I'm always up for theory. Interesting post. I enjoy reading and writing and it is obvious you do as well from this post and although it is enjoyable, I think you are attempting to rediscover the wheel here. Cooperation is not a seperate entity from attraction or rapport but rather a latent feature when the levels are high enough.
High Attraction = Cooperation (if only for a short period of time)
High Rapport = Cooperation
Low Attraction= No cooperation
Low Rapport = No Cooperation
Med Rapport & Med. Attraction = Cooperation
Cooperation begins with rapport and compliance but they are not the same.
But later in this thread when responding to WC2, you concede it starts with attraction...
But in general, picking up women is easier if they are actively, independently, working toward the same goal. And this is possible.
Yes...through enough attraction and/or rapport. High attraction is why celebrities and sportstars make out like bandits. High rapport is why so many people have internet relationships that they say lead 'straight to the bed' when unbeknownst to them, they actually have been building deeper and deeper rapport chatting online.
Some examples from this week: I was too busy to call this girl I just met this week, but she just called me to ask me out (I couldn't go). It was one less thing I had to think about because she did it for me. Also this week, I didn't have to number close a girl, I just asked her to contact me. She just emailed me yesterday and today. Last week, a girl came up with a good activity for us to do. I appreciated having one less thing to do.
They are COOPERATING because you have enough rapport/attraction
I don't mind doing work, but I just set up the expectation, RIGHT AWAY, that I expect about 50-50 input. I expect not compliance, but cooperation. I don't have time to micro-manage every detail for lots of women. I need them to act, not sit and wait by the phone.
This is setting the frame and her buying into it. Basic NLP stuff. It can be as long as having a deep conversation and then asking questions about her beliefs and going from there, or as simple as "Okay you aren't one of those girls who <insert character trait you don't want her to possess>" and watch her jump through the hoops like a circus animal.
I would also argue that compliance is ok, but compliance is not great. Rapport is good, but rapport is not enough. Cooperation makes dating so very easy. So while I see guys trying to "fight her defenses", and calling her a million times to set up a date, I just have to ask if there's an easier way.
These guys calling a million times don't have enough rapport/attraction. Once again... I do not believe there is a 3rd wheel missing here. Check out this post
http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showpos...96&postcount=3 It illustrates someone who gets rapport quickly by thinking like the target and making a statement that flows with the target's state of mind. As a result they CO-OPERATE with him and give him free stuff.
Moreover, the precise techniques I have named for removing blocks to cooperation, whatever you want to call it, are not in Mystery Method or the notion of rapport as most people here talk about it.
Most people who talk about rapport in detail talk about what you have said. Here is one example off the top of my head:
And if by precise techniques you mean the following, I'll break em down
1.) Invite women to hit on you, call you, suggest ideas, kiss you. Invite women to make seduction a 50-50 effort. Surprisingly often, they are happy to cooperate once requested.
aka build attraction by being the prize
2.) Show women sexual openness and satisfaction. Talk about sex openly and vulnerably. They will trust more and more that you are not a rapist and will feel safer cooperating.
talk about sex openly aka build rapport on sex
3.) Learn to be emotionally secure and satisfied. The best way to prevent giving off a non-clingy vibe is to demonstrate mature emotional expression. In other words, talk about your emotions in an interesting and mature way. Talking about emotions maturely and interestingly is the best way to demonstrate that you are not clingy.
"talk about your emotions..."?Alex I'd like to solve the riddle. What is building rapport for $100.
4.) As for the slut part, NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER make a comment that degrades women wanting or having sex. Compliment the courage of women who do what they want sexually. Sprinkle this respect for sexual women liberally into conversation, at pretty much every juncture. It would be hard to express respect for sexual women too often.
aka after creating sexual rapport, don't say something that isn't congruent with it
To summarize, all of your 'techniques' on building cooperation are ways to build rapport or attraction. Ipso Facto, the more rapport or attraction the more she cooperates.