Building Blocks of Being Funny


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
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birmingham, uk
The thirteen rules

1. Be smart, Be topical
The number one rule at the top of the comedy pyramid, the thing you need to get from your time reading this post, is to be smart and topical.
If you are smart and topical then you will always be prepared with some thing to react to, that will bulk up your comedy inventory!

to do this, you have to know what is out there that is funny.
read a news paper, watch the headlines, buy a magazine. you need to know what people are talking about, thinking about, and whats "in" in the pop culture. when its summer, hot jokes are in; when we are fighting terrorists,bin laden jokes or saddamm hussain are in, if your girlfriend is trying to loose weight then fat jokes are in. you need to read the news paper, watch news, so that in any situation you know what is being spoken about and your ready to deliver a killer line.

some current events to joke about

DRUNK;ozzy osbourne, martha stuart
FREAKY;micheal jackson, madonna
SLUT;christina aguilera, jordon

2. use funny words and sounds
woody allen, a brilliant comedian once wrote a great piece that consisted solely of funny words. they're words that just sound funny minute you read or hear them. the standard rule of comedy is that "K" words are funny, but there are plenty of other words that work. try them out and see. heres some good ones to use:
tramp, jelly, imbecile, breeders hips, chicken ****k, melons, hooters, kinky, bimbo, buffoon.
i once told a joke about about a disney style theme park opening in irak that ended up with a comparison of mickey mouse as a mascot,"hezbollah mouse" i dont know why but if you say the words hezbollah mouse out loud, it gets a laugh.

when choosing funny words, remember that specific is better than general. the specific product durashears is better to use than the standard term scissors. saying you went to hooters is always funnier than saying you went to a strip club.

3. understand the hidden truth
Anything funny that you say will, to some degree, have a hidden truth behind it. i once heard a great comedian say,"every joke uncovers somthing" one of the reasons i enjoyed his act was becuase every joke he told, every story, i immediatly identified with it and his point of veiw. i saw the hidden truths, the common "whats so stupid about this" that we can all recognise.

funny people say out loud what the rest of the world are thinking -andy breckman

for fun, once a week on thusday i buy my paper and look through the paper to find out, "what pyssing every body off latley". i take the really stupid stories in the paper and point out the ridiculousness of the truth.

4. have a target
and now for the one thing about being funny that most nice people are in denile about---all humor has to have a target.
comedy isnt pretty--- the reason comedians say they kill is becuase they have a victim. the victim can be you, it can be someone else not currently in the room, a common enemy. if you want something funny to hit its mark then you have to have some thing to aim at. so in a situation or a conversation, know what you want to make fun of make sure its a worthy target.
as your practicing out there, flexing your funny muscles, there are easy targets that we nail-
-people, people with somthing wrong with them
-places, public toilets, eeew
-strange objects, like your nans teeth
-animals like pigs, horses and jordon

genral things that we can all identify with make the easiest targets

-states;new jersy, florida, west virginia
-countrys; england, japan, france
-stereotypes, blondes, lawyers, ex lovers, women in genral, men in genral

people in a position of power making a stupid mistake is very funny becuase we laugh whan we feel better or more superior than someone! you laugh at someone who screws up big time becuase you now feel better than them!

the butt of the joke should always be fictional, about you or someone powerfull or someone weak.

5.have a point of view
this is really a corollary of the last two rules--- you need to take a chance to be funny. you need to be willing to expose bitter truth about a situation or a person, target that victim, and deliver your take on it.
you need to be willing to "risk the cricket" thats when someone tells a joke and gets a dead silence in the room and all you can here is the crickets chirping.
people say how do you know if your joke will be funny? i dont! god doesnt know that! the only way to find out is to say it, cross your fingers, and wait for a response. a lot of good comedians will write out 1500 jokes a day and just choose the 20 that sound best for that night, and yes there are a few jokes that dont get a laugh, if some of the worlds best comedians get the crickets from time to time, then so will you.

its ok though, youll live.

6. supprise them
"suprise in any form is funny-overstatement, understatement, cruelty, comparatives."-rita rudner

one key element to being funny is supprise.there are at least 5 ways you can supprise people with humor. the first four are evident and the last one il explain a bit more in detail

1)you say something funny in the middle of a serious conversation or situation

2)"you can say something funny in response to someone who is expecting a serious answer to a question" like a shyt test.

3)you say something funny in a location that no one will expect humor(like an elevator or a funeral)

4)you can say the opposite of whats expected

5)you can say something very outrageous with a dead pan delivery.

"dont be afraid. once you get used to doing it, its like throwing a switch, so you can be very serious and then drop a dead funny line, then go back to being serious again." -garry shandling

i find dead pan delivery works great when someone is yapping away, and mainly in response to someone sharing a completely useless fact or when someone just said something stupid or boring.for example, if someone says, "it was raining at our company picknick today, can you imagine anything worse"!!! you answer with something like"how about being sexually assaulted by an aroused goat? that would be worse."

last week i was walking out of a job interview and the interviewer dropped somthing by me and said "oh shyt" when she saw me, she said "oh, pardon my french", my response was to say in a very informative, know-it-all voice "actually in french its, le gran crape"

7.the key to comedy...timing
for the professional comic, the timing within the structure of the joke is of critical importance. for us, there are two different elements of timing. the first involves PUTTING THE FUNNY BIT AT THE END.
always remember to put the funny words at the end. whatever you do, do not drag out and dilute the punch of your punch line... by adding words... at the end.... that drag out... the point.... you are trying to make. get it?

a second part of timing involves, waiting fot the right moment,
"the truth is, when your sitting around with your friends and you think of a funny line, dont blurt it out. hold a funny line until the right moment.
you want to be patient so you can get a good clear shot, mainly when people arnt talking and the focus is on you. it can turn a funny line into a bloody hilarious line.

8.tag the line and do a run
the tag in a joke is when the funny man gives a set up, then a twist, and the punch... then tags an afterthough on to make a second punch line. a run is an entire series od jokes on the same subject.

set up;
comic-"i think that lady must come from america!"

comic 2-"no way,i think shes canadian"

punch line:
comic-"i think shes fat!
tag on:
comic 2-"she must come from "hungary" then!"

a tag for you and me can also just be a quick response to finish somebody elses thought. your job as a funny person is to decide if the situation is ripe for a joke, look at the statement sombody has made and tag it. it usually works when somebody tries to sound smart by uttering a metaphor or pass of a quote as there own wisdom;

clich'e; he'd give you the shirt off his back.
tag; what do i want with a sweaty size 48 shirt!!!!

clich'e;a dog is a mans best friend
tag;no, a dog is your best friend, you have no other friends.
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
9.keep it short
leave it to the pro to do a 15 minute funny story. your goal is to deliver a short, punchy remark- thus the term punch line.
perhaps the best example is on the sitcomms, you can always tell if the comic is an amature becuase he will go on, and ad unnessary words to the joke, stretch it out and dont realise that everybody has dissconnected from the original joke!
give a short, quick one liner. heres some examples from tv;

presenter; true or false?
women will pay over $3000 to make themselves look better?

comic:well they could save some money, turn of the lights and put a bag over their head!!!

presenter;which dog is the only one to make it into the peoples best groomed magazine?


10. hit a triple
funny people say things in threes. think of the first jokes you ever heard- theres a reason so many jokes begin with "a priest a minister and a rabbi"

triples work best when you deliver them in a speech or a short story.

"today we gather to honor the person who has made this country what it is today[1]someone who is the driving force behind our success[2]some one who came up with the brilliant ideas our country is known for[3] but, his wife could not make it today, so instead we will honor gorge bush!"
(the supprise opposite in the rule six and the triple is what makes this funny)

11. sell the joke
this is corollary to keeping it short. SELL THE JOKE. know that it will be funny, know that what you say is funny and dont get nervous and bail out. have confidence in yourself to sell the joke.

12. take your mind to the next step/the what if.
you can be funny by giving a simple reaction to what somebody is saying, but you can be really really funny if you take it to the next step. this is called the "what if".
let your mind be free to wonder a letout your funny imagination;
what if the worlds leading detactive was an obsessive-compulsive, the result?
one of the funniest shows on television.
dont just think on one level, take it to another dimension. if someone is talking about U.N efforts to moderize afghanistan, the quick, easy response is to say there shiping over tons of brand-new rocks. the "what if" is to ask" what if we help them build modern strip malls? cab you imagine a strip mall in kandahar? whats the block buster like over there? the number one movie is "DUDE, WHERES MY CAMEL"

13.always ask, whats stupid about this?
i put this at the end of the first chapter "be topical". this is the one, sure fire rule that will get you thinking funny.
its the best comedy question of all time, it gives you a target, it enables you to take things to the next level or to an absurd conclusion.
ask yourself, whats stupid about this?

my mum brought herself a brand new porch..!

i mean who the hell invented a porch? somebody must of thought to themselves,
"i know what i will do,
i will put a front door out side.... my front door"

ok, well done genius,
now when you go outside, you can still be... inside.. !brilliant idea!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
there we have it,
well i hope that some of you guys can relate to some of this stuff and, "become funny", theres tons of material i want to put on here, so ime going to keep this thread alive with different types of humor, and a few proven exercises to get you thinking funny,

maybe one of you will even send me damm reply!

if youve got any responses or would like to ad some types of humor please do, il be returning with some more even better techniques for being funny!


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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More Humor

"Humor+Personality" Do a search on this if you want for advice on how to be funny. I posted stuff on humor. Interesting advice on it. And yes, please post more stuff on this this catch.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
One comedy technique I learned when I took some improv theater courses in High School & College was to always accept. In simplistic terms, "Always say 'Yes.'"

One example would be, if two guys are up on stage doing a scene, and one guy says, "Hey Mike, how are your kids?" The other guy's character will be known as "Mike" and he'll be a father figure. Though Mike may not have wanted to be a father in this scene, he needs to accept that role he was given to progress the scene. He has to say 'Yes' to the role Mike, the father.

That can be applied in almost every interaction that I have with a girl. Often times girls will complain about their weight or about how they need to exercise more or how they're not good at ______. And so, I tell them, "Yeah, I didn't want to say anything, but since you brought it up."

Whenever someone says anything self-depricating, you should say "yes." Unless of course they seem to be on the verge of tears.

I normally don't like to comment on a girls weight, but if they bring it up, it's "hunting season." Since I'm in a college town, the "Freshman 15" can be brought up. After I make a joke, the girl will hit me on the shoulder, and sometimes give me a playful/evil look. And I'll usually respond, "That's not a fat's a weight joke." Or I'll say that they were fishing for a compliment, and (from the movie Alfie), Compliments will be given when least expected.

And my most favorite comment I made was about two weeks ago. It's my favorite because the response to it still continues. People that weren't in the group have heard rumors about my comment. And the basic story goes like this.

There was a group of us from the apartment complex, and we're all having are own little conversations. My buddy and this girl, who I'm pretty good friends with (cute girl, but not really my type), are talking about what celebrity they kind of look like. And she mentions that some people think that she looks like Britney Spears. And my buddy isn't believing her, and so he says, "Hey Bobby, do you think that she looks like Britney Spears?"

And I responded, "You mean like when she was pregnant?"

She hit me on the shoulder pretty hard, but now me and her have this fun little inside joke about Pregnant Britney. She's got some really hot friends and I'm hoping to get acquianted with some of them.

I probably wouldn't have been that bold if it was someone I didn't know or if it was someone overweight. But her and the other girls in the building kind of know that joking around is my personality, and I can get away with saying some rotten stuff (in a fun teasing manner), and they love me for it. I may not be the most popular guy in the apartment complex, but from the girls that know me, they know they're in for a treat when I'm around.

That's all I have for now.



Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
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My number one rule for being funny . . .
Don't be afraid of saying something that others don't find funny.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I never realized that being funny was so involved.