breaking his spell on her...


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ok fellow DJs… I’m starting a new thread that pretty much derived from my first post:

I’m posting it in the mature forum this time. Sorry for not realizing that on my first one.

Here’s the situation. You are dating a girl who had been on a long distance relationship for a while with a guy who’s just comfortable showing up and fvcking her every two or three months. Many of us have been in this situation (I admit I have played both sides before in my life: the away-guy, and the guy trying to win her at home)

You know that most long distance relationships do not work, especially if there’s not true love involved. Let’s assume there’s not true love involved on this case.

Now, here’s the challenge… how do you “break his spell on her”? (as Player_Supreme put it on my first post) How do you persuade her to choose you and let the other guy go?

Before you make any comments, let’s make a few assumptions:
1. She is NOT madly in love with the away-guy, but for some reason can’t let go.
2. You know this because she has told her very best friend.
3. You don’t just want sex with her, you want an LTR. I’m not talking about seducing her into bed because you’ve already done that once.

Anyone want to comment?
Mar 22, 2002
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
I suspect this post isn't what you want to hear but I'll give it anyway.

Originally posted by WorldTraveller
How do you persuade her to choose you and let the other guy go?
So you want to know what you can do or say to her that will result in her dumping the other guy? Personally I don't think there is anything you can do or say that will have this effect (baring some fiendish and monstrously difficult not to mention immoral plot to have him falsely sent to jail on say a charge of pedophilia or perhaps going and knocking him off and making it look like an accident - also a tad on the immoral side).

He can do something to blow the relationship but its unlikely you can influence it against him much. (Just bad mouthing him will tend to backfire).

Originally posted by WorldTraveller
3. You don’t just want sex with her, you want an LTR.
Unfortunately your desires don't come into the equation much (which is basically her equation).

Originally posted by WorldTraveller
I’m not talking about seducing her into bed because you’ve already done that once.
If she already knows you well and has already slept with you then you probably can't change her opinion of you much or her desire for you from what its already at (at least not for the better).

Unfortunately if the push for an LTR between you two isn't coming from her side it ain't likely to happen. If she wants to keep you both on tap she will.

If you can't handle moving on then you've probably got a case of oneitus here. (Though you probably can't speed up the process, as you say given time the relationship with the other guy will probably end anyway of its own accord but if you just hang around waiting for that to happen again you've got a case of oneitus and that won't help your relationship with either her or put you in an LTR with anyone else anytine soon either).


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score

Thanks for your comments. If you read my first post you will realize I am already in the process of overcoming my oneitis with this particular girl. Thats not the reason of my second post.

Hot women always have guys after them. If they're old enough (late twenties or early thirties) they always have baggage; they always have a past frustrating relationship they have not overcome. Some other guy put a spell on them in the past and the only reason why you may be with her now is because this other guy it not interested or available any longer, or because you changed her inner feelings. But I'm sure there are ways of breaking that spell.

I realize, from some of the comments on my first post, that I made a mistake by not trying to confront the issue that she still had feelings for an ex/bf. I just didn't want to hear about it, thing about, realize it was a fact... I just ignored it. Big mistake as some of you pointed out.

I know it's too late for me now, so I don't want this to happen to me again, nor to any of you DJs or future DJs who may be reading this.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Sounds like you want a ltr with this girl. In cases like this you have to ask yourself "Do I want to 'break' the spell that he has on her?

If a woman doesn't come to you freely and on her own volition then anything else would be forced and thus temporary! All for naught!

If it is just sex you want then don't worry - just wait until he leaves and you'll be the next pimp in line - again!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
remember this:
if you can steal a woman from another man, then some other man can steal her away from you. is this what you want in this type of woman?
big deal, let the guy have a spell on her. stupid her. she is FB material.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
Case closed. I have overcome my oneitis 100%... and in the process I've realized its not worth it to try to get a girl that is giving you such a hard time. If she's confused, she should go ahead and spend some quality time with herself trying to make up her own mid... without fvcking with my head. I've called her and told her any chance with me was over... I don't even care what she thinks about it any more.

For me its.... NEXT!!!!!!