Dasein: Indoctrinated with DJ wisdom, I see. I like how you introduce your boundaries with "well, what does that mean, exactly, to you?" Excellent!
Malcontent: Field tested a myriad times, as well as on my wife who I met at 22 yos, HB 9.
Samspade: We have to hang out one day; I live in Brooklyn.
Peaks&Valleys: Thank you for some witty and ostensible solid counterpoints. Theories cannot be tested unless opposed. Let’s see if I can debunk your four rebuttals:
Yes; perhaps boundary implementation would reduce the Hollywood divorce rate of 80% down to societal 60%.
How would she understand what undermines relations, if a lifetime of beta conditioning has indoctrinated her with unacceptable standards of play? We are not referring to ubiquitous capital offenses such as cheating.
Diametrically, then, if she occasionally doesn’t mind my going out with my friends, I should leave her?
Let’s look at
facts, not Manosphere theory. In state and federal prisons, 113,000 were women offenders in 2010 compared to 1,500,000 male inmates. So male outnumber women 13:1 in breaking societal rules, but women are incapable of following relational boundaries? Gotcha!