Breaking up can suck...yes it may of happened for a reason...but sometimes it happens for stupid reasons and people grow up and realize what happened was, in fact, stupid...
Be careful that she is not talking to you just to make herself feel better...It has been my experience that some girls talk to their ex's so they dont feel so bad about what they did...but at the same time, the ex is gettin a false sense of hope that things will work out...sometimes things are going bad for the girl, and she calls the ex and uses him to feel better and then she takes off again until she needs him to make her feel better again...yes, I am saying this is what happened...
I am telling you this cause you need to step back and take a look at whats going on...It happened to me because when you are emotionally involved with someone and stuck right in the middle of things, its hard to see what the big picture is...You need to step back and evaluate whats going on and if this is good for you or not...
If its not, then break off all calls, emails, text messages, etc....if you feel it is not in your best interest, then why stick with it?