Breaking every rule on here :D


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
I've been thinking lately that since what everyone tells me is a lie, who's to say what all you guys are telling me isn't lies? So I decided to just break pretty much every "sane" advice given on here, I'm sure some of you will cringe when you read this. After all this is a forum packed full of broken men trying to find their way back. How can advice from men who failed possibly be worse than women's advice? :crackup:

So what "rules" did I break?
- I send a minimum of 10 texts a day, because fvck being anti-social.
- She stopped me from fvcking her, telling me to wait.
- I bought dinner for her, it was her birthday though. Who the fvck goes on a date on their birthday if they're not interested? Also this was after she denied me sex.
- I bought her a heart necklace with a real fvcking diamond in it as a Christmas present, she didn't buy me anything. Also didn't fvck her yet.
- Went to the same party on new years eve, I pass out drunk. Also missed to opportunity to go home with her because of that, wouldn't have fvcked her the first time drunk anyways.

With that list I'm surely fvcking things up right? NOPE! She's instantly responding to every text I send, and she's also initiating texts. It's packed full of smileys and hearts as well. She enjoyed the dinner, stopped her from kissing me because I had a herpes outbreak which I pointed out (lol). She really loved the necklace I bought for her, I don't think she knows it's a real diamond (I haven't told her yet). Not sure if she wore the necklace on new years eve, I got too drunk to remember that. However it's known to the entire social circle that we're dating, and everyone supports it (that's a massive advantage). When I passed out after having puked she was there comforting me.

She's really interested and really wants to see me again. Explain that one :D


Don Juan
May 30, 2012
Reaction score
Either you're dating down, or she's unattractive...or both.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
The girl is beat lol
Perhaps, I've heard she's been through hard times. Don't know specifics as her friend told me that, and of course her friend wouldn't say what isn't for her to say.

MattR1984 said:
Is this even real?
As described, yes every word of it. Can't prove it further than that, decide for yourself.

hockeyfreak79 said:
You've been on here a year & you did all that stuff? You're delusion bro, wow onetis to the 10th degree. Does it feel that good to be used? Smh
Yes. If I'm delusional I'm at least the right kind of delusional. Oneitis? Yes, most other people call it about to fall in love though. Even if you saw me as being used I don't feel used, and I sure as fvck knows how that feels like.

I have read, understood and experienced every word that is written about the commitment card and the sex card. I even processed it after she told me to wait. I concluded from that fact that she wanted to wait to make sure I wanted to commit, initially I did so I gave my card. I'm not needy, so giving it is easy. Giving is value and regardless someone has to give first, the first to give wins and so I never lose. On top of it all I'm socially buffered, she's in my social circle which is built on honesty and trust. If she abuses it she's personally fvcked and I win.

You think I'm lost in Disney fairytales and incapable of thinking rationally? You think I haven't learned from my previous fvck ups? I have, and I have made sure what can be made sure and the rest is admittedly a risk. You always have to risk in love, I'm tired of playing it safe. If you won't take it from me then take the wisdom from Pook.

LMFAO said:
Nice troll attempt.
Can't force you to believe me anyways.

SoSerene said:
Either you're dating down, or she's unattractive...or both.
Up or down doesn't matter to me anymore, I have status and don't need a woman to leech on. You see that something happens when enough is enough, you start giving value instead of taking and wanting more. That giving of value such as buying the stuff I did is what elevates my perceived value, I have more money than I can spend on myself. She's attractive, and yes I know the differences between attractive and not.

I know you guys won't understand, one day you will. I'll keep you updated, if only just to rub it in :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Grewd said:
I've been thinking lately that since what everyone tells me is a lie, who's to say what all you guys are telling me isn't lies? So I decided to just break pretty much every "sane" advice given on here, I'm sure some of you will cringe when you read this. After all this is a forum packed full of broken men trying to find their way back. How can advice from men who failed possibly be worse than women's advice? :crackup:

So what "rules" did I break?
- I send a minimum of 10 texts a day, because fvck being anti-social.
- She stopped me from fvcking her, telling me to wait.
- I bought dinner for her, it was her birthday though. Who the fvck goes on a date on their birthday if they're not interested? Also this was after she denied me sex.
- I bought her a heart necklace with a real fvcking diamond in it as a Christmas present, she didn't buy me anything. Also didn't fvck her yet.
- Went to the same party on new years eve, I pass out drunk. Also missed to opportunity to go home with her because of that, wouldn't have fvcked her the first time drunk anyways.

With that list I'm surely fvcking things up right? NOPE! She's instantly responding to every text I send, and she's also initiating texts. It's packed full of smileys and hearts as well. She enjoyed the dinner, stopped her from kissing me because I had a herpes outbreak which I pointed out (lol). She really loved the necklace I bought for her, I don't think she knows it's a real diamond (I haven't told her yet). Not sure if she wore the necklace on new years eve, I got too drunk to remember that. However it's known to the entire social circle that we're dating, and everyone supports it (that's a massive advantage). When I passed out after having puked she was there comforting me.

She's really interested and really wants to see me again. Explain that one :D
If she is attracted to you then it does not matter what you do but it does matter if you want to maintain her interest in the long run.

I'm not telling you to do anything but if you keep doing what you're doing she will loose interest within 2-3 months if not less.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Good for you Man....enjoy sex will be great. Plus she will fall in love and then you will leave her. For the next ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
There are exceptions to every rule. Then there is the elements of luck... sometimes sh!t just happens. Anyone else watch the Houston v. Pitt Bowl game... No way Houston should have won that game down 21 pt with 6 minutes to play.

Just because what you did with this ONE girl worked, does not mean that playing it like a DJ would not have worked either. There is no such thing as mutual exclusivity. You lucked out. Keep working it your way and let us know how it goes.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Easy to explain OP.

The majority of men on earth are betas and the majority of betas end up getting laid and married at some point.

No one ever said women are not interested in betas. Women are interested in whatever benefits them. The rules on this site are about what is best for men in life.. not what makes one man best for one woman.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
I think you're the one who needs to do the explaining here. Where exactly is your advantage? You call her excessively, showing her you're desperate, you buy her an expensive gift, she gets you nothing in return, and you didn't bang her. You bought her dinner, and didn't bang her. You showed zero control with your alcohol consumption, threw up like a teen, and you didn't bang her then either. Yeah, I'd call you all the time, too...for the free gifts and dinners.

Soooo where exactly did you gain one ounce of benefit from all this?

It's like walking up confidently to a champion MMA fighter and boasting about how you never work out and you always get your ass kicked and expecting him to bow to you.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
You gave her a real fuhcking diamond and she still didn't jump on your d1ck?
You're just rationalizing. She's probably f@cking another dude while you dine/entertain her. Oneitis at its best right here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
I missed the part where you didn't bang her... I'm with Vlad on this one too, not sure what you're trying to accomplish...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
New York
Ever thought she is using you ?
Keep buying her stuff though.
Marry her and buy a house so she can kick you out.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
I wish I could add more than wisdom that was already shared. Yet I will try. For those who may still be open to reality.

This guy is a lost cause and doomed by his own success.

This is what happens to an AFC otherwise no one would ever end up being one.

He will bang her. He will worship her. She will reciprocate just enough to enjoy his low hanging fruits.

Then.... the inevitable. He will end up, in whatever due time, being the master of nothing, wondering where it all went wrong.

I have done it. I have done it well. Girls abandoning everything to be with me and ending up in a relationship of chasing them. Chasing the original success.

A girlfriend, a roommate, with a penis and a beard. Doting on every concern and need and whim.

You have a girlfriend, therefore you have succeed right? A wife even. Success right?


You have lost yourself. What matters most. You are co-dependent. Your validation is in smoke in the wind. And, like that smoke, you can see it, smell it, its tangible... but, yet it fades. A fleeting success.

Worse than the boy who can never get a girl at all.

Resting in your perceived success is the greatest lie of them all.

His success needs our counsel more than anyone else.

Give a dog a bone, will he not do tricks? Command him with no treats does he then listen still? For a time, maybe he does. Yet, when a master, comes along and leads him, with authority over the pack, he will ignore the treats and die for his master. The alpha.

I pity the delusions of the op. A road I have tested for many years. He is so lost that he is so done learning that he pontificates his folly against the wisdom of experience.

What is greater sir? The love of strangers who wish you true meaning and success.. or the girl who texts you to validate your gifts?

Ahhh. I fall asleep this eve hoping you will heed the advice given throughout this community, new and old, to see the truth.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
I think the rules taught on here also apply to how you should act to score high quality women. Of course certain women will reciprocate feelings when you shower them with dozens of texts per day and diamond gifts, etc. Of course, these usually happen to be crazy AW's who we are best staying away from anyway because they do us more harm than good. And meanwhile she's letting you stick around for the attention and gifts and you cant even fvck her.

And you really think breaking these "rules" is benefitting you how??!?!?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Can't add much to what's already been said. My bet is she is one of the following:

A single mom
A stage 5 clinger
A whale
An attention wh0re
A gold digger
A girl with NPD, BPD, mental health issues, or bipolar

You are being used. You're getting nothing in return. This will not end well.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together for

The Gold-Digger

OP even after spending so much money on her you didn't banged her. You don't turn her on and she's gonna be at her best behaviour because she thinks that you are a PROVIDER and acting like a slut would mean that she would lose you so yeah keep on providing her and watch her f*ck another guy.


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Eye of the storm
I didn't buy her stuff to make her like me, I did it to show that I like her. She was already interested, I didn't have to buy her stuff. In a way it's both a sh!t test and an investment on my side, if she focuses on the stuff and not me she can forget having me. I'm seeing her tonight, I'll tell you how that goes.