boring conversation to make up for acting afc yesterday


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
i tried to increase some IL from this facebook HB who cancelled on me yesterday after confirming the time 3 hours beforehand. i acted afc and desperate panicking on the phone so she lost much IL. i had a bright idea of calling her today to chat a bit be a bit more c+f but she didnt pick up at 1st i think she was sleeping, then i text her to let her know i'll be calling her in an hour so be prepared to laugh. (she said i was a really funny guy previously)

but i left it for a bit and called her she picked up and had just woke up, so was kinda sleepyish.. it made for a bad convo.. all 1 way.. me talking about BS boring topics tryna be funny but struggling under the pressure, i'd say something.. she'd reply but wouldn't ask me any ?s i even said to her 'so u not going to ask me any ?s then? ;) haha' i cant remember what she said exactly but she was really secretive not giving anything away.. i even went onto say.. 'so u gona be like this on monday? as in non-talkative letting me just talk like a running monologue haha' (we're meeting on monday) i said it in a jokey way but she just laughed but seemed like she was trying too hard

in this sort of scenario have i just f'd up and she'll probably flake?

i tried to keep the convo down to 20 mins max and i was running out of stuff to ask her i was going over the same crap i said before.. that i finally gave up. i confirmed the time but it just feels like she didn't give me a chance and has lost so much interest. theres nothing harder than tryna make someone laugh when they've lost interest. should i have just hung up earlier or peservered?

literally i was under too much pressure to perform, she wasn't asking ?s.. i duno how much u can blame on her being sleepy.. it almost felt as if.. 'oh no i'll talk to him not to be rude till he gets the msg and hangs up' like almost too polite for her own good.

Hot Alpha Female

Don Juan
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
I think the only way to save this is to leave it for a bit.

Don't contact her for a week or two or more.

Then if after that send her a couple ****y funny texts, backed with some totally unneedy and high emotionally charged conversation with a time limit of like 5-10 minutes.

That would be my advice on how to salvage the whole situation. Back off, regain your posture and give her some space.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
but the date is set up for monday.. at present im assuming it's on. so i assume i'd be going for it?

unless she ends up flaking as i suspect.. hmm.. it's weird how her IL has dropped so much she won't even talk to me properly, nicely.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Pete buddy, it sounds like your pursuing someone who isn't even remotely interested in what you have to offer. Imagine if you didn't want to buy life insurance and someone kept nagging you to take out a policy. Then you call up all your friends and laugh about this guy who just keeps trying to sell you this policy you don't want and how no matter what ya do he is persistent.

Hey, sometimes this approach even works, I've met people who told me this is exactly how they got together. That's not the norm though. Normally the pursuer ends up with a crshed ego and bitter tude.

Here's the real issue though: Why are you so intersted in someone you can't even have a worthwhile conversation with? Because basically you're sounding like your time is so devalued and your options so limited, that you have to pursue anyone, even if they treat you like crap and are not even remotely interesting to talk to. I'm tring to point something out here, not put you down, but this time I think being a little harsh might be needed to rely drive the point home. It might sound crazy, but I think you'll have a lot better luck by becoming more selective based on how people interact with you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah I've got no idea why she peaks your interest if you dont have fun with each other


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
she had high interest before.. even up till yesterday when i phoned she was excited to talk to me.. but ever since i messed up with last week's one my confidence has been shattered that it was inevitable i'd fail with this 1 as a spillover effect.

we'll see, if i get to meet her then great i should do well, if not then i'll have to call it a day and restart in the new year when i've regained some confidence.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
pete101 said:
i tried to increase some IL from this facebook HB who cancelled on me yesterday after confirming the time 3 hours beforehand. i acted afc and desperate panicking on the phone so she lost much IL. i had a bright idea of calling her today to chat a bit be a bit more c+f but she didnt pick up at 1st i think she was sleeping, then i text her to let her know i'll be calling her in an hour so be prepared to laugh. (she said i was a really funny guy previously)

but i left it for a bit and called her she picked up and had just woke up, so was kinda sleepyish.. it made for a bad convo.. all 1 way.. me talking about BS boring topics tryna be funny but struggling under the pressure, i'd say something.. she'd reply but wouldn't ask me any ?s i even said to her 'so u not going to ask me any ?s then? ;) haha' i cant remember what she said exactly but she was really secretive not giving anything away.. i even went onto say.. 'so u gona be like this on monday? as in non-talkative letting me just talk like a running monologue haha' (we're meeting on monday) i said it in a jokey way but she just laughed but seemed like she was trying too hard

in this sort of scenario have i just f'd up and she'll probably flake?

i tried to keep the convo down to 20 mins max and i was running out of stuff to ask her i was going over the same crap i said before.. that i finally gave up. i confirmed the time but it just feels like she didn't give me a chance and has lost so much interest. theres nothing harder than tryna make someone laugh when they've lost interest. should i have just hung up earlier or peservered?

literally i was under too much pressure to perform, she wasn't asking ?s.. i duno how much u can blame on her being sleepy.. it almost felt as if.. 'oh no i'll talk to him not to be rude till he gets the msg and hangs up' like almost too polite for her own good.
A phone should only be used to secure a meeting with a girl, not to impress her your game. You have to see her face to face as much as possible, not trying to spit game on the phone.