Drum&Bass said:
If women are attracted to you because of your "blunt honesty" then why is it so hard to call them up for sex (NOT a date) if that is all you want ??
Because they typically have boyfriends who happen to be friends of mine. I've lost friends before by messing around with their girls. I try not to do that any more...even though it's sometimes too easy. Because their guys trust me, they trust me, and it lets me get in their heads.
In my experience, any "new girl" who has a shred of self-respect demands at least SOME pretense. Even if sex IS the end-goal and you both know it, you still have to make up some BS about watching a movie or going out to eat before you bring her back to your place/go back to her place.
I've done the hook-up thing before, but usually the girls are either 1) not that good-looking or 2) I've established sufficient rapport with them ahead of time...either by f**king them on a previous "date" (which involved pretense) or by chatting endlessly with them on some online site.
Either way...too much damn work to put in.
It never seemed like "work" when I still believed that women were awesome and getting p***y was the magical key to happiness...then, it was WORTH it. Now, sex is just a body-function. Kind of like taking a dump...when you get the urge, you go do it, and it feels good when you do, but you want to waste as little time as possible, and if you could avoid wasting ANY time on it, you would.
Can you NOT find a girl with similar interests as yourself ??
That is exactly the problem.