Broke up with girl friend, 2 years relation. Almost dead with pain :"(


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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aren't there any chances for the reverse of roles and she started thinking about me in the way she used to
Jesus fvcking Christ....

If you want the correct answer for this, the answer is yes - there is one chance. Wait a few years and you'll pretty much have a blank slate with her. If you want to spend years being single, waiting for the slate to be wiped then that's your choice. However, I think it's a complete waste of time.

So isn't there a chance that after some times, like is most of eBook's i heard people's ex's coming back a month later or so and realizing their worth.
A month isn't enough time. I'd say in your situation, at least two years if not more.

Accept the fact: at this point in life, she doesn't want your pathetic ass around. It's done. Accept it. Quit looking for the quick fix because there isn't any.

he case here isn't that she's into another guy or have found any new boy -- it's not the case. She is just bored.
She's bored with YOU. She associates it with you. You can't undo that in days or weeks. She is 100% NOT attracted to you. If she's remotely attractive, the chances are high that there IS another man in her life. Quit being so fvcking dillusional about it. Attractive women attract men like flies to 5hit.

but i've learnt from my mistakes of being her "puppy dog" and ready to cover it up just if i get a second chance.
I'll say it once again... MOVE ON. THERE IS NO FIXING THIS. You fvcked it up beyond repair. Throw her in the garbage and find a new woman.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
Champboy said:
I've got the point of all of you, I accept it's the time to move on. But the thing is like I'm in NC with her right now, aren't there any chances for the reverse of roles and she started thinking about me in the way she used to, as i've accepted to move on, I'll be no longer dependant on her, will no longer need her, she know i will move on soon -- anyone would, time heals every wound. So isn't there a chance that after some times, like is most of eBook's i heard people's ex's coming back a month later or so and realizing their worth. I used to give her whatever she asked for, i know that's a mistake, i did a lot for her and even risked my own life for her once (Know it's a mistake) but it may also work in the current situation as if i'm no longer with her, she realize what she lost. The case here isn't that she's into another guy or have found any new boy -- it's not the case. She is just bored. I know the situation is worst, but aren't breakup's worst ? A break-up, in every condition is worst as a girl only will want to breakup as a result of loss of interest, other wise she will compromise everything to stay with the guy. Many people got their ex's back by applying the no contact thing, at first the girl will remember all recent "negative" thoughts, but within some time, those "negative" thoughts will be replaced by old good memories from her side. As many experts advised in ebook's i've read. Now the thing left is even if I'm succesful at getting her back, it will all happen once again, but i've learnt from my mistakes of being her "puppy dog" and ready to cover it up just if i get a second chance.

What do you guys say?

you will try and try and you will fail. You need to listen to the advice you have been given and move on. You will suffer agony and you will be debilitated by your loss but you must move on. you will not get her back and even if you did, the damage you have done to the relationship is irreparable.

Begin the healing process by being miserable. Its ok to be miserable.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Champboy said:
I've got the point of all of you, I accept it's the time to move on. But the thing is like I'm in NC with her right now, aren't there any chances for the reverse of roles and she started thinking about me in the way she used to, as i've accepted to move on, I'll be no longer dependant on her, will no longer need her, she know i will move on soon -- anyone would, time heals every wound. So isn't there a chance that after some times, like is most of eBook's i heard people's ex's coming back a month later or so and realizing their worth. I used to give her whatever she asked for, i know that's a mistake, i did a lot for her and even risked my own life for her once (Know it's a mistake) but it may also work in the current situation as if i'm no longer with her, she realize what she lost. The case here isn't that she's into another guy or have found any new boy -- it's not the case. She is just bored. I know the situation is worst, but aren't breakup's worst ? A break-up, in every condition is worst as a girl only will want to breakup as a result of loss of interest, other wise she will compromise everything to stay with the guy. Many people got their ex's back by applying the no contact thing, at first the girl will remember all recent "negative" thoughts, but within some time, those "negative" thoughts will be replaced by old good memories from her side. As many experts advised in ebook's i've read. Now the thing left is even if I'm succesful at getting her back, it will all happen once again, but i've learnt from my mistakes of being her "puppy dog" and ready to cover it up just if i get a second chance.

What do you guys say?
You can't change and act like a man with her. You will try at first and your nature will rise to the top and sink it again. The challenge here is that you two have such a strongly ingrained dynamic that is almost impossible to overcome.

The only chance of overcoming it would be to go NC for a full 6 months and then re-evaluate. Only then will you be a different person.

You need to go through this pain in order to change into a man who can hold the frame in a relationship. Take the pain now, and read up here. Read the DJ Bible and the Book of Pook. These studies will contribute toward easing your pain and making a strong man out of you.

You're probably a romantic at heart and many of us here are former romantics. All that stuff comes straight from Hollywood and has little to do with reality. WOmen are nothing like what we grow up thinking they are. They crave to be led and dominated INDIRECTLY. They need rules, guidelines and correction usually indirectly. They must be rewarded/punished with attention or lack thereof.

You don't know it yet but you're in a good place in life because you are now forced to change for the better and this will serve you forever. By coming to this site your eyes will now be opened to reality. Much of knowledge of reality causes pain of its own accord, because illusion comforts us on some levels. The lot of man is to deal with pain. Women live in a world of Rainbows and Unicorns. Men cannot.

Once a man learns what we know here, he cannot go back. There is no exit door. But aside from the uncomfortable revelation of the uglier side of women, you will be equipped to deal with them and to relegate them to the proper heierarchy in your life. You will start putting yourself first, and this is how it should be. Every woman instinctively wants (needs) a man who puts himself first, but they are incapable of acknowledging this consciously.

You are going to learn to influence women based upon your own frame, not from your current reactive frame. You have a lot of work ahead of you. Use it to move ahead and away from this girl and into manhood.

I promise you, as the light intensifies, you will find that she wasn't as perfect as you thought she was and you will find that you are better than you think you are. You need to unlearn the lies you've been taught, and you came to the right place to do so.

Man climbs to ever increasing heights on rungs of pain. It is his lot. You are about to take the hammer to yourself to forge a better man. The pain is very real, but the reward is moving through the world with authority.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
You can get her back, but consider:

1) You left her in such a bad state that she will never be attracted to you again until she sees a vastly improved you.

2) You thus need to improve yourself in a jaw-dropping way. A way that she and all her friends will notice. This usually means losing weight and working out. As Carlos Xuma said "Why would she come back to someone she already dumped if you haven't improved?"

3) 60 days of NC is required to make her miss you enough (and for you to improve enough) for her to see you again.

4) You'll need to run into her again so she can see you - and she won't be excited by the prospect. That means you possibly have to accept terms and conditions like "nothing romantic", but it's ok because those terms only applied to the OLD you.

5) When she sees you again she will still think of you as the OLD you, even though her own eyes are seeing the NEW you. You need to basically put in a perfect evening and not talk about the relationship.

6) The NEXT time she sees you, she will treat you (on a subconcious level) like the NEW you who she saw the previous time. That's when you can finally start again. You'll find her breaking all her own rules, and if you call her on it she'll say "I was just saying that".

7) You might not want her back. She might go DOWNHILL in the same time you go UPHILL! For example, I lost 35 while an ex gained 10! At that rate we'll be the same weight by next March!


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Jesus Christ. Stop it man.

Men made romance so we could take faster clothes off women and control them.

You are being controlled by it.

If you found out that 'great' girl once in your life, what makes you think there aren't BETTER out there ?

Every single ****ing time I gave my gf breakup I would meet in period of 6 months a new girl. Which would amaze me ten times more than the last one.

It's part of growing up.

You did one great thing.

You came here. You're in good hands, now it's all uphill.

Just don't take every single advice. And that means. Don't beat up woman like some posters claim they do. :D

Defend only when in danger.


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
Just went through it bro, I know how you feel. I thought she was "the one" she called me "her person" as if it was destiny and everytime we would break she would want to get back togethor because she didn't want anyone else to have "her person". Hell she was mine too, I never loved anybody so much in my life and she still tried to get back togethor this last time but it's too late the passion is gone and things will never be the same.

There comes a point where you just need to accept this and move on, she's making it easy on you by not wanting to talk to you. It's ten times harder when she actually wants to get back togethor with you because then you actually have a decision to make.

The girl doesn't want you, you ****ed up but look at the bright side you got the girl in the first place so you can get another one just like her. Focus on fixing yourself so you don't **** it up the next time.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah well it's life.. Very hard to imagine someone with you for two years can forget everything this fast. Well i do want her to come back and BEG! I may not accept her back now since she ruined up the trust i had on her. (Depending on how she comes back, if she did). But i will get my self satisfaction if she realizes it.

Did a lot for her, gave her everything no one else could.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Champboy said:
Yeah well it's life.. Very hard to imagine someone with you for two years can forget everything this fast. Well i do want her to come back and BEG! I may not accept her back now since she ruined up the trust i had on her. (Depending on how she comes back, if she did). But i will get my self satisfaction if she realizes it.

Did a lot for her, gave her everything no one else could.
Wow your such a liar, I thought I was a big afc, but you make me feel like a MAN!

But I know how you feel I actually did the whole crying and begging thing about 5 years ago, I still feel the pain when I think about it (although I can't stand the b1tch now). But seriously it was the worst thing I ever did for myself, I went into a year long depression where all I thought about was her trying to figure out how to get her back, you don't want to do that! You need to start distancing yourself from her now before your whole life starts revolving around your ex for months to come, this will ruin your life as long as she still on your mind! Trust me I know!


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
You want her back? This is what you're going to do: contact
-dont contact her again. unfreind, block her from your facebook(keep one of her friends as a friend of yours) delete her number from your phone. if she texts, dont respond

2.go out and find other girls. post pictures of you doing stuff with them on facebook. she will look at your facbeook through ehr friends

you will slowly see the light in other girls, and you will become a challenge.

this is your only hope, and i know it sucks but theres others out there, keep your head up

I may not accept her back now since she ruined up the trust i had on her. (Depending on how she comes back, if she did). But i will get my self satisfaction if she realizes it.

Did a lot for her, gave her everything no one else could.
did she cheat on you? if she did her interest level is under 50% and you will never go back to her again.

and yes, you did a lot for her. she will date other people and she will realize that she left something awesome if that is true. all the while you are being awesome with other girls who deserve your time