Buddy ruined my night... wat'd u have done?


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
Last night, an acquaintance made me really angry by putting me between a rock and a hard surface. What would you have done, if you where in my predicament? Here is an overview of what happened...

He called me in the evening telling me that he is going out with a chick who is having THREE friends coming from Paris, so he can't go out alone, therefore I should tag along and take any of the THREE available girls.

We met this girl later and to my surprise she was with only one chubby friend. First turnoff was they both smoked. Then he took us to an expensive excuse for a club and asked me to share the cost of buying the first drinks for his girls. I refused but later gave in but unfortunately, I realized that he might have assumed that he successfully tricked me into buying drinks. (i don't like to entertain puzzy i won't get)!

Then I asked his chick to buy us shots, which she complied to and i refused to pay her so as to even the score.

I danced for a while but no pretty chicks came into the club, so i LEFT them in the club and my night was ruined. What really pissed me off is not the money I spent but the time wasted...

I could have ruined his night too but that would be too childish.... what would you have done given the above mention circumstances?


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
He is your buddy right?

That night he was the man. You were there to be for him. To help him out. That's all there is to it. Be there for your guy. Be a true friend.

Buying drinks or gifts for someone is not what I do. If that's what you usually do then you should have done that. I'd tell them I don't buy drinks, but if they want to share the tab I'd order. Now, if this is not what you USUALLY are, then you should have bought the drinks.

And you should have had a good time with them.

Your priority there should have been your buddy. Him getting laid, whatever. In fact, he was the alpha, and you were beta. If you have problem being that then don't put yourself into situation like that again.

Big deal the chick was fat, or the two were smoking. Who cares. You're out there to have a good time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
You made the mistake by paying for anything.

Next time you talk with him ask him what happened to those "3 girls from Paris," tell him matter-of-factly you didn't have the best of times and he owes you one. Don't get all pissy, just sort of "rib him" about it. If he's cool, he'll make it up in some way or another.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Then he took us to an expensive excuse for a club and asked me to share the cost of buying the first drinks for his girls

Something tells me if you thought these girls were HOT you would have no problem buying some drinks for the girls


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Ryan69 said:
Something tells me if you thought these girls were HOT you would have no problem buying some drinks for the girls

OP, original poster. Whatever your name man. Buying drinks, is like giving gifts. Is no different than paying a prostitute for her services. In fact, a prostitute is a better investment.

Thus, myself has this motto. No gifting. No buying drinks. No paying for her dinner. I'm not there for her if she's just with me to EAT because she's BROKE. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hahahaha all these guys that read in some seduction book somewhere that men do not buy women drinks an now they do it. Funny stuff.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Nahhh. We live we learn man. It's all good. Life is good, you know. Look up google for "fvck my car lyrics"... Funny sh1t. Educational too.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Norisman said:
...I could have ruined his night too but that would be too childish.... what would you have done given the above mention circumstances?
Asked for descriptions of the girls, their traits and habits before agreeing to tag along.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
Reaction score
It is not about buying or not buying it is about how and why you buy the drink. If you buy a drink to impress her and get into her pants thats not cool and it wont get you anywhere. If you buy the drink because you are the man and you are the dominant one its a different story.

Guess what else sometimes I buy women flowers and have them sent to her work. Apparently that is a big no no in the seduction world. I do not see why though she gets to be envied by all her co-workers when she shows off the flowers. She is thinking about you the rest of the day and that night she will rip your cloths off.

You can buy woman drinks as long as you are not doing it like some supplicating idiot who is showering her with gifts. If you do it from a position of dominance you look like a man not a tightass who make her pay for herself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2007
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To the original poster, I was born without any real feelings so to survive I have to fake mine. Even though it is fake I still show loyalty to my friends. Have you ever heard of taking one for the team?

Your friend asks you to come out and occupy the other girl be a good wingman and do it. You do not need to sleep with the girl just occupy her so your friend can get laid. He ruined your night? wow there is always tomorrow night or next weekend. Be a good friend and take one for the team even if you have to fake the loyalty like I do.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Asked for descriptions of the girls, their traits and habits before agreeing to tag along.
Yes, I asked for the description BEFORE going out and i was promised THREE hot girls to choose from. I was instead introduced to a chubby girl...

NickBE, I don't entertain puzzy I won't get, Period. Also, I've just known this guy for 4 weeks b'coz I'm new in town...

Ryan69, HOT or UGLY if my feasibility observation shows that there is nothing in it for me... I'm not buying drinks for strangers :nono:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Norisman said:
Yes, I asked for the description BEFORE going out and i was promised THREE hot girls to choose from. I was instead introduced to a chubby girl...
Norisman [a half an hour into the date]: Well, it was nice meeting you. I have to run.

Chubby Girl: Oh you do? I thought you were going to hang out with us all night.

Norisman: No, didn't [insert buddy's name] tell you? No? I guess he didn't feel he could disappoint you. [Buddy] you should apologize, you know that you should let people know everything that's going on...

(Norisman says his good-byes and quickly exists, stage left)
When buddies set you up, you shouldn't feel obligated to follow through with their half baked plan. You wouldn't do this with a woman, would you?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
kinda dicey situtation there.

all bets were off when 1 girl shows up instead of 3. he ovbiously over exaggerated to get you to tag along. He's not being a true friend, why should I?

if my best friend called me and told me to keep a fat hag distracted I'd do it...and we will laugh about it later. that's what friends do.

the mistake you made was paying for anything..... Unless I take someone out I dont' pay for anything.. how are oyu going to ask me to tag along than ask me to pay for anything... espically when you lied to get me there.

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
Norisman- your right he did stunt on you when he describe the girls, but then again maybe the girl lied to hime about her friend? Or maybe he has low standard? You were supposed to play wing man. That don't mean mack the fat chick that means just cool out and chill to keep her company. Also techincally he should cover the cost of you also (you did him the favor) but maybe he was broke and didn't have enough $$$ and need your help. I say get over it and learn from the past