zekko said:
I've been wondering this for awhile. There are so many guys on here who talk about their old BPD girlfriends, it's practically become part of pickup terminology, like "AFC". Here's my question:
Did your girlfriends have an official medical diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder given by a mental health professional? Or are you just saying they exhibited these symptoms, therefore they are BPD?
Just curious, because I've worked with some actual BPD women before (very severe cases).
Cluster B women, and BPD women in particular rarely present themselves for treatment and so a formal diagnosis is also rare. Secondly their first port of call when life gets intolerable to them is often a sympathetic female counselor and, we all know how THAT goes...
A sypmtom of their disorder is a distorted belief in their infallibilty. They truly believe that they are never wrong, never make mistakes and should never be accountable for the potholes that they frequently find themselve in.
Now, before yo'all yell back at me. " Jophil, that sounds like every woman I have ever dated .." read on ...
BPD/HPD (and NPD) women take this belief to the level of delusion. Most 'normal' women often fight off the thoughts that they F up from time to time, and often try to blame shift. BPD women are so nacissistic and in love with victimhood that they truly belief that they are faultless in spite of the trail of wreckage that they create in others' lives. They just do not believe that they sh!t trouble and destruction in spite of the stinking mess that they crap on others..
I actually compared my Ex girlfriends behavior ( over a year) with the signs and symptoms of BPD set out in the DSM. Her behavior matched almost exactly . That we was good enough for me.
Finally - Back in late 2006 I was alerted to the possibility of her being a CLuster B trainwreck by a few of the regulars on this forum . MY family doctor, and the counselor that G/f and I were seeing ( I made the appointment for both of us ) was no help at all in naming her disorder..