They’re taking you further off course. Let’s first look at the premise of these exercises. Conventional wisdom has led people to believe saying “Hi” and establishing eye contact with 50 random people over the duration of the week is beneficial, following by taking a huge leap of faith the next week and actually starting conversations with these people.
Am I the only one that sees something seriously wrong here? Normal people receive these kind of interactions from people they know - whether it be from family, friends, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, etc. Do you not converse with these people? Do you not HAVE these people? And if you do, why are you approaching strangers? People you’ve never seen before and never will talk to again, instead of the people that are right in front of you.
It’s actually hindering your progress by further distancing yourself from normal, everyday situational intercommunications.
This is not a confidence issue – this is someone who is socially dysfunctional. The only ones who should be following those types of exercises are people who wear fanny packs and have slobber coming out of their mouths.
Am I the only one that sees something seriously wrong here? Normal people receive these kind of interactions from people they know - whether it be from family, friends, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, etc. Do you not converse with these people? Do you not HAVE these people? And if you do, why are you approaching strangers? People you’ve never seen before and never will talk to again, instead of the people that are right in front of you.
It’s actually hindering your progress by further distancing yourself from normal, everyday situational intercommunications.
This is not a confidence issue – this is someone who is socially dysfunctional. The only ones who should be following those types of exercises are people who wear fanny packs and have slobber coming out of their mouths.