Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
All right, soldiers
Everyone is ready to start week#1?
No? Too bad - we just started yesterday, on May 1st ;)

Here is my take on the bootcamp:
I've seen way too many people failed in acquiring PUA skills.
Most people go out, then they crash and burn and then they come up with excuses why they stopped going out.

The only reason of failure is inner game problems!

That can include lack of motivation, fear of approach, fear of rejection, bad internal state and not knowing how to change it and just simply not going out enough.

The bootcamp is crucial for you to build the level of confidence, strengthen your inner game and provide you with basic skills so then you can succeed with the more advanced techniques.
Our goal: Build our inner game and confidence from scratch to the level when
we are comfortable approaching women on our own!

After this bootcamp you can join lairs and start doing all kinds of techniques: direct, indirect, C&F or whatever.

So why the bootcamp?
Because the bootcamp is the best tool in multiple ways:
  • it will help to build your confidence by doing baby steps and succeeding in those steps. You will succeed! Because you're going to do baby steps. And your confidence will grow each time you succeed!
  • it will keep you accountable - you will have to post your progress reports
  • you will have motivation and support - because you will succeed and because we will
  • you will be going out and practicing consistently - day by day by day. This is crucial!

I am not going to come up with creative ways of change this bootcamp like many of you want.
The point of the bootcamp is not to entertain the guys who have been here a while.
Do I think the bootcamp is better when it's more fun? Of course!
Can you suggest how to make each task more fun - please do, but do it in the private message to me.
Do I want to spend time on that myself? No!
Why? Cause I want you guys to drill through the bootcamp.
Bite your teeth and go through this bootcamp, however hard it might appear.

This bootcamp will change your game and your life!!
With one condition: YOU have to COMMIT all the way through!!!

Before diving in though, I want you to relax and sit for 5 minutes and think what it would be like - to be a PUA.
What drives you to become successful with women?
What motivates you?
What would it mean for YOU to be successful with women?
Does it mean a lot of sex?
Does it mean status of having all these beautiful women hanging on your arms?
Does it mean having a GF who is HB9?
Why do YOU really want it so much?
Take your time and visualize yourself being successful! Do it now, soldiers!
Now, let me ask you: Do you want to be successful with women?
Do you really really really want to become a PUA and you know why?

Now you know WHY you will survive all the way through the bootcamp and make it all the way through the end!

Together, we will go through this bootcamp, however hard it might be!
We will make it through and become successful with women!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
That can include lack of motivation, fear of approach, fear of rejection, bad internal state and not knowing how to change it and just simply not going out enough.

The only reason of failure is inner game problems!

Build our inner game and confidence from scratch to the level when
we are comfortable approaching women on our own!
True True True.
I would join but, I'm already doing 1 ( my appoarch journal ). Great advice.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Rules and regulations!

Rules and regulations!

First of all, the original source for the bootcamp and weekly assignments is here:

DJ Bootcamp in PDF
DJ Bootcamp in Word

If you've been in the community for a while you can skip right through to the Week#1.
If you are brand new - read the articles!

Don't worry too much about music and all.
I don't want hunting for MP3s take any of your time!!
You can do it AFTER you finished your week’s assignments and reported on them! Understood?

Some rules:
  1. You have to finish ALL exercise and report your success by the end of the week
  2. During the week you can discuss your progress in the thread related to this particular week.
  3. You are welcome to give feedback to other people. In fact everyone is encouraged to support and help somebody else
  4. In the same thread post your results with the title and the first line of your posts saying: FINAL RESULTS - by the end of the week

I can’t stress how important commitment, consistency and accountability are!
I know this bootcamp can be really-really hard for some people.
We’re in it together and we provide support to each other!

We are alpha-men, we are soldiers! The discipline must stay strong!
If you don’t fulfill your assignment by the end of the week – I am going to kick your ass!
Basically it means – you’re out of the bootcamp!
If you have some extraordinary circumstances and I mean EXTRAORDINARY - you can write a post about them and ask permission to continue your assignment for the next week. That’d be in addition to the next week’s assignment!

  1. Ever Onward
  2. Thomas94305
  3. Bourne
  4. mr_elor
  5. Genji
  6. stubbornlights
  7. johnmich
  8. Lo5t
  9. pro26
  10. Kerm
  11. theodoro
  12. yrock181
  13. TheFlyingMan
  14. JayCamx23
  15. DJnoobie420
  16. evil
  17. Aquatico
  18. flows101
  19. yoMaxPower
  20. SiL
  21. Vacaason
  22. FOL!!!
  23. Cafe_Noir
  24. Migel
  25. jackapedago
  26. lifestyle
  27. poohead
  28. GinandTonic
  29. Mr.****head
  30. Julian
  31. thefonz
  32. fulllovepower
  33. Varius
  34. mountain
  35. Bay area pimp
  36. dreamX
  37. Precision22
  38. Don_juan_jr
  39. jsmooth
Wow! We've got 40 recruits!!!!
Let's play a game, guys, let's see how many people can actually become alpha-men and have success with women by the end of bootcamp!
Up for a challenge?

Good luck, recruits!

Can you still join if you miss the start?
Yes, as long as you complete the Week# 1 assignment by the end of week #1!
Last edited:


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

This week started this Monday and will end Sunday, May 7th, Midnight PST

So please have all the final results ready by that time. I know it's short, but we have been waiting for Shezz way too long.

For this week's lesson, your mission is to go out into any setting where there are a large amount of people, and practice establishing eye contact, as well as to approach strangers with a simple "Hi" or "Hello." Here are the specifics...

Exercise 1. Eye contact
Go out and establish eye contact with strangers.
You will find that most people will not look at you in the eyes, but for those who do look you in the eye, you will want to practice looking in their eyes at least one second longer than they look into yours, this denotes confidence. To create the impression that you are friendly and approachable, you will want to match the eye contact with a genuine smile.

You can practice eye contact on just about anyone you see, male or female, young or old. Try to maintain eye contact with as many girls as possible though.
20 eye contacts is enough. I want you to start getting the feeling of eye contact and build confidence. You will get more eye contacts when you will be doing the next exercise.
Also, once you get an idea - start to always maintain eye contact with people and make them look away first. Always! In all areas of your everyday life. You don't haev to hunt for their eye, like in this exercise. But if they happen to look at you - make sure they look away first.

Exercise 2
A confident person has no problem saying Hi to a stranger, and since the first part of this Boot Camp is geared toward building confidence, the goal of this exercise is to go around and say Hi or Hello to a total of 50 strangers during this week

The "Hi" assignment is very simple:
You simply say "hi" to a certain number of people each day. This gets you into the habit of initiating with people and women in particular, and is an important first step to being comfortable and easy with starting conversations with women on a regular basis.

Establish eye contact, smile and say Hi!

For some people it's really easy and for some people it's really really tough. But it does not matter which one you are,
we ALL gotta do it!

In fact, if it's too simple for you - just say Hi to women only.

The Rules of the "Hi" assignment

  • The women or person you say "hi" to doesn't have to hear you say hi.
  • They can be walking the other direction, and even wearing headphones.
  • They can be old, fat, disabled, it doesn't matter--this is about building confidence and building your muscle that can interrupt women, initiate everything, and redirect women's attention, no matter how briefly, to you.
  • Celebrate that you did it.

How you can screw up the "Hi" assignment

  • You can screw up the "Hi" assignment by not saying "hi" to some women because they are not pretty enough, while at the same time not saying "hi" to the rest because they are too pretty. Your job is to say "hi" to something human. That's all.
  • You can screw up the "Hi" assignment by only saying hi to women who make eye contact with you. This is waiting for women to initiate first.
  • You can screw up the "Hi" assignment by waiting for the "perfect moment," which will never come. As you'll learn as you keep initiating with women, "perfect moments" are more often made than they are found.
  • You can screw up the "Hi" assignment by deciding that the "Hi" assignment is so simple, you don't need to do it.

Your job is to just open your mouth, say "hi", and don't worry.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
More rules!

More rules!
  • I don't want to hear your excuses!
  • I am going to call you on excuses and other BS and trust me I know when you making up an excuse better than you are!
  • No personal insults. I don't care if you think some guy is an idiot or a rapist or whoever - write him a PM.
  • In fact the only person who can insult here is me. You can only give constructive feedback and support!
  • I don't want to hear any "BUT"s. "I would join but...", "I would accomplish but...", "I would get out and practice but...". Get off your BUT!!!

Now, I would prefer you go out rather than read. Most of you have read much more than you need.
You can read articles, but for this week assignments - you don't have to know anything.
Just go out and do your assignments!!!
In fact, I want you all to go out today or tonight!
If you have not read the whole 55 articles you are required to read, or you have listened to Britney Spears 2 times - I don't care.
As long as you go out and start doing exercises!!!

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Man, you're scaring me!

I initially got pumped about the whole "Summer of George" thing but sure, I guess I can do another bootcamp since I'm on the "list" now.

We can get kicked out? Talk about pressure!


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
OceanWindRider said:
More rules!
[*]No personal insults. I don't care if you think some guy is an idiot or a rapist or whoever - write him a PM.
[*]In fact the only person who can insult here is me. You can only give constructive feedback and support!
Good post but you said your the only person who can insult people.Well we can insult back because we have to defend ourselfs, and stop posting like your the boss your not even a moderator so your not the only person who can insult,and your making rules like you own the forum which you don't.Your making rules which is a spam.Just make rules for the bootcamp :)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Ever onward said:
Man, you're scaring me!

I initially got pumped about the whole "Summer of George" thing but sure, I guess I can do another bootcamp since I'm on the "list" now.

We can get kicked out? Talk about pressure!
I like the idea that if you don't complete this you are out. At the same time many people will chicken out.

I'm going through this BootCamp regardless of me being scared or nervous. Stick through this guys and we can all share date/approach/sex stories at the end of it. :)

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Alright so yesterday was the start date, does that mean we have until Next Monday to do week 1? I hope I wasn't being out of line, sir. :)

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
I like the idea that if you don't complete this you are out. At the same time many people will chicken out.
I know for a fact many people will quit. However, I don't like the idea that if I'm a few days late I'm ostrisized from the community. I think it should be open for all to join or quit as they please. Afterall, the people participating are the one's who will be getting laid/not getting laid.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
I think its good as it is.
I also think we should be able to vote people out and vote people in.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
dreamx said:
Good post but you said your the only person who can insult people.and stop posting like your the boss your not even a moderator
For this bootcamp I am going to be your drill sergeant, recruit!
And basically the rules mean that I am gonna call you on your BS.

Ever Onward, no this means you have till Sunday night! ;)


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
You guys are thinking about democracy way too much.
Everything has its own time and place.
For us to get better on a CONSISTENT basis, most of us we need discipline
That's why we have a bootcamp. It's a military system.
So here's another rule: ;)

No flame, no spam!

Guys please stop flaming. I don't have time to read this - I've got other stuff to do!
Post only on the topic of you actually going out and doing the assignments!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Guys, this is going to be fun. Lets go out and come back to share war stories!!

I do agree setting some ground rules, because if there isn't any then its too easy and people will quit. Changing ones life is hard enough so having someone calling you out on BS is good. But also this has to be a group of guys who share and encourage everyone. Help yourself and help others.

Just remember this is for you and you alone. You are not doing this for anyone on this forum. If you want to change your life around, today is the day.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Great now we're up to something. I like the: "How you can screw up the "Hi" assignment". We can kick people out of the list to prevent spamming but being too drastic is not good because people might cheat on their reports.

We're in this together and it will change our lives. At all times know that you are only doing little steps here and always keep in the back of your head a picture of you after the bootcamp is over. Think of the Field Reports you're going to write here and share in the upcoming weeks. This will be our summer!

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score

I wasn't flaming or spamming. I just don't feel I need to end or alter my bootcamp experience to live up to someone else's expectations. And no Migel, I wasn't concerned about screwing up the week 1 assignment. This is my third bootcamp so I wasn't intimidated by saying "hi". :)

Alright, I'll do my best. If I get voted off then that is that. My next post on this thread will be from doing the exercises.


Edit: Migel, I see what you were reffering to now. My bad.