Ok, this afternoon was HARD, may it be a lesson for everyone giving up. It can be done, but it will not be easy.
So, I had 2 convos, and this morning I read 10 is enough.
This week was hell, there was a festival in my city.
I had tryed to talk with some strangers a couple times and got some bad reactions in row.
I had talked with some strangers while drunk, some girls were really into me (I was not visibly drunk), but I don't want to count those.
I didn't have a car during the week, so I couldn't go and do it when every I could.
So today, I had to do 8 convos. I really wanted to do 13 (to make 15), but that's another story.
Time: 15h I went out to the park
I see a familly watching a remote car race, go near them with a loud "Hello". No one says anything. I ask some questions about the race, the father starts getting more talkative. But still nothing special. I hold a bit longer look at the race. Ask a few more questions. They're just watching the race, thei'r not rude, but not in the mood for convo. Done.
Now I go for a walk in the park, my inner game is ****ed. I can say hi to people, but I can't talk to them. I decide to change venue.
When going back to my car, I see a bus stoped with door open. Say hi to the driver, he replies. I keep moving, but then turn back. Ask something about is job we chat a bit.
Go to another place with lot's of bus stations near each other. Get near one, ask directions. They are nice, but I just want to get this done. People are nice, 2 old ladies and an old man. I can't get past the info stage. When I'm going out they're still calling me for extra info. I go back, chat a bit, and leave.
I see another lady sitting on the bus stop, sit by her saying hello. Ask somehting, and we start chating. Notice she has an accent, and we begin chating about traveling and such.
After that I go to a bar, before I get in, some guy asks me for a ciggar. I say I don't smoke, but ask him if I know him from somewhere (LOL ok...). But it was cool, we talked for like half an hour. Really smart guy.
I change venue again. Pass by the stadium and the big door is open. I try to chat with one of the guys in there, but he says he is working. I get inside the stadium, chat a bit with a guy wich is preparing some sound stuph. Ask him, what's all about. He says those people should know better. Some girls arrive. I ask what's all about. They ask who am I. I say I'm just a guy passing by. They laugh, I ask if I can go inside the field and take some pictures. And there I go, in the grass, inside a stadium taking pictures.
After that I'm feeling great, see an old man eating something alone. Ask him if I can join, since I don't want to eat alone. He says he doesn't know me, so no. But he is nice, so it's cool. It's getting late and I'm getting tired, loss of energy.
Change venue again. Go to another bus stop, try to chat with a lady. She's not very receptive. Luckly some old guy comes in, and we chat.
Go to eat something. A soccer game as just finished on the TV, ask how it went and end up chatting for half an hour or so.
I felt really creppy and needy sometimes, but to the end I was more at ease. I think the fact I procastinated to far made things worst.
Next week I'll have more discipline. But I miss having my own car so much...