Brothers, something is wrong with me. How do I fix this?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
I broke up with my ex about a month ago. We were together for a year, she was my first serious relationship

Yesterday I brought this HB7 back home and we ****ed. First off, I didn't even enjoy myself (well I enjoyed the *******, not the sex itself). After I was finished (I couldn't care less if she came or not) I felt sick to my stomach, to a point where I cried a bit. I had to tell her to leave.

This isn't normal, not after a month. I thought sleeping with a random chick would help me forget her.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
First of all, 1 month is not a long time in any scenario.

You are obviously caught up on the last relationship and having sex with this new girl brought it home that the previous relationship has run its course. Nothing wrong with shedding a tear for a lost relationship (if it meant something to you) if that is what helps you move on but don't do it in front of others. Let the emotion out and move on.
Best thing you can do is take time for yourself. Discover what makes you tick. What made you who you were before her?? Find that guy again. That guy got you the last relationship.. so find him and improve on him. Be a force of nature... Be better than you think you can be and you'll fear nothing..

Take the advice or leave it the choice is yours...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
coronaflash said:
First of all, 1 month is not a long time in any scenario.

You are obviously caught up on the last relationship and having sex with this new girl brought it home that the previous relationship has run its course. Nothing wrong with shedding a tear for a lost relationship (if it meant something to you) if that is what helps you move on but don't do it in front of others. Let the emotion out and move on.
Best thing you can do is take time for yourself. Discover what makes you tick. What made you who you were before her?? Find that guy again. That guy got you the last relationship.. so find him and improve on him. Be a force of nature... Be better than you think you can be and you'll fear nothing..

Take the advice or leave it the choice is yours...
Mmh solid advice. You are right, and I shall take it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
coronaflash said:
First of all, 1 month is not a long time in any scenario.

You are obviously caught up on the last relationship and having sex with this new girl brought it home that the previous relationship has run its course. Nothing wrong with shedding a tear for a lost relationship (if it meant something to you) if that is what helps you move on but don't do it in front of others. Let the emotion out and move on.
Best thing you can do is take time for yourself. Discover what makes you tick. What made you who you were before her?? Find that guy again. That guy got you the last relationship.. so find him and improve on him. Be a force of nature... Be better than you think you can be and you'll fear nothing..

Take the advice or leave it the choice is yours...




Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
It happens man. We all go through it. It took me nine months to finally get over my five year relationship. I fvcked five other women during those nine months but none of it worked. The thing that worked was taking some time off for myself and getting my life sorted out.

The only thing wrong with you is that you are human.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not sure where I read this or who told me but I think it holds pretty true in almost any relationship that ends. Think about your relationship, how long it lasted, divide that number by 2 and that's how long you've been breaking up. Think back to 6 months and you may realize something happened that changed your relationship and first started this rift. Now realize you just wasted half a year breaking up with someone. Don't dwell on it you don't want to waste anymore time. Understand you're better now than you were before and realize she wasn't right for you. This should help decrease the frequency of your sadness as well as its intensity.

My last relationship started in July and ended in January, 6 months. In October (3 months) we had a big fight over her jealousy issues, and the relationship was rocky from that point until we called it quits. It's hard to understand how bad things are when you're in the middle of it and let your emotions get in the way. My relationship before that lasted 2.5 years, about 16 months into that relationship is when my vision of my girlfriend and the relationship I had with her changed, and we inevitably broke up and got back together, and finally parted ways down the road.

Understand all things come to an end, and its better to have a relationship fail earlier than later to avoid any big investments you make into it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Same sh1t happened to me.

For 3 months after I broke up with my ex any girl i slept with i would close my eyes and pretend it was my ex... Fvcked up i know.

But now I can fully enjoy sex with other women and actually be in the moment with them. It took me 3-4 months after my ex to get to that point..

It takes time man. Time heals all.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
narcissist said:
For 3 months after I broke up with my ex any girl i slept with i would close my eyes and pretend it was my ex... Fvcked up i know.
Nah, when I was with my ex wife I'd imagine I was her banging her friends, her mom, anyone but her, hahaha.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
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Spain (currently S.E.Asia)
On a failed serious relationship, sometimes it's hard to let go of the attachments you feel for that person that easily, be it sex or whatever.That past cannot be changed. They are a part of what you are. I agree with another poster in advising you on finding what makes you tick, i didn't mean to imply you aren't ticking now, but i also agree to it because it will make you feel better, you're doing this not for women, it's about finding what you want because i can see there's a missing piece in there.

Don't feel bad on how you felt after having sex with another girl, you are finding someone worth investing in and for you to be happy with. You're moving on with your life and it just so happens that you didn't enjoyed it because there's something right there within you that needs to be FIXED. Finding your old better self is good, finding that guy you were meant to be, or you may already are, but don't know how to be, which will take you into another important step you should make...ACCEPTANCE. You got to accept the fact that there are things that will never go back to how they used to be. Embrace the bad sides of your failed relationship. Take personal responsibility for that circumstance if it has to be. Learn from the experience and respect the lessons from it. You must accept the realities of life. It will help you move forward. It will allow you to be free.

Induced Drag

Don Juan
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
This sounds really familiar. I went through the same thing with several women I was with after my ex. Minus the crying part. I didn't know what to make of it at the time either. Was I going nuts or in my case nuttier than normal?

I think it's just part of the healing process. The good news is it get's a lot better as time goes on.

You're fine........walk it off.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Similar thing happened to me, I didn't enjoy the sex with the first girl I hooked up with after a LTR. It feels very weird.

You'll get over it though. Give it sometime and meet more women.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
It may suck now. But I bet after your experience, and finding this site, in the future you wont get caught in the trap again.


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
It looks like you were bitten by b!tch werewolf, you growing vagina and boobies. Try eating garlic, if that don't work, oh well, buy a dildo, it will make you happy. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
You only fvcked one woman, you have nine more to go. Seriously though the cliche time heals all wounds along with keeping yourself busy and talking to other women is the only cure. Your brain isn't going to get over those emotions overnight. BTW did you pick this chick up by cold approaching her and telling her to share orgasms with you? :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Yea man just remember things get better with time. I found myself down the other day but I told myself it will pass very soon. A few hours later I was in a better mood and back to normal. As said above it's very cliche, but time really does heal all wounds.