful man thread from the below. Career women generally don't want him, though a few aging career women might settle on one, especially if they meet him from a social circle. It is difficult to sell the idea to career women making $115,000/year that a man making $90,000/year is a good option for her. Most of the time, the $115,000/year woman will reject the $90,000/year man, though there are cases where a longer term relationship will form and possibly lead to marriage. When a woman outearns a man by 10-15% or more, she will not be satisfied in the relationship. She will either leave him due to her dissatisfaction or she will stay and be unhappy. It will be a subpar, minimal sex LTR/marriage. Neither outcome is good for either the man or the career woman.
Men in this category, $75k-$125k salary, relatively in shape, drive a good car, has a few hobbies, women do not want. Why? Because this man has standards. Women do not want to work for their men. Women of today want a simp or a millionaire. Simple as that. This is what society aka social media...
Yes and that is why a good proportion of these women are single, and occasionally having sex with some guy above their league that ghosts them after
Think about this. The woman in this video is maybe a 6-7 range pursuing 8.5+ level men. She is pissed about getting ghosted by 8.5+ level men as a 6.5 so she's hoping she can now cling on to a 6.5 guy.
Due to female abundance, women like the 6-7 woman in this video have gotten accustomed to having sex with elite level men and never getting that commitment. A lot of them will spend years/decades chasing commitment from the top tier guy and most never get it. The 6-7 range woman in that video is already in her 30s and she is realizing that in order to get commitment, she's going to need to get a man in her 6-7 range, which she considers mid. She doesn't like this because she's gotten accustomed to sex with top tier men and has spent years believing she's entitled to one for the long term.
But even these women after a while will become desperate enough and settle with a guy at their level
I see this all the time, girls that were picky and ending up with some boring average guy
Some women become desperate enough to settle for a man at her level, like the desires for the woman in the "hoe_math Mid" video above. Then, there are well known examples like Courtney Ryan (thread below) and Loren Rosko (discussed in a Courtney Ryan video, link below). Courtney Ryan settled for a rich dweeb named Teddy Baldassarre after getting run through by alpha/sigma males. Courtney Ryan had the realization that she wasn't going to get a commitment from an alpha/sigma by her mid-20s and latched onto a rich dweeb in her mid-20s. I believe Loren Rosko is in her early 30s and she is married to a "hot nerd". Rosko has great breast implants but even she realized that she was better off slightly settling than going for some alpha/sigma bad boy and never getting the commitment level that she desired. Both Ryan and Rosko had the realization that it was in their best interests to settle with a more boring, more average guy before age 30. Many women don't have the foresight that Ryan and Rosko had and go into their 30s/40s still demanding elite level men. These are the women commonly called the penis carousel riders. I can't figure out who is the target market for a woman being a men's issue specialist/leader.
Girls after 28 start to look like sh1t, by the time they are 32 they do not even resemble to how they looked in their early 20s
This is true in a lot of cases. While I have seen many attractive women in their 30s/40s, it's a bit less common than women aging not well. Also, it's worth noting to say that an attractive 35 year old woman isn't likely as good as she was at 20-25, unless she had some significant issue in her peak years, such as being overweight.
it is fair that the guys get them towards the expiration date? Nope but this is how life is
Plenty of men in their 30s/40s are pussie beggars who settle for women near the expiration date or even beyond. "The Wall" is softer than we think.
white male that 6'4", 230 and fit I see that I'm taller and in better shape than the majority of men at any gym, let alone compared to the general public. I consider myself above average but even I've found I've had issues with the dating market.If I have issues with this, I can't imagine what it's like for a legitimately average guy, let alone one that is below average lol.
If a 6'4" man with a fit/muscular frame struggles in the dating market, then it is a bad sign for the rest of the market. I've been participating in the sexual marketplace for 24 years as a 5'10" man who is relatively in shape. I've not been on the same fitness level as
@sangheilios . My 24 years in the sexual marketplace have included many struggles but I've also put up more notches than most men lifetime too. Unlike 'Chads', I've had to work harder for my notches. I've had to swipe more,
message more, approach more, and fight more to retain.
As mentioned earlier, there has been an increase in sexlessness for men. Women have more abundance now and spend more time chasing the top men than men they consider mid. The middle of the bell curve man has struggled more since the 2000s as compared to a middle of the bell curve man of the 1970s-1990s.
The modern dating market is much more difficult compared to what you saw in the past. Not sure how old you are, but you can find people that were boomers or older and listen to them describe how they found their spouses. Very often all it took was something as simple as a smile and hi lol, next thing you know they are married and have children. Today, many women have really crazy expectations where it's supposed to go story book perfect or where the guy needs to have a bunch of points checked off on her list. This isn't a dig at you specifically, but I think a lot of people on this forum severely underestimate the commonality and severity of what I'm discussing here.
In 2024, there are a bunch of men who are 60-78 years old. They are Boomers. There are also some 79+ year old men living in The Silent Generation. Boomer and Silent males have had an easier time during their lifetimes in the sexual marketplace than the Millennials and beyond.
There are plenty of Boomer men who were middle of the bell curve men that had decent lives in the sexual marketplace. Some of these Boomers met a woman in their teenage/young adult years, married them, and the marriages lasted. They may or may not have been quality marriages, but they lasted. For the middle of the bell curve Boomers that divorced (likely during the 1980s-1990s), they typically found themselves a 2nd Boomer wife without massive struggles. Boomer women did not believe that they were entitled to commitment from 'Chads'. It is true that there were Boomer women who were groupies for Alpha male musicians like Jon Bon Jovi, Vince Neil, and Eddie Van Halen, but that wasn't the middle of bell curve Boomer woman.
The middle of the bell curve man has struggled more since the 2000s as compared to a middle of the bell curve man of the 1970s-1990s.
If the typical 1950s born Baby Boomer had been a 1980s born Millennial, he would be an incel/borderline incel man unless he had a social circle to bail him out. That's how much more difficult the sexual marketplace has become since the 1980s Millennials came of age in the 2000s.
A lot of people on this forum do underestimate the commonality and severity of the crisis. Michael Sartain and Rollo Tomassi haven't underestimated it, as both realize that the majority of men are invisible to the majority of women. Aaron Clarey has also said the same thing and even wrote a book about this reality for most men (see below). There's an idea that a man has to be subpar to struggle and that's a falsehood. Even the 1990s-2000s pickup artists were realizing this when they created the term Average Frustrated Chump. In order to be an Average Frustrated Chump, one had to be average. Average men and even above average but not exceptional men are struggling in this marketplace.