If the hor label was ever present then it would lose its’ meaning and impact!! But thanks for the recommendation.Originally posted by onthepath
hey PRL
you know you could save a lot of time by just putting
"she's a hor" in your signature
You make a few misstatements here buddy – one – you can kick my ass?? Your ass would be dead on first sight!!! Two – I’m grown, you are an 18 year old twerp of a boy!!!! Three – If your woman is a hor then I shall acknowledge her proper status as a hor!!!! Four, to call anal penetration (it is not sex) “sexually experimental” is an abomination and horrid and you deserve death for such blasphemous and corruptive speech!!!!Originally posted by TonyTheTigerOI
PRL, I would just like you to know that if, in person, you called my LTR a hor for being sexually expiermental, I would LITERALLY beat you ugly. Thats just rude. Grow up man.
A very long painful torturous death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!