Boxing Gloves


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
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I just bought a 100lb leather punching bag. I'm wondering what kind of gloves I should buy to use with it? Also, do I need wrist wraps? I got these gloves for $50, but if I don't need that nice of gloves it would be great.

Also, what's a good way to suspend the bag? The guy at the store where I bought the bag didn't know sh1t. I have an open truss in my basement that I could loop a chain over, or I could anchor it into the wood.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
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Also, I'd appreciate it if anybody could link me to some basic info about boxing. I'm not planning on fighting other people, but I'd like to have decent punching form. Also, there are no boxing gyms near me since I live in the boonies.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
How about some Everlast training gloves? I think they're like 20-30 dollars.
You shouldn't really need wrist wraps, unless you're going to be punching for an hour or something. With the right technique, not swinging, but rather using your triceps to snap your jabs, you should be able to absorb a little more impact.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
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My kind of post :D

Get everlast gloves as the previous poster stated. The ones you bought are more for mixed fighting. If you want to get good at punching, I really insist you take a couple of boxing lessons, it won't take long, take 8 hours of lessons, and you will have good technique for a couple (definatelly not all) punches and movement and stance. Also buy heavier gloves then normal, this is great for your arms and shoulders. If you hit the bag a lot like that, and then afterwards fight with lighter gloves you're faster, stronger, and you will have better stamina.

Also get a piece of cloth to wrap around your hands, even those first aid kit wrappings are good. It just keeps the sweat in there instead of your gloves (and that **** stays in, and SMELLS very very bad :)). This will keep your gloves smelling just fine :)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
really insist you take a couple of boxing lessons, it won't take long, take 8 hours of lessons, and you will have good technique for a couple (definatelly not all) punches and movement and stance.
Can I take lessons at a place like a YMCA, or should I go to a special boxing gym?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Boxing gyms in South Dakota? Stick with YMCA, or try using a friend's little bro to spar with you. That's what I do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Man, brand dont mean SH*T, if your bag is hard, I would suggest 10oz gloves. If it is soft, use normal bag mits. Someone said you dont need wraps. hahahahaha, yes you do. For your knuckles, wrists and infact entire hands. You REALLY DO need wraps.

If you are going to take lessons, you need WAY MORE THAN 8 HOURS to learn ANYTHING. Man you need HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of hours to learn anything half decent. Use a chain to hang your bag, as long as the support in the roof is strong enough.

I have boxed for 7 years now so I DO know what I am talking about.

Hope this helps.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Originally posted by chim_chim
Also, I'd appreciate it if anybody could link me to some basic info about boxing. I'm not planning on fighting other people, but I'd like to have decent punching form. Also, there are no boxing gyms near me since I live in the boonies.
As far as boxing info, not sure about actual training the best site I could recommend for that would be, and then click on the "ringside and training principles window".

If you want to learn a thing or two about the professional boxing scene, you can go to, or All these sites are great, it is also a great sport, you should really learn it properly, not just hit a bag. It gives you more confidence than anything on this site can give you, plus gets you healthy and in great shape.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
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What the **** are you talking about brand don't mean **** ? I trained with some non-brand gloves for two years, and now trained with everlast for two years, they do last longer, the other ones got all soft from the punching and worn out, the everlasts are at least still protecting your opponents face a bit. I wouldn't suggest him to buy gloves in the supermarket or anything, and I don't mean buy everlast, just buy a brand.

And I don't mean 8 hours of boxing will make him a good boxer, but 8 hours of lessons will beat 300000 hours of browsing and learning from them websites you give the poor bastard. And usually after 8 hours of practice, they keep going back, so give the man some credit.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Of couse I dont mean sh*t gloves from the supermarket. But any sporting store sells ONLY brand gloves, and any will do. Everlast are the best boxing brand of course, but you can get cheaper ones that do the job.

I didnt recommend any website or reading, he asked for one. And 8 hours wont do ANYTHING for him. As for giving him credit? Where exactly did I discredit him? All I did was help from my years of experience. What exactly do you know about boxing Charisma? I would doubt you know a quarter as much as me, I have been in the sport for years and have trained with some of the worlds best, Jorge Paez, Gonzalez and Kostya Tszyu. So dont try and discredit MY advice.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
People are way to uptight in this place lol.
I have been practicing Sanda for 4 years now, and after 8 hours of training you sure as hell know how to punch a heavy bag with a couple of basic hits, that's what he was asking, he doesn't want to get professional or even amateur boxer, just work out using a bag. You're telling me I can't box even though I've been doing Sanda for about 4 years on competition level now, and I still have all my teeth, haven't had a fight that I can't remember the ending off, so yeah, I consider myself good. if the guy asks for some basic knowledge to simply hit a bag, 8 hours will teach him left and right straight as people usually do, and that's enough for him to be hitting his bag.

Btw Clooney, don't be stressed, I think you just misinterpreted my post.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Charisma
People are way to uptight in this place lol.
I have been practicing Sanda for 4 years now, and after 8 hours of training you sure as hell know how to punch a heavy bag with a couple of basic hits, that's what he was asking, he doesn't want to get professional or even amateur boxer, just work out using a bag. You're telling me I can't box even though I've been doing Sanda for about 4 years on competition level now, and I still have all my teeth, haven't had a fight that I can't remember the ending off, so yeah, I consider myself good. if the guy asks for some basic knowledge to simply hit a bag, 8 hours will teach him left and right straight as people usually do, and that's enough for him to be hitting his bag.

Btw Clooney, don't be stressed, I think you just misinterpreted my post.
Must have been a misinterpretation. I still disagree, a simple jab takes a SH*TLOAD of practice, and you need a trainer to be watching you a LOT, because tiny little technical flaws can develop. As far as a straight one two, he can do that without ANY coaching. You get coached in boxing to learn to do it PROPERLY, not to do it SIMPLY. Otherwise you would just hit the bag by yourself, anyone knows how to do the simple punches.

BTW, what is Sanda?


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
The coolest **** I've done so far ;)

There's a highlight video around nowadays from the 2003 world championship, I'm sure you can find it. It's nothing illegal, it's like a promotion Highlight. It's basically Kickboxing, but with a lot more side kicking involved, and the best part, trhows. So it's stand-up fighting, like Tai Boxing if you want, but in the clinch we get to throw the opponent. Pretty wild, but I fight in the division where you get head gear, since I don't want to go mad to soon ;) The full contact tourneys are mad to watch, I don't even want to imagine the pain from a shin blow against your head/neck. It's also fought on an elevated square, so if you can push him off he loses too. You don't want to get thrown out though, but they usually have the manners to not do that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2001
Reaction score
Indpls, IN USA
When doing bagwork, use 16oz (or heavier) gloves. When I started training in boxing, I noticed several coaches making the guys they were training wear just average gloves that were used in competition. They rationalized that larger gloves prevented the hands from being injured while training as well as get you used to moving your hands with heavy gloves on your hands.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Charisma
People are way to uptight in this place lol.
I have been practicing Sanda for 4 years now, and after 8 hours of training you sure as hell know how to punch a heavy bag with a couple of basic hits, that's what he was asking, he doesn't want to get professional or even amateur boxer, just work out using a bag. You're telling me I can't box even though I've been doing Sanda for about 4 years on competition level now, and I still have all my teeth, haven't had a fight that I can't remember the ending off, so yeah, I consider myself good. if the guy asks for some basic knowledge to simply hit a bag, 8 hours will teach him left and right straight as people usually do, and that's enough for him to be hitting his bag.

Btw Clooney, don't be stressed, I think you just misinterpreted my post.
If you wear a mouthguard, then you are EXPECTED to have all your teeth.