Master Don Juan
Re: Fats....
uh dude..... you need fat for many thinsg including brain function hormone production, joint lubrication, organ insulation, omg....... dude u need fat.Originally posted by KillaPetehog
Whether it's coming from a healthy source of fat such as avocadoes or eggs, or unhealthy sources of fat such a hamburger.......I wouldn't mess with 30 grams of fat for a breakfast. I like my foods to have mostly protein...and little or no fat....
Again, we eat differently and think differently..and I do things that people don't normally do...
For instance..
I take out the skin out of chicken (high source of protein...little fat)
I prefer non-fat milk (high source of protein..10 gram..no fat)
I prefer tuna and fish (very high source of protein...little fat)
I take protein bars high in protien (30 grams) and low in carbs and fat (high protein, low fat)
I get lean pork (contrary to popular belief, pork isn't "ALL FAT"..and lean versions have good protein and little fat)
I eat egg whites and remove the yolk (excellent protein..little fat)
I choose wheat bread and brown rice over white bread and white rice. (nothing about protein...but quality of fiber...)
I take protein shakes with little carbs and no fat.
I cut out most of the fat from steak...
I eat a handful of almonds....helps out in many ways...
...you get the point....
In the long run, I am still able to gain weight, mass and muscle....but it's not weight from fat or "healthy" fats...but from high sources of protein..Why deal with the fat...when you can get the protein without it?