DevanE said:I swear half of you posted in this thread have no fukin idea how a fight goes down. By that I mean a "real" fight in the street not some fukin tournament. Maybe you guys should watch this guy fight before judgements are made about whether a boxer is better than a kicker.
Buakaw destroys this guy..
What many of you don't realize is that when you actually fight someone who can kick properly it makes him more deadlier than a boxer because of longer reach and better yet power and force that is generated. I've sparred against people that can kick the sh** out of you and believe me when I tell you no matter how fast you THINK your hands are legs can be just as fast. Believe it or not when you get kneed by a professional Muay Thai fighter it's like getting hit by a car at 35 MPH, it's enough force to fukin shatter your ribcage.
HOWEVER, most of the street fights always end up on the ground one way or another.
You guys are funny trying to interpret scenarios of what could possibly happen.
Nobody here thinks that a kickboxer isn't strong, we're just saying that at the very beginning of a fight, you most likely won't be able to throw a kick, since you'll be too close to your opponent. And since you're close, if he's a boxer, he'll be more likely to KO you rather than viceversa. Got it?