DJF your a mans man. Now see that is what I am talking about. Good for you, you want to come down to Chicago I am ready. I am going to Dallas from march 15-and will be back on march 18. I am on vaction from work on the 13,14,19,20,21. So I have all the time in the world on those days.
Listen DJF I don't like being a bad guy or being a flamer. You sound like a good kid. A few things before I give my advice on the scenario. DJF money is not everything and pvssy is not everything. I learned that the hard way. You say my information is useless, I am really not here to give great information. I am not gunwitch, or pook or any of those guys. I could fvck 10,000 girls and I would not give information like those guys.
Just because a guy gives good advice it doesn't mean that he is the best seducer of woman. Do you think Gunwitch who may be the all time great at sosuave at giving advice has seduced more girls than any guy in the world. Do you think guys like mystery, and style fvcked more girls than anyone in the world. FVCK NO.
Listen the best players in the world are naturals. They don't need sosuave. DJF when I was your age I believe your 22 and I am 30 now I would have never thought of this fvcking website. I had the best crew. I had woman all around me. I was clubbing 5 fvcking days a week. I would laugh at this website, I was a fvcking natural. 90% of the people on this website were at one point or another afc, thats why they are here.
My advice shows no growth, I have earned my stripes in this game. I had my share of woman, and I know the ins and the outs.
Ok now for the scenario---
I am an afc and don't know sh1t about girls.- Listen everything is built on confidence and experience. The first thing an afc like this must do is. Set goals, do well in school, learn a martial art, work out, things like this will give you that inner confidence. Go talk to girls. I don't care if you talk to 100 girls and get refected by everysingle one of them. On girl will take the bait. If you can't game a hot girl than bang a girl that is subpar. You have to crawl before you can walk. Bang a fat girl, an ugly girl, pyssy is pvssy. Build yourself up and you will be banging hot chicks in no time.
The remedy is to get out there on the field. Forget about sosuave. Nothing beats
I have a particular girl that I am thinking about yet she doesn't call me back.. If a girl does not call you back than the only advice I can give you is to stop calling her. If you keep calling her you will come off as creepy. This is my mentality with girls that don't call back. Remember guys always remember that you are the prize. If she doesn't call back than it is her loss.
I see girls that are attractive yet I won't say nothing to them- Remember you are the prize. Don't put pressure on yourself to get a number or a fvck close. Just develop some rapport make them smile, get used to talking. The more you talk the more confident you will become. You will in no time succeed with woman.
When I go out on dates I pay for everything yet get only as far as a kiss.. I know this site says don't pay for dates. Me personally I always pay. I just think it is the classy thing to do. I don't care if I go out on a date with a girl and she was ugly, I would still pay, thats me. There is nothing wrong with going on a date and only getting a kiss. But it depends what your looking for. WHen I was 22 I was all about the fvck closes. So if I was struggling with fvck closes and only getting kisses then I would say
SEXUAL STATE COMES INTO PLAY. If your like me who at this point in the game its not all about fvcking. It is about having a good time.
I have 1 fvck buddy and there are three other girls right now that I have gone out on dates the last 10 days.
Girl A calls me at 4 in the morning I am sleeping. I call her the next day and ask if everything is ok. She says yeah but says she just wanted me. THAT IS A FVCK CLOSE WAITING TO HAPPEN.
GIRL B- 22 year old leaves me a
text saying hey hotness I can't wait to see you again, I have a great time with you, and we need to spend a night together pronto> THAT IS A FVCK CLOSE WAITING TO HAPPEN.
Girl C- I am not crazy about this girl but she is the biggest sweetheart. I didn't even attempt a kiss. She texts me the next day saying I am sorry I am so reserved I really like you. LOL I didn't even try anything on this girl and she is telling me she is reserved. **** CLOSE WAITING TO HAPPEN.
I can be passive with woman at times. This doesn't make me an afc now if I wanted to fvck them and couldn't than that is AFC.
I will probably end up fvcking 2 out of 3 of these brauds because they are going to seduce me. LOL
AND YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY. I have 2 things going for me.
1. Confidence- that comes from my achievements.
2. Knowing I am the prize- That comes with confidence.
If you have these 2 things woman will flock to you like flies on sh1t.
Your turn. Maybe we should have leeman67 join us he is also from chicago. He could learn a thing or two. LOL