No offense but people who are afraid of this type of thing because they think they will be friendzoned have deficiencies in their game they could use some work on.
If you think talking with someone leads to a friendzone then I'd advise you to work on what it is you are talking about that leads you there because there are always 2 directions you can go either up or down in terms of interest level.
In my case it almost always goes up. If it goes down for you then I'd suggest you use this time to work on this part of your game. Because its not like you are going to be seeing them anytime soon.
The part you fail to miss is, you're not the only guy she is video chatting with, the potential for her to meet a guy she likes more than you is very real. I had chick who got flaked on doing 2 of these and she wanted me to do it. I was like EFF No.
There are still women wanting to meet, there still women smashing guys,
I rather be one of those guys that she is risking to Smash than be the guy she is video chatting with for 2 months..