Born a natural but took time to realize it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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This is a very long post it but i'm more then confident that you will definitely like what you read and maybe you too can make the change. If anything it's good advice

This is all true story it'll be long but maybe you'll enjoy. So theirs this black kid named Chukwu(me) For as long as I can remember I have always been a really goofy kind of guy.

As in I would do stupid shiit for attention, like fake
choking, random falls, just some of the most random yet funny things you wouldn't expect but I did them. I made people laugh and for the longest I though I would always be this way. Lets start from middle school, new experience.

Well when I was in 7-8th grade you could have called me a "thug" or at least I dressed like one but I never really talked like one none the less I hung out with the black people because at the time I didn’t think any differently. Though I mainly hung out with blacks I had several white and Mexicans friends too. Well lets fast forward to high school now I was a freshmen in l and I was looking for a change I noticed that I was hanging around more preppy people.(for some reason I clicked better with them then the "thugs)

Well freshmen year was great but sophomore year was even better because during that summer my friend convinced me to start dressing preppy. His reason was "you act white" anyway and it will help you pull more chicks then he referred me to another black guy who pulls several chicks in the same scenario.

So anyway I take my friends advice and 10th year came around and everyone noticed my change obviously I made more friends I soon noticed that I had a lot more "popular/preppy" guy friends and hung out with alpha males.. Yet I still felt the same I was still know as Chukwu( which is pronounced Chook Woo unique eh) the Goofy guy the one who will do anything for attention.

So as time goes on I’m having a blast partying with my friends all the time drinking, smoking, experimenting you know how it goes hanging around all these cool "bad ass" guys and hot chicks. Yet something always felt missing. I looked at these guys and noticed that they were picking up girls effortlessly and while I have never been a shy guy(I’m outspoken) I never could "score" with these girls.

So here I was this Goofy yet funny guy who was hanging around all these cool desirable people yet something was missing. My mind set was hey why aren’t I getting these girls I’m funny,(goofy) good looking but I’m skinny<---- that has to be why I’m not picking up girls or so I told myself. So fast forwarding a bit my 10th grade summer I finally got laid but it wasn’t by my own game. It was done though the help of my friends.

My friend will call him J called up a girl and me along with 3 of my buddies ****ed her. So here I was this guy with absolutely no experience with girls never seen a puusy aside from porn never even kissed a girl was about to FUUCK.

OH shiit my mind and heart are racing like crazy, so now we decide whose going to go first well we roll with dice and just my luck I go first. but there was a problem I couldn't get up, luckily my friend lets call him R had free cable so we turn on the Porn. So here I am trying to get my self up(all along while this girl is butt ass naked ready to get fuucked) and I can't get up.

Well my Friend J says fuuck it ‘I’m going so he goes first then my friend T and R suggest that I put Crisco on because it will stimulate it better. LOL and me being the dumb ass I was I put Crisco all over myself and my penis to try to get up still looking at porn sitting on the couch but it wasn’t happening time. Time goes on lets say about 25 minutes I finally get up to some degree not all the way but I was satisfied. So here I was finally Chukwu that goofy skinny black guy was about to get laid.

Well I walk in the room awkwardly look at this naked attractive girl on the bed and started sucking on her tit then I started kissing her. The next thing I know I inserted my penis O_O OMG I was having sex this feeling was so great I was so happy but before I know it, it was all over and no it wasn't because I came it was because the man down below decide to go limp and stay that way(btw the girl would not give a BJ) After about 5 minutes of staying limp I said "fuuck it I cant stay up" she was cool with after all she just had 3 other ****s in her puusy*.

But I on the other hand was happy that I did insert it but then again I was angry at myself that I didn’t finish. My friends had picture and laughed and said "hey it happens to the best of us. I at the time didn’t know why that happen I got laid but why did I still feel this void. Fast-forward

Now I was a junior no real big changes just more partying and the like yet I still not having sex I still had all these cool friends who had girls and were getting laid with little to no effort yet I was just their. Sometime I would go to a party and be like hey I’m here why cant I contribute to this conversation(my mindset). Usually I would add in what I could and Smile a lot I MEAN ALOT(one of my good features and one that I use to my advantage now) Anyway as the year goes on my best R get him a girlfriend and boy did I see a change in him.

Sure we chilled everyday still but as soon as I heard that ring tone. "let me hold you, I knew that was his girlfriend...YIPPEE I get to sit at Roberts house and watch porn while he goes in his room and talks to his GF for hours. I began to notice that everything and everyone was changing but I was still in the same place.

Sure I was getting older, still partying, but I was still the same guy Chuk the goofy black guy who had a lot of friends many who were girls.(oh btw the girls that I knew I flirted with them but it was mainly them making the moves I didn't know how to initiate it. Like I would feed off of them I wasn’t really in control I was like a toy in play pin to some degree, its hard to explain)

These people obviously saw something in myself that I didn't people had always said I had leadership qualities yet most of the time I was following someone else and being an entertainer. I thought I was just being myself blending in with everyone, usually agreeing with what they had to say just kind of passive yet still likeable.

Oh I had one girlfriend over Christmas break but she initiated the conversation an guess what the first thing she says was.... Hey last night I had a dream that we had SEX....WTF(my mind) so I talk to her hesitantly not knowing what to say and then I get her number. a week later we go out. new years eve come around we we're both on adarol she's horny and wants to fuuck.

So do I but I couldn't for the life of me work up the nerve to do so. Eventually we park at a Park and start making out in the car... She gets on top of me and we start kissing we were about to fuuck but we had to leave because people started showing up.....blah blah we go to a party her Ex shows up its awkward so we leave and I come home. 3 days later we break up, she says she wasn't fully over her ex.

I respond ok all I wanted was sex anyway.(even though I didn’t get it) Alright so cool I had a girlfriend sweet maybe I’m not so hopeless. After Aimee I had no other girlfriend....fuuck man what am I doing wrong I’ve got it all popular fun friends, attractive girls who are friends. I'm hanging out with these people so why aren’t I fuucking like my other guy friends were. OH shiit I know why its because I’m too skinny, so if I gain weight then I’ll be sure to get girls(or so I though) Well turns I worked out for awhile but wasn’t really determined so I stopped after a while.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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So here was my summer of me becoming a senior. Wow here I was about to be the head of the school I said good by to the class of 06 and now it was my turn class of 07 baby.(oh btw I hung out with older people along with my class) Anyway over the summer instead of mainly hanging out with my friends guess what I did...I got Addicted to the MMORPG aka the addiction WOW.

OMG this game is freaking awesome. I noticed that I wasn't answering phone calls I wasn’t leaving my room except to piss and eat I was living in my room racing to get to level 60 on WOW. What had I become...I didn’t care all I wanted to do was be level 60 and start raiding with the rest of my guild.

However I did go to a party where I rolled for the first time. OMg what was this feeling I felt SOOO good everything was so great everyone was so happy I was so happy I was dancing I was feeling on top of the world. hours later as the party is still taking place everyone else drunk here I am bored and drained so I smoke some pot out back. Anyway me and my buddy(now locked up) who was on T bars(xanaz) was leaving the party with fuucking treasures in his pocket.

This dude some how always had people's shiit on bars(I would know he stole $60 from me on homecoming when I popped 5 bars and passed out...another story another time) Anyway as we are walking to his house I’m hearing everything from keys, to phones, to wallets dangling in his pocket. Both of us skit zing from being throwed and me being the guy I was, was just going along right with him. blah blah we get to his house one of the guys follows us questions us we deny blah blah Then Kyle goes inside and says I’ll let you inside in a minute I have to talk to my parents. Time goes on Kyle doesn’t let me in his house...WTF is going on.

I eventually realized Kyle wasn't planning to let me in so coming down from rolling and high as hell I laid under his dad mustang skit zing like crazy but couldn't sleep and was to fuucked up to come home(not to mention I told my mom I was staying the night out).

Laying down I later start hearing something it sounded like a radio kind of like the ones the cops have.... laying down still I peak my head and then I saw it OH fuuckING shiit COPS posted up right in the alley of Kyle’s house all while I’m SKITZING Even harder from rolling and stoned at 3 a.m. my options are pretty clear.....I'm not moving front his spot. So now all these thoughts go through my head why what how.

Then I tell myself it must have been the guy who followed us about the missing phone that Kyle stole. Anyway I eventually fall asleep somehow and then I wake up at like 8 am and walk home.(I only live like 8 minutes from Kyle) Later that day i tell kyle of what happened he apologizes blah blah we are cool life goes on.

Ok so here it was senior year hell yeah we were the big dogs now. Senior year started off great party's out the ass new crop of freshmen Wow this was going to be a good year. Yet i was STILL the same old Chuk I still wasn't pulling girls. I did however notice that i did flirt better with girls however they mainly were still initiating it. Depending on the girl.

So time passes on and I’m still having a blast. next thing i know its semester 2 January 6th after a fun Christmas break its back to school. Well now i was getting allot older i had just turned 18 in December and though i was older i still felt the same. Sure i could buy cigarettes legally now(still did it as a minor) so that was just more of a convince. But I was still skinny, goofy entertaining Chuk. If people eve wanted a good laugh they knew chuk would be the one to give it to them.(also my sense of humor is what i use to my advantage now also)

Anyway i just remember saying its a new year i want a change. Here i would be getting ready for life after high school and yet i still feel the same. I'm ready for the new chapter in my life I'm ready for a change. But how was i going to do this. OH YEAH if i want to pull girls i need to get bigger their was nothing wrong with my personality.(or so i told myself) So here i was now wanting this change to be different for when i graduate to become something else.

But what was this change and how was i to attain it. I was pretty sure it was through increasing my size i was sure to get girls that way. But i wasn’t ready to work out until march(when me and rob were going to start) Shortly later i started to look at myself and say hey WTF i want to change my image i'm tired of being known as CHUK the funny, goofy entertainer, the guy we can go to when we want a good laugh or the guy we expect to do something random and crazy. I also didn’t like how i talked really fast at times and would repeat the same word several times though out the sentence.

Example hey dude whets up dude what are you doing after school today dude. I also didn't like how i walked with my feet out wide kind of like a duck(not as bad but you get the picture. So how was i to achieve this change. Well i noticed with practice i got my feet to walk straight so that was good. But i was still talking really fast and still goofy ass chuk. But i had the idea the INIIATIVE to want to change.

I was my way to becoming an alpha male but i didn't even realize it. Weeks pass and remember Rob the one with the girlfriend of a year and 4 months was now single. HELL YEA chill time like a biitch*, i saw it coming. Now if anyone was an alpha male it was him. Robert has always had a deep voice and has always had charisma and that confidence that just draws women to him,
and i noticed who always knew what to say to ANYONE, Anytime.

It was like he was able to be in any social situations, whether it be talking to a parent, interviewer, principal, anyone he who always knew what to say. I never thought anything of it until recently. So here Rob was single and talking to one of his ex's of freshmen year. He wasn't looking for a GF just puusy*. After a 2 weeks of being single he was already getting laid, AFTER just getting out of a relationship for a year and 4 Months. HOW the fuuck can he do that. But that was only the beginning.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
So their was this girl who was cute and showed interest in me, and i liked her too we had talked before.(she liked my hair, i got her name and shiit you know basic info)

So hear i was talking to this new cute girl and for that week everything was great i would see her after every class we were writing notes back to each other(yea WTF im in 12th she’s in 9th, still writing notes WTF) NE way i was enjoying myself i got her number called her every night we talked on the phone late at night getting to know each other.

It was a nice change from what was happening before. So that weekend was a 3day weekend so Thursday i went to the club for the first time. it was suppose to be girls gone wild at club purgatory but their wasn’t anything to great aside from the occasionally making out of chicks. Anyway this was a fun weekend.

So anyway i wrote Paige a note as we had been doing the week before( i honestly hated writing notes but hey a girl was giving me attention and i didn’t wont to do anything to fuuck it up). Well the week goes on and the notes stopped later that week but i'm still having fun.

The weekend was here and i knew of a party Saturday fuuck yah time to have some fun. But before i could do anything i needed to find a ride. Well i would usually go with Thomas but he had to stay home and Robert was working. hmm shiit my 2 best buds can't take me so i went though my phone list and went though everyone. Most didn’t pick up and the ones who did "all had excuses"

Then i call one of the girls who i'm close with she says out mutual friend who is a girl could take me(now i had to be weary back she was known to hoe stunt. she said she would call when their ready.

Ok so i leave my house due to just wanting to get the **** out and i chill at Thomas’s waiting for Ashley to call. Well i later call her and she says oh hey we're not going to Sara's party anymore we're going to so and so party we'll call you when we leave. I call her back she doesn’t pick up, i Text same results.

WTF she hoe stated oh well that’s typical of her. Anyway i started to notice no one was picking up we're they are fuucked up or just didn't care. Well still optimistic Robert gets off work and he says he can take me. fucckinING SWEET i can party now.

Well then my buddy Z calls and says he's going i ask him how to get their and has like yea do you know how to get to so and sos house( and me being the dumb shiit i was i agreed back i had been their before but hadn’t realized i forgot.) anyway he says see yaw their and bye.

Well as we are going i say hey S lives across the street from JT has like alright. Well come to find out he forgot how to get their too. Oh fuuck im running out of options i'm so damn close to this party I’ll just call Z back up he'll pick up for sure. first time i call straight to voice mail.

Ok has on the phone 2nd time i call after 10 rings which i know he ignored i hear his voice mail. Ok their was one more person to call the actual person throwing the party, after 2 rings i get forwarded. In that moment i told Rob to take me home.....

I was crushed depressed, totally broken what had just happen. i came home and thought wow have i really just been a firkin loser this whole time. Why do feel this way. I was at my worst i felt like all my friends were fakes and liars i removed my top page from my space i didn't care to hang out with anyone.

The Next day Sunday Thomas and Rob call me my 2 best friends we hang out they can tell some tings wrong. At first they were like with dude you don’t wont to hang out with us. But i did decide to but they knew i wasn’t myself. i just told them eh im tired or something.

But i wasn’t i was really crushed. After smoking a bowl or 2 i felt a bit better but i was still depressed. After a day of dread and feeling like shiit i finally slept. It was now Monday and i noticed that even me and that girl i was talking to wasn’t doing so great.

So shiit not only have i felt like I’ve lost all my friends this girl doesn’t even like me. For those 2 days i was feeling like shiit later i recouped back everything was back to normal.

Everyone had fun at Sara’s party i lied about why i wasn’t their i was back in the circle the same passive guy. Anyway it was the end of the week an nothing really went down that weekend i just drank and chilled no partying. But that sunday i went to a different church it was uplifting.

So i was feeling better but apparently the girl i liked noticed my change she was like you seem different now. and i was like how she explained things just seemed a little different and weird like i was in a hurry to get away from her. Hmm i asked her for an example and we sorted it out. Anyway during this week me and Rob we're told of a party.

Hell yeah my mom was going out of town so no hassle from her Rob was free i was free it was time to have some fun this weekend. Before i get to that my friend robert who had only been single 3 weeks had so much girl attention it was crazy. He was telling me damn dude this girl is testing me and my space this. He was saying it's that Alpha male baby. The term alpha male was new to me but I briefly read a tab bit on it.

So i wasn’t totally ignorant of what it was but i still didn’t know how to achieve it. Finally it was Saturday during the day we were bored our buddy T mouth was swore from teeth work and the 2 party prior's to Kara weren’t really even party just get together. Anyway FINALLY we were at Kara’s and damn were we feeling good both of us on Bars and having drank we were feeling real good. I noticed at this party i was allot more relax and i was talking to more girls i was on my way to something but i didn’t know what.

Later i passed out and missed a few hours of the party, woke back up and started partying again, watched a fight, almost got in one and then left. Damn Saturday was fun Rob told me of how he was taken shots with this girl making out with this girl getting this girls number DAMN. What is his secret how does he do this.

Well sunday i finally asked him dude how the fuuck are you doing it. He told me it's all about knowing how to talk to women, and being smooth, he told me other shiit as well. So anyway here it was sunday and i thought ok lets research this "ALPHA MALE" i started reading this info on do you want to pick up women and blah blah well buy my book and i'll show you how.

But also in this big wall of text it came with pointers of how to become a alpha male. I read this info for 2-4 hours straight i went to bed at 2 a.m.

Now during that time i had a hard time sleeping i was tossing and turning and my mind was going crazy it was just going though all the information like flipping pages in a book. I remember tossing and all i could think about was how to be self confident.

I remember reading NO RISK NO REWARD, INTITIVE AND A BUT LOAD OF other shiit mainly talking about confidence. Then i had remember what my friends Thomas told me he said ONCE YOU SET YOURSELF UP IN YOUR MIND FOR THE WORST CASE SCENARIO THEN NOTHING CAN GO WRONG.

As i was sleeping my mind was beginning to register all this info What was going on. I was planning to buy this guy's book which was a e-book for 3 payments pf $50 i'll be a alpha male for sure. so all i had to do was buy this book and i would be a alpha male. But damn i'm broke guess i'll have to put it off until i get the cash or did i even need the book...........................
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
That next morning which was this Monday the 18th I SWEAR i was a different person i noticed when i got up i wasn't dreading going to school or anything I was SELF CONFIDENT AS IF EVERYTHING I KNEW I WAS SAYING WAS RIGTH AND IT WAS.

My friend Rob called as he always does and ask are you ready and i was “HELL yeah dude im ready. But their was something different about me. My voice was deeper, my walk was different my outlook on life was totally different then i had ever imagined. I had become an alpha male. But that was the only beginning when i went to school i notice that girls we're actually checking me OUT.

YES THE SAME SKINNY GOOFY ENTERIANTER. was begin looked at in a different light. I walked into class and IMMEDIATLY walked over to a hot soccer girl and just started talking to her. The next thing i knew i was participating much more in class everything i did i felt so assure about it. That was nothing after i left class MK was actually waiting for me to I hugged her and so goodbye. As i was walking down the Hall i saw my bud Alex who had gotten in the fight Saturday and the next thing i know we were talking as if we were on the same level.(Alex is also an alpha male) I no longer felt like i had to "be" someone around him I WAS THAT PERSON and through out that whole day I was walking up to people who i usually felt i had to seek approval was i was on their same level.

I had become finally became the natural person I was suppose to. As i would walk down the hall attractive girls were giving me 2nd glances. I was getting along better with my teachers, my guy friends, all the girls. Hell i was even talking to attractive girls who i saw in the hall or in my classes that i would have never dreamed to talk to before. I hadn't realized it but all these people i hung out with were confident males and now i was one of them.

I finally was an equal.. I can talk to anyone, anywhere in any social situation at any time. If i see a attractive girl coming out of the bathroom(such as i did today) i'll talk to her. In these last 3 days MY ENTIRE LIFE HAS CHANGED and i already have about 3 girls who are attracted to me and its only been 3 days(not to mention its block schedule at my school)

I really feel like a new person now Seriously i can talk to anyone even if i don't know a damn thing about them and i LOVE IT. My voice is deeper i feel more attractive and girls see that and now they are attracted to me. Once you learn to Take a risk and train mind like i did to set yourself up for the worst then you will become a alpha male

Here was my thought when i was training my mind. What the worse that can happen if i approach this bomb shell girl what is the worse she can tell me.....Get the fuuck away from me, ignore me, act. Once i realize in my mind that that’s the worse case scenario then anything else is better. Once you set your self up for the worst to happen then you automatically become more confident. And i guarantee your life will change.

You don't HAVE TO TRY to change your voice it happens automatically, you don't have to try to walk a different way it happens automatically. It becomes a instinct it becomes natural. My realization may have only happened 3 days ago but MY ENTIRE OUTLOOK ON LIFE IS SO DIFFRENT. I feel like i have control of every social situation and i know when to speak and when to listen, and when you listen that opens the window of new topics. So its not hard even YOU can become an alpha male. i mean look at me i was the SKINNY, GOOFY, SIR SMILE ALOT Guy who was born a natural but it took time to realize it but look at me now.

Also the traits people have completement me on i am now implementing in my personality. Like my humor instead of being an entertainer and a goof ball i became funny without falling off of a stool or slipping in the hall.

The same goes for smile people have always said i have a nice smile but instead of smiling 90% of the time when people speak to me back i didn’t know what to say i now use my smile as a sign of confidence and a technique to pick up girls. Now your probably thinking Well WTF i don’t hang around cute girls like you did and i don't have friends who are alpha males. WELL you don’t have to be around them to become one it can help be a guide for you but if you try to imatate a alpha male and not become one then you'll never become one because your not being your true self your being someone else.

I feel like i can go out their and do anything i want to with confidence without any corny pickup lines or ice breakers. i just go in Full risk and tell myself if i get rejected i say ok have a nice day and move on to the next girl. For every 1 girl that rejects their 10 more waiting to be pulled. It's all about being a risk taker and Initative. GIRLS LOVE Initiative. That’s the base of becoming confident and taking risk. Putting yourself out their. Its about being a leader not a follower. I've always known i've had leadership qualities and people have told me that but their have been times were teachers would say, your son has leadership qualities but he chooses to be a follower. And that’s what all of you AFC's or non alphas are FOLLOWERS.

Once you learn to Grab life by the horns and say Ok I'm a leader and im going to take the initiate to do this or that you will become a Alpha male. Not only will your life with ladies change you will see a Change in your ENITRE life. But it all comes with WANTING TO CHANGE. Like me i got tired of being the same guy so i said ok how can i change.

I sought it out and now i have done it. AND SO CAN YOU. For example i can tell just when walking who is or isn’t an alpha male its all an the way tee carry themselves. If they walk with their head down that’s a sign to women that you have no confidence and thus your attraction for them goes down. Look at it this way when you see a ugly guy with a hot chick its obviously not for his looks its because he understands and can read women.

Just like men are naturally attracted to beauty, ass and tittles, women are attracted by confidence. Why because its an instinct you can't control it. Just like most guys can help but look at a girls ass when she walks by or look at a girls breast when she’s talking its an instinct for us. as for Women the way you carry yourself and talk to her is a attraction for her too.

Hell just think about it would you rather see some guy who was fiddling his thumbs and walking with his head down like some loser, or would you rather see the guy walking upright in a rhythm with his head help up high knowing that he's ready to take anything that comes his way. Well regardless of what you say Women want the ladder and once.

WOMEN ARE NATURALLY ATTRACTED TO CONFIDENCE, LIKE MEN ARE NATURALLY ATTRACTED TO ASS AND TITTIES IT CANT BE CONTROLLED. Now don't get me wrong looks do matter to some degree because we as human place a certain stigma on looks but you do not have to be the rich, muscular(though it helps) guy to get women.

Change was easy for me because i always was around alpha males so they obviously saw something in me that i didn’t Once you see what others see in you or once you figure out that. you want to make the change you become an Alpha male
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Granted yes it was very easy for me but that’s because I was born a natural I just didn’t realize it. I think part of the reason was because I just wasn’t very mature and I never had a father to guide me to be a man I had a step father but he wasn’t really a “man” in that sense.

So having been raised by my mother and grandmother that was definitely a factor. Thing about me was I had the characteristics of a natural Alpha male yet I utilized them in the wrong way. For example I was always told I had a nice smile yet I used to smile because I didn’t know what to say, but now I smile to show that chick I’m interested in her and get what I want. I was always funny yet I used my humor for goofy entertaining purposes as opposed to the funny guy I am now who keeps chicks laughing.

Same goes for my arrogance, my mom always said your so arrogant, Yet I only seemed ****y at certain times I never fully allowed it to become a part of my personality until now. Using my ****iness and sense of humor in combination chicks can’t help but be attracted to me. Lastly I always had leadership qualities yet I always chose to be a follower.

But what’s so damn funny is OTHER PEOPLE SAW THESE THINGS IN ME YET I DID TO BUT I DIDN’T BELIEVE IN MYSELF. I knew something was wrong because I would remember the times when I was alone or with friends and I would think “man what is it that I’m doing wrong” I knew that this wasn’t who I was suppose to be yet I didn’t have the answer. I was simply a “natural” who didn’t have his confidence.

If I had realized this earlier in my high school years I WOULD HAVE fuuckED SO MANY GIRLS. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t regret it because it’s in the past and it’s part of what made me the man I am today. Knowing that I “wasted so much time” doing the wrong shiit and not realizing who I was makes me more determined everyday to enjoy every moment of life.

That is one thing that if you don’t get anything else from this post is simply DO NOT WASTE TIME. When your young in high school it’s easy to waste time but when you get older(I’m only 18 you will think about it and be like damn I wasted a lot of time.

Needless to say If I hadn’t wasted my time I would have fuucked several attractive biitches, I would have had my car sooner and would more then likely be going to a university as opposed to community college first(I’m still going to transfer though)

However I live with no regrets because I’m using my past and mistakes to help me in the future and it can help you too. Some of you may hate high school, others may love it. I was one of the people who loved it.

I was the black guy with the cool ass twisted hair who dressed like a prep and I definitely stood out. If I had my confidence back then I would have been even more popular then I already was. I did it all in high school except get with a lot of girls. But hell even then I still got some action and it comes back to people saw what I didn’t see in myself.

I’ll start off with this hot biitch Morgan. Dude she was a fuuckin 9-10 for sure she had the face of a model and the body of a porn star no to mention SHE LOVED SEX. The IOIS were off the charts such as eye contact, touching , flirting and she even told me about how hard of a orgasm she had the night before with her boyfriend. Granted yes I did flirt back and did give her massages and all that shiit, but I wasn’t leading to much and I know without a doubt in my mind that I could have fuuckeded that girl like crazy.

She even asked me during like the last week of school if I had a girlfriend and If I date white girls blah blah. This bitich wanted my coock and I wanted her too but I just didn’t realize my potential. That was just one of many examples of the potential I could have had. Also in the beginning of my senior year this was this cutie named Kirsten we were friends blah blah but she also was attracted to me.

I remember one time we were doing some thing on the overhead where we had clickers and we were sitting together. This chick fuucking put her legs right on top of my coock ^_^. Damn well she wanted me and yes I was feeling on her too but once again it came down to the fact that I wasn’t leading. I could have easily fuuckeded her as well. Another missed opportunity simply for the fact that I was WASTING TIME.

Now you guys are probably thinking “ok it’s in the past” so what but one thing that I hardly ever see in these forums and one thing that most pua don’t say in their books in DON”T WASTE TIME. This is evident in all aspects of your life but it’s definitely the same with chicks. Bottom line with women THEY WANT TO BE FUUCKED AND THEY WANT A MAN WHO WILL GO AFTER WHAT HE WANTS AND FUUCK HER.

Don’t waste time trying to be a girls friend or being the one she goes to for comfort you need to be the guy she goes to for fuucking when she is having a problem. She has girlfriends for a reason you’re a man and you really don’t care if her boyfriend is a diick to her or her best friend stabbed in her in the back. NOT WASTING TIME is so very important because even if at the time you don’t care eventually when or if you change you will think of all the wasted time.

That being said I have no regrets and I enjoyed every minute of high school. Granted yeah I wasn’t fuucking like I should have been, but boy did I have a lot of fun regardless. OMG man I really enjoyed high school and that’s why I’m writing this to you guys who you can actually ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR LIFE.

Thinking about it now I laugh at the fact that I was born a “natural” yet I didn’t know yet everyone else saw those things in me yet I didn’t believe it myself so it didn’t matter what any one else said.

Many of my guy friends even told me, just be sociable blah blah but hardly ever did I ever hear someone say believe in yourself and if they did I was so damn bull headed and in denial that I would simply put on a front so I wouldn’t be embarrassed or called out. That lack of confidence effected my child hood I had fun but I could have had more.

That’s why guys you should really enjoy every aspect of your life be confident and DON’T WASTE TIME, for the simple fact that middle school but more so high school is a unique experience and once it’s over that’s it. Not to mention it’s your childhood and you only have 17 years of it as opposed to the 18+ odd years of adult hood. Your child hood is really an awesome time to get experience in because your just so damn horny.

My friends tell me all the time about how they fingered girls in class, snuck out of class to make out with this chick and so on and so forth. LOL hell I remember the other day we were talking about chicks and he simply said “just name a biitch” I was like what you did this and that with her and this chick and blah blah. It was really all good times. While my buds were out fuucking I was doing some other shiit. WASTING TIME

That being said if high school is any indication of how college will be times 10 then OMFG I’m going to have so much fun and definitely NOT WASTE TIME AS I DID then. Of course once I figured it out I have been on the grind and naturally talking and picking up chicks but I simply here to try to prevent you guys from the dreaded LJBF speech and wasting your time as a AFC. Truth be told though I was blessed though.

I have an advantage over those who strive to be player. The skills and characteristics simply come natural for me but it took me 18 years to finally figure that out. However it’s not about techniques, neghit, flaking, and all this bullshiit it’s just about a genuine confidence and a guy who enjoys life. PERIOD. IF you have confidence and you enjoy life the biitches come to you. It doesn’t matter where I am no matter what I’m also enjoying myself the best I can and girls love this about me. AND IT’S SO DAMN EASY DUDE I LAUGH NOW AT HOW I DIDN’T KNOW.

You guys who come here asking shiit like what do I do the girl didn’t call me back and shiit like it’s a play by play script. The answer is “FUUCK IT” be confident and do what you want if the biitch calls or wants your diick then it will happen don’t sweat the shiit you can’t control. Bottom line there are only two types of people in this world when you look at it in the basis. Confident people and non confident people.

Once you realize that you can do whatever you want and you believe in yourself your life seriously takes a change for the better. I can not explain how much I enjoy my life now. Getting women is so easy and it’s fun to. I just love who I am and I wouldn’t change it for nothing. I love myself and you better believe people love to be around me.

So in conclusion guys for those of you who read this I hope you enjoyed it and if you didn’t get anything else from this simply DO NOT WASTE TIME PERIOD. Enjoy high school and enjoy everyday that you are above ground and fine. High school may be over and I’m glad it is. But I’ll never forget the good times I had, the people I met and the experience that came my way that made me who I am today.

Aside from all the bull shiit curriculum, taks prep and taks testing, The drama, the clicks, the teachers, principle, the fights, the dances all of it was simply a phase of your life that you live through and hopefully learn and grow from to be a better person. It really is possible if you BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and you DON WASTE TIME. Hopefully you enjoyed reading my post and hopefully someone who was “lost” will have there way found
Last edited:
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
From a goofy attention seeking kid to a young man with confidence - thus is your journey!!

I couldn't read all of that 10,000 word essay - I'm sure this post was psychotherapeutic for you. Just remember - it's not all about getting hors - it is about your emotional, physical, and mental development!

Keep having sex after 3 dudes had the hor and you'll get Herpes and AIDS quickly - don't be a fool!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
uggghhh i couldnt read it all proper sentence structure does matter after all......


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Last Man Standing said:
From a goofy attention seeking kid to a young man with confidence - thus is your journey!!

I couldn't read all of that 10,000 word essay - I'm sure this post was psychotherapeutic for you. Just remember - it's not all about getting hors - it is about your emotional, physical, and mental development!

Keep having sex after 3 dudes had the hor and you'll get Herpes and AIDS quickly - don't be a fool!!
Oh yeah that was more or less a one time thing i mean i was a foolish kid back then. I don't plan to ever do that again i mean my boys are my boys but i just don't plan to fuk right after them.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Granted that when this was typed it was a very long time ago i suppose i should go revise it aside from a lazy microsoft works check


New Member
Jan 14, 2006
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so what you are saying is to imagine the worst case scenario in every situation to become alpha?

the alpha concept is something that eludes me a bit, every insecurity I have is usually just my misconception of it being worse than it actually is. I often have anxiety about things I shouldn't have and I wish I could just chill out and go with the flow. I wish i could become what you became to be honest, I think im always progressing in the right direction but I wouldn't mind some extra help.

please reply to my initial question

btw good story enjoyed the read.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
lolalola said:

so what you are saying is to imagine the worst case scenario in every situation to become alpha?

the alpha concept is something that eludes me a bit, every insecurity I have is usually just my misconception of it being worse than it actually is. I often have anxiety about things I shouldn't have and I wish I could just chill out and go with the flow. I wish i could become what you became to be honest, I think im always progressing in the right direction but I wouldn't mind some extra help.

please reply to my initial question

btw good story enjoyed the read.
Yes simply look at it this way. You see a cute chick in your class but you are afraid to talk to her. First ask yourself are you afraid to talk to her. Then look at all the possible outcomes when you approach her of what can go wrong. You pre play the scenario out. If i approach this girl heres what could "possibly happen"

Me: hey whats up whats your name
her: i don't give out my name to skinny losers.

LOL first of all i know i'm skinny and i'm damn fine with that because you know what i know i'm skinny and i can't immedialty change it so i don't care. I know i'm a good looking guy with a kick ass personality and if this chick doesn't see that thats her loss.

For so long that was what held me back the fact that i was skinny and i just couldn't shake it. If i only i knew to believe in myself. So my advice to you is to think about all of your insecuritys. Whether it be your facial features, your body or anything. Look at yourself in the mirror and look at all the things you don't like about yourself. If it's something you can change then do it, but if you can't change it then "fuuck it" and go on. Tell yourself that i will concern myself with shiit i can do to help myself and "fuuck" the shiit that i can't.

When you present yourself as a loser then the worst case sceanrio comes true. However if you are confident you will see that once you have prepped yourself up for the worst then anything else is better. If the worst thing she can say to me is some bullshiit words about who i am and when i approach her and that doesn't happen, then you've already won.:rockon: