Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
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AudiTy said:
Sounds good Dragon, are you gonna upload it ? =)
Yes as soon as I'm do scanning it. What I will do it post it on another website. Private message me if your interested.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
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Bourne said:
Saturday 6.10.2006
Have fun. Just have fun and get experience in this world. Get some cool stories. Don't concentrate on getting laid. Your goal should be to have fun, everything else WILL fall into place.
Hey Bourne, I totally agree with you, it's the thing I always forget when I go to clubs.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
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Bourne, any updates? Keep us posted


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2006
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Were In The Same Situation

I'm a RAFC. I used to live in NYC and was a social machine until I got my heart broken. I backed up my bags and headed back home. It took me 2 years to let her go. Now I'm 26 and back at a University and going for my bachelors. My first semester at the university I totally failed with this girl. I wrote her a love letter and gave her gifts. She didn't like it. I was back at square one until I decided to change my life. Summer came and I started to go out more. I numbered closed and talked to random people. Then I started up the stakes. I took out a credit card and planed a trip to L.A. and Europe. I bought new trendy cloths and threw out my old crusty ones. Now I walk with great posture and keep myself well groomed at all times. As a result I've been getting major "looks" from women.

there are times that I feel meloncholy. For example my friend who's 21 kept teasing me about my age until one day I told him to F*ck off and that was that. He didn't speak about it again.

I'm really glad that there's another 26 year old running around campus trying to improve his life.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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So lets see now.

I have progressed rather far in my inner game and outer game. One thing that is lacking is good people/wing man by my side. But that is ok, I can do this by myself as well.

Still have approach anxiety where I talk myself out of it. But less, much less.

I have gotten laid now by 3 different girls in last 6 weeks. Made out with, I lost count. I have met a lot of cool girls and few cool guys that I now hang out with and go out with on the weekends. Good times. So I have aquired few good guy friends. I also made some enemies and few girls hate my guts. Also to counter-balance, there are a few girls who I met think the best of me. No one I would date though or pursue any further relations with. Just fun nights and weekends and left at that.

The more time I spend off line and being in the real world, has improved me tenfold. I now only come back here to read what I need to read and keep in touch with few people on the board. Many people here say the same thing, leave the pc and go out. The simplest and best advice is the most ignored one.

My approaches are probably up in the 50s or 60s now. I didn’t count. These were the most successful ones as well, when I didn’t go out with intention of sarging, but with intention of having a good time. Being in that state I pulled more numbers and had better conversation with girls then I did when I went out with intention of getting numbers or talking to girls. Most of these approaches were in clubs and bars. As well as outside of clubs and bars by walking around.

Few weeks ago pulled 2 numbers from two girls by simply walking up and being direct with them in a grocery store. Same night, later I pulled another number in a restaurant bar in Applebees. Simply by being fun, forward, honest and direct.

Being a server also allows me to practice a lot of my skills, vibing and socializing, by building rapport with people. That has helped me a lot in my game as well.

I still get nervous when approaching in low-key environments. Coffee shops, bookstores etc. But by knowing your worth and knowing that you are about to have a girl enter your world and bringing her the exciting part of the day of meeting you. This is the right state of mind. Always be in the right frameset. Very important.

I am going to NYC this weekend. My goals are to explore the city in daytime, as well as night time. Approach and instant date by going to restaurants, museums etc. Basically talking to everyone and overcoming my ego. If any of you guys are going to be there IM me in next 48 hours, maybe will meet up somewhere in Manhattan and exchange knowledge and perhaps you will help me get better.

Goals so far:

  • Work on becoming the best self. Improve my life in all aspects. Become the prize. Health/Fitness; Relationships/Friendships; Financial; Goals/Ideals; Self-Knowledge/Awareness; Personal Fulfillment
  • Travel to NYC
  • DONE Get a better/new job. 2 part time jobs that will make as 1 full time. Plus a freelancing gig.
  • Approach nonstop. Complete 100 approaches. That is at least 1 girl per day.
  • Clean my room. It’s a fvcking mess
  • Clean my car. It’s a fvcking mess part 2.
  • DONE Save money. At least $800
  • CHECK Workout and stay in tip-top shape
  • CHECK Eat Healthy
  • Read 8 books of my choice. Ranging from art, fiction to self help and seduction as well as human behavior.
  • Study Italian
  • Live everyday to its fullest
  • Conquer a fear everyday. Do something everyday that scares me, something that challenges me.
  • Get rid of my ego. Inferiority and Superiority complex. It’s more Inferiority.
  • DONE Have One-Night-Stand TOTAL OF 3 so far
  • Have a summer fling
  • DONE Kiss close
  • Get a BJ
  • DONE Get laid by at least 2 girls
  • Weigh in at 150 lbs. I’m 142 right now.
  • Take Dance Lessons
  • CHECK Don’t do anything that makes me unhappy. Do not put up with sh1t. Some people tell me I should bare through a crappy job, a sh1t boss just because its there and you are making money. I say fvck that. There is no reason anyone should do what they do not want to. Fight that.
  • Complete BootCamp.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
Truly a credit to the community, this is what it's all about right here :)

-AudiTy =o


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Awesome work Bourne. The thread was a lot of fun to watch and inspired me to start my own on here as well as blogspot. You gave a lot of DJs a lot of inspiration this year. Keep it rocking in 2006 dude. :up:


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score

this topic is really nice to read
and u can learn alot from seeing what other people do
still need UR OWN prac though

keep it up :D <3


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
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Dude, this thread made me register just so i could reply.

Your doing great, keep up the good work and keep posting.

You should get a Blog


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
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I really appreciate the title of your thread: success in life and approaches!



Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Thanks guys.

I'm still here, haven't left. Been extremely busy with school and whats left of time from that, going out and working out.

I've got alot to update and talk about since I've been in NYC in beginning of August and till now. So much happened and I'm hoping after I share some of it with you, that you will learn some things from my mistakes and successes.

I'll be back once I have a bit of time to sit down behind a pc for more then 5 minutes.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Great stuff man, it's inspiring me to get out there again.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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My Tips on Approaching from Experience

Its coming up where I have been on these forums for about a year. I only have started to live and apply principles from here since March of 2006. I am still fresh/green/newby. :) So I have decided to share what I have learned so far in approaching.
In mid August I saved up over $1000 and spend most of it on my trip to NYC. I have to tell you that it was one of my best experiences yet. I spend there one whole week. In those 6 days I was there I must have approached and talked to over 50+ gilrs. All cold approaches and using all sorts of methods. From the pick up lines to direct approaches. It was all fun and nothing really every bad happened. The worst approach was when I used a pick up line and the girl stared back at me and then ignored me. Here is what I learned and wrote down in my journal while on the way back. So everything I wrote down was from experience and what I got from it. I pretty much overcame my fear anxiety. I still get nervous, but that is part of the process now, I do not fear it.

  • Lead.
  • Open with a situational opener. Mentioning something about them, where we are, observation of some sort has worked the best.
  • Introducing something exciting to them to get them out of their boring day to day living. ME.
  • Most girls want to be talked to, someone to want them, take care of them and show them new experience.
  • Novelty. Being fun, charming, remain eye contact, being playful, mysterious, leading-taking them by their hand and saying lets go.
  • Its all about sharing a connection with another person. Relating to them on some level. Because you can approach and run scripts, pick up lines etc. but if both of you walk away with nothing gained from the interaction then it was a waste. Because we remember the people we meet that we share something with and those are the people that enrich our lives. Quality over quantity. We remember moments in our lives. Fill your life with moments and good memories.
  • Being real and genuine. Sincere.
  • Have fun, do not take the approaching so serious. Its about having fun. Playful vibe, always. There will be times to be serious later.
  • Always approach. See an opportunity and take it. Be a man and step it up. Take what is yours. Follow your heart.
  • When interacting, don't apologize or say you are sorry. You do loose power and control over interaction as well as your respect that she had for you; its gone. As bad as it may sound, it is true.
  • Composure.
  • Calm.
  • Confident body language.
  • Don't take any ****. If she is being rude, tell her. Even if she says the doesnt care. She does.
  • Have an opinion. Be decisive. Pick a side.
  • You only live once. You only get one chance, so what ever it is, TAKE IT. Go out and create your circumstance, create your own opportunity and you must create your own life. Because no one will. Risk it, rewards will be great.
  • Have an interesting life. Lead an interesting life.
  • Confidence is king.

This is what I learned in my short time somewhere else. Take it or leave it. I have read a lot of articles here, I keep coming back to good ones and reading something different every time from them. But in reality nothing will ever compare to your real experience in the field. NOTHING. Which for some is the hardest part and some will never over come it. The only person that holds you back is YOU. I have learned this and over come some of my limitations, I hope you will take the same road. Its tough, but very fun.

PS. When I get some more time, I will write up FR on approaches that I remember and give you an insight what I did and which ones worked and which ones did not.
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Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
i agree with most of it, but i'd like to say that picking a side, about any topic, especially when its the opposing side to what she says, but doing it playfuly or just by teasing her to the point she has to defend herself, qualify to your believes, is the best one lol.

i also like the "if she says she doesnt care, she does".. so true!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Ressurection. Bourne is back!

Ressurection of Bourne's Journal:
I am back!

Now, this is what I'm going to do. I don't have much time on my hands to post this as I did before. That is mainly why I didn't update. I've become a really busy man. Life has been good :)
So what I am going to do is write as often as I can, hopefully everyday for 15-20 minutes. No word docs, straight in here and no spell check. So bare with me if spelling gets too bad and my sentence structure is wierd. Moving on.

In lat 4 weeks alot of things have been happening. Major things in my dating/sex/social/inner game that I will need to bring you up on. Right now I am going for a girl that I really like and need you guys to catch up on where I am at. To do that I will start from the trip in NYC and start with my approaches and reports as well as my inner game that I have been working on.

Here we go.

Bare with me its been 2 months and I didn't write all of my approaches down, so I'll have to think back from day to day and see what happened . So I will most likely miss out on few approaches and what actually happened.

Approach 1:
Flying out of the airport I was very excited about the trip. I got to the airport 1.5 hours early just so I can start my trip and my inner discovery as early as I could. I didnt sleep the night before but that didn't bother me at all.

As I said I started as soon as I could. I grabbed some breakfast to eat at McDonalds. I saw a cute looking latino women. She was actually beautiful. 8-9.

Opener: I'm going to join you for a few minutes.

We chatted about all sorts of things before she had to bail to catch her flight.

Approach 2:
This wasn't much of an approach but more of gaming the girl. I ended up getting really good and cool with the stewardess from the plane. I got her to take a picture with me, sit on my lap and got 3 free drink coupons for next flight with Delta.

Tip: They/She approached me. I was drawing/sketching.

Approach 3:
My friend met me at the airport to go back to Manhattan with him. On the bus we sat down next to a late 20's woman.

Opener: Where you from?
Chatted with her till she had to get off next stop for about 15 minutes.

Tip: Be interested, sincerely interested in another person. It will show.

Approach 4:
After we got settled in we went for food. Later went to Starbucks. I saw a cute girl sitting by herself. I told my friend that I would bet him a drink that I she can let me sip her drink.

Opener: What drink did you get?

I came very close to sipping her drink. She game me the cup but then last second hesitated and took it back. Few minutes later I bailed.

Tip: Keep it fun. Have a goal in the interaction but not a selfish, one sided goal like what I had. Example: have a goal to get to know them better or something along those lines.

We later went to Letterman and I saw her there. I then later saw her on tv while we watched Letterman as she sat in one of the first rows. "Hey, thats the girl I bet you a drink with." I told my friend. :)

Well 20 minutes are up. To be continued.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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As we continue...

Approach 5:
Same place same starbucks as before. I left the girl that I tried to game with the drink because the conversation went sour. I immidiatly stood up and saw 2 gilrs in the corner. Very cute. I approached.

Opener: I find it very interesting that two of you can communicate to each other across the room without ever saying a word. You guys must be close long time friends.

They were. Conversation went really good.

Approach 6:
Saw a girl working in a information stand. I came up to her. Looked her straight in the eyes. Right before she started to feel uncomfortable. I smiled and said "Smile".
She smiled back. ITs a great feeling to make someone sincerely smile. I walked away.

Approach 7:
Top of the empire state. Two girls, beautiful blonds. I noticed when I was in proximity with them they were talking my native language.

Opener: (in my native language) You guys want me to take a picture of you two?

They were pleasantly suprised. Conversation flowed. I ended up taking a pic with them.

All of these approaches I didn't care about getting a number. Just as info incase you guys were wondering.

Approach 8:
Subway. I noticed a girl looking over at me from accross the seat. Now she might have been just looking around. I just decided to go for it. She had suitcases with her, so I was going to lead in with that.

Opener: (ready for this one)? Hi.

Tip: Observe your environment and what can you open with based on that.

Approach 9:
Subway. Good looking but acting like a total dumbass girl. Surfer chick. Talking to my friend he made a comment about her wet t-shirt. Told me that I should come up and open with "Did you win?"

While on the subway I did.
Opener: (cheesy line)
Me: Did you win.
Completely unrespnsive.
Her: Ya
Me: So you did? Top prize
Her: Aha.
Me: The wet t-shirt contest, you won! Good for you.

Perfect timing because we pulled up to our stop and I left.

Approach 10:
Subway. Two girls with their mom. Ages probably mid 20's. Getting rid of fear of approaching.

Opener: I have to say I've only been in NYC as my second day now, and you girls are the most beautiful New Yorkers I've seen yet.

Cheesy and pathetic I know. But this served as a stepping stone.

They were completely unresponsive. Just stared at me. No facial expressions whatsover. Its like I was talking to a wall.

Tip: Approach just for the hell of it to get rid of fear/anxiety. Just come up to girls say a phrase or two and then leave. Continue untill you stay in there longer and not bail out. Every approach, stay in there longer regardless how it makes you feel. Keep pushing your comfort zone. Expand it.

To be continued...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Lets continue,

Approach 11:
In a musuem. Walking up to a girl and telling her to smile just like in approach 6.

Approach 12:
One of my best approaches. Standing in line to a museum. I noticed an extremely cute girl. She was listening to her iPod. I stood there analyzing the situation seeing if she was with anyone. It didn't seem like it but there was a guy right next to her. I said screw it.
I walked up to her side, staring in the same direction and looked at her with a smile. She took her earphones.

Me: Are you here alone?
Her: Yeah
Me: Come back with me down the line and talk

and I walked away.
She followed.

She turned out to be an amazing girl. She spend the rest of the next hour hanging out with us in the museum. We ended up exchanging numbers and emails. She called me later that day but I missed her phone call. I called her a few times but got nothing only a voicemail. She was going back home to Europe in a week. That was the last time I spoke to her when I met her.

Approach 13:
This is getting tough to remember now.
Me and my friend went out to go to bars on Friday night. Inside one of the bars I believe it was Hard Rock Cafe? He is very shy and you would never catch him approaching a girl.

I saw two girls sitting by themselves. Tough position. Their backs would be to me and no space by their side. They noticed us. As soon as you walk in anywhere women notice you.

I walk up behind them and tap them on the shoulder.

Me: Hi girls, my name is Bourne. Where you from?
Them: Blah, blah.
Me: Why don't you come back to the other side of the bar to me and my friend. Because whatever you guys are watching on tv can't be that interesting.

I went back after few minutes I wasn't going to wait. They never came. I took a walk around the restaurant.

Approach 14:
Table full of people and girls.

Me: How you guys doing? How is the service? I am an assistant manager and just checking that service was up to par.

This is just to get me into talkative mood. I am there and always go out with a goal to have fun and create experiences. This was fun.

Approach 15:
Same as 14 but to a table of 4 girls.

Approach 16:
Approached a table of 3 girls. They were taking a pic so I jumped in.

Me: Let me take a picture of all of you.


Me: Now, since I did that you have to be in a picture with me and all of you.

I ended up taking a picture with the girls. I talked and we all ended up talking for next 2 hours, drinking and having alot of fun. I did go back to get my friend incase you were wondering.

I ended up getting all their numbers and emails.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Approach #12 was my fav. Good stuff. I still dont understand why you dont attempt to close some of these approaches. It seems like you are becoming more adept at approaching so why not bump it to the next level?