Brainwashing Techniques/Practice Lying


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Sometimes, usually when I'm minding my own business and don't want to be bothered, some biatch always comes up to me, not for the purpose of getting to know me or anything like that but to practice her lying skills.

I'm sure I'm not the only one to experience this so here's some tips on how to turn the tables.

Usually with situations like this, women follow certain rules:
  • They speak in a monotone and maintain a glassy, wide eyed stare like they're trying to hypnotize you.
  • Any answers to questions are very breif and quick.
  • 'The more outrageous the lie, the more confused he will be.'
  • They bring their faces really close to yours (sometimes, depending on the particular situation), used in conjunction with #1.
  • She will repeat the same thing over and over and over until you cave and say something like "oh really? I didn't know Mandrill Monkeys could type that fast."

If I've left anything obvious out, tell me.

Here's a document by D ick Stuphen entitled The Battle for your Mind. it's pretty intersting, and I'm sure you'll recognize at least one or two methods that have been used on you at some point in your life when someone was trying to manipulate you (your parents, your older sibling, friends, enemies etc).

The "Voice Roll" technique is interesting. The Three Brain Phases is a must read too, this describes how hyper-increased emotions induced in people (love, hate fear) can put your brain in a state of catharsis i.e. Tabula Rasa i.e. ready for new "programming".

Practice your lying skills!
Most of the time women lie about everything merely for spiteful fun/powertrip, more often to get something from you.
Use these and other techniques against them.
Always, ALWAYS, make a Bullsh*t call when you notice it, if you ignore it you will be drowned in it. This tells them that you don't really mind being lied to, an invitation to tons more unwarranted Bullsh*t.

Hope this was of some help, like I said, if I've missed something, tell me, also if you have different suggestions/ideas, post them.

Power to all men!

"Conclusions arrived at through reasoning have very little or no influence in altering the course of our lives. Hence, the countless examples of people who have the clearest convictions and yet act diametrically against them time and time again; and have as the only explanation for their behavior the idea that to err is human." Carlos Castaneda - The Fire From Within

"Hell aint a bad place to be" - AC/DC

[This message has been edited by dead_romeo (edited 03-20-2002).]


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2002
Reaction score
I think you are giving far too much credit for intent where it is not due. There are no great conspiracies in the world. OK there is that one but it is a secret and I'm not supposed to tell you about it (shhh).

Hypnosis is not a common skill and all women do not use it (in fact very few do). Components and techniques from this do pop up in the course of normal conversation. I think you are reading far too much into things if you attempt to apply this to all women as a planned objective.

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
They speak in a monotone and maintain a glassy, wide eyed stare like they're trying to hypnotize you.
Some people are just dull or they talk so much even they aren't interested in what they are saying. If she starts swaying back and forth or dangles shiny things on string in front of you then perhaps you are on to something

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
Any answers to questions are very breif and quick.
Some people just aren't good at conversation

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
'The more outrageous the lie, the more confused he will be.'
Some people are full of cr*p and make stuff up because they really have nothing genuinely interesting to say. Others have poor judgment when trying to make up excuses (lies) on the spot and overcompensate.

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
They bring their faces really close to yours
This is how many women talk to each other. It is how they communicate. If you every watch two close girlfriends sitting down talking to each other on the floor or bed. Chances are they will be sitting practically face-to-face and both will be speaking at the same time. It is just the way women talk (yes it is f*cked up but it seems to work for them).

Many attempt to apply this to their conversations with men without realizing that when men talk to each other this way someone is about to get a broken nose.

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
She will repeat the same thing over and over and over until you cave and say something like "oh really? I didn't know Mandrill Monkeys could type that fast."
Again some people are just dull and don't have much to talk about. Also many women (people) are prone to talking just for the sake of talking.

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
Always, ALWAYS, make a Bullsh*t call when you notice it, if you ignore it you will be drowned in it. This tells them that you don't really mind being lied to, an invitation to tons more unwarranted Bullsh*t.
Now here I think your analysis here is 100% bang on. It is damn good advice as well.

All that being said, I think it is good to be aware of these and other techniques. They may not be intentional but you will run into them on occasion. While 99.9% of people you meet will not be applying them intentionally they do occur as a part of peoples natural developed persuasive skills. So in that respect it is good to keep them in mind and be aware. Especially when dealing with people who are trying to convince you of something (salespeople). It will help you in making objective decisions.

G. Host

Edit for messed up quote tags

[This message has been edited by ghost_x01 (edited 03-20-2002).]


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
I didn't intend to sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

The things I mentioned have been used on me before, that the only reason I mentioned them.

All I'm sayin' is empower yourself against liars (women), and make sure you call 'em on it.

Good analysis, you made some good points, just one thing tho, they ARE intentional with women who are trying to use/manipulate you, that was the whole point of this post to make people aware of it, should the situation arise.

"Conclusions arrived at through reasoning have very little or no influence in altering the course of our lives. Hence, the countless examples of people who have the clearest convictions and yet act diametrically against them time and time again; and have as the only explanation for their behavior the idea that to err is human." Carlos Castaneda - The Fire From Within

"Hell aint a bad place to be" - AC/DC

[This message has been edited by dead_romeo (edited 03-20-2002).]


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by dead_romeo:
I didn't intend to sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

The things I mentioned have been used on me before, that the only reason I mentioned them.
Fair enough, knowledge does come from experiences. If that is what you have experienced I can't really disagree with it (at least I couldn't make a truly sound argument
). Hope all the qualities you listed weren't coming from the same woman. That would just be b*tch incarnate.

My experiences haven't really been the same. I've known many women (and men) who use bits and pieces but most appear to be using even those without the knowledge of what they are doing. In fact in most cases where I've seen the traits listed they seem to stem from deeper personality defects. To the point that they don't even realize they are using these (or similar) tactics.

I don't believe that I've ever met anyone who used them all knowingly and intentionally for manipulation. At least none that I noticed. Perhaps they were just really good. That said I don't have any doubt there are people are out there attempting to apply them intentionally. I don't believe they are as common as your article makes them seem.

However, way back in HS I did know one guy who was very much like what you describe. Still amazes me when I think about the cr*p he used to be able to talk his way out of. It was all natural talent and personality for him. For the most part he was just very good at reading people and then feeing them exactly what they want to hear (that might actually be a point you would want to add). And the fact that no one was ever willing to call him on the sh*t he was spewing even though it clearly was. I imagine today he is somewhere ripping off the blind and little old ladies (the lad had zero conscience).

But as you said all it really took to stop his manipulation was to call him on it. I'm actually quite happy I haven't run into very many people like him (he was a major *ss).

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
All I'm sayin' is empower yourself against liars (women), and make sure you call 'em on it.
Wouldn't even think about disagreeing with you there. The only thing in life a doormat ever gets is stepped on. Though I think it is a very important thing to keep it in mind when dealing with anyone (man or woman).

Originally posted by dead_romeo:
Good analysis, you made some good points, just one thing tho, they ARE intentional with women who are trying to use/manipulate you, that was the whole point of this post to make people aware of it, should the situation arise.
The way I'm reading it the original post it does come off as being a little too all inclusive (too absolute). But I can see what you are saying. Actually, I like the way you phrased it above much better. The end point is not as ambiguous and targets a more specific subgroup (manipulators).

There are no shortage of people (women included) in the world who will try and manipulate you for their own gains or needs. I fully agree awareness of these people and their motives is a very important DJ/life skill. I just think it is important to remember not to apply it to people (women)unilaterally.

G. Host

And remember you're only paranoid if you're wrong

Edit for bad tags again

[This message has been edited by ghost_x01 (edited 03-23-2002).]