Boot Camp week 3 (Response thread)


New Member
Jan 8, 2010
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my second day of week3 was killer. i walked around university and was really pissed cause i saw no chance to fullfill my exercise and started to made up some lame exucses... anyway, when i allready thought i was going to fail, i took a seat beside a cute latin girl i allready noticed at the bus stop , an said in german: hey, that's a cool coat!
unfortunatley ,she was from columbia an spoke hardly german, though she is doing her master here. and she looked weird , with a smile at me, an said: sorry...
and that blew me away, cause first i fought she was cute, but then i saw she was hot as hell! trying to catch breath i repeated my compliment and then the conversation started, an it went so well, that she missed her station!
and that was the turning point, on the train station i talked to a another girl an in the train i asked a cuttie about the book she was reading - i love chicks reading books in a train - an got her number when i disembarked


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Finishing what I started

Alright, so I took a little over a 3 year hiatus from when I started boot camp, but I started school while I was finishing week 3 (no excuses I know).

First off, I’d just like to give my utmost gratitude to all the DJs out there who’ve posted this material and answered my questions along the way. I’m nowhere near a DJ but I am a far cry from where I was before reading and practicing the advice posted on the DJ Discussion Forum. So, my appreciation goes out to all you DJs who go out of your way to help out by giving great advice!

I’ve definitely passed on the info from this website to some of my friends. Some have embraced it and experienced success; others have been a bit more skeptical.

Back to the lecture at hand, I am going to continue where I left off 3 years ago on the boot camp threads. Noting my responses from my last boot camp entry, it’s apparent that I was interested in hooking up with anything that moved lol. Now that that’s done, I am interested in going for the 8s and 9s out there. So, I am going to start week 3 again keeping that in mind. Any constructive criticism along the way would be much appreciated. Let’s get this party started!

For reference purposes, to me:
9 = Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Angelina Jolie (10yrs removed) (as you can see I like them curvy :D
8.5 = Audrina Patridge
8 = Jessica Alba, Meagan Good, Meagan Fox
7.5 = Jennifer Aniston
7 = Katie Holmes, Nicki Minaj (she’s curvy but for some reason I don’t find her attractive enough to be above a 7)

Some of the things I’m still working with along the way, gaining muscle mass (I’m 5’5” and weigh 135lbs) and still working on my style. Also, I may take longer than a week on some of the exercises due to my work schedule.

“I'm ready to die without a reasonable doubt, smoke ch0nic and hit it do99y $tyle before I go out, until they sign my death certificate, all eyes on me, I'm still at it, illmatic, and that's the documentary”-Game


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hi everybody!
I figured it'd be a better idea to post in here instead of my own thread.
So here I go.

The third week was awesome. I was so scared I would chicken out of this. See, my problem is, I have no problem going up to a girl and talking to her if I have a real purpose (like asking directions for example) but if I have to make up something I am scared she will "call my bluff". So that is kind of messed up for me and something I have to work on for sure.
So I was walking around, wondering if I'd have conversations only with dudes and elderly people, and I had some of those, too, but good things happened, too.
Like when I was going to college, I was sitting in this subway train, I noticed the girl next to me was reading a book of a very controversial Turkish author (I am Turkish), so this was the perfect opener! But I was such a chicken! I seriously have to learn how to deal with blocks, because I was thinking if I talk to her now she will be annoyed because she wants to read her book. So I waited and waited, until she finished reading right before the terminus (that's college) and I talked to her. She was so suprised I am Turkish, and we had a pretty cool little conversation. I felt great afterwards, should've had the guts to talk to her earlier, damn it !
Monday I was out in a Mexican costume to give out flyers for our upcoming Mexican themed party on friday. Man that was a blast! I talked to so many hot girls. And in this one club there were these two latin girls, they were so smokin man, now that I think of it, I should've stayed there a little longer and got the number of at least one of them. I even had the perfect "excuse" for I hope they'll show up at the party and I'll have my move (if they do show up, that's an IOI, right?)

One thing I learned is that this peacocking thing works really good. With the Mexican costume I was immediately the center of attention, so I might show up a little more often as the Mexican :D

Another thing I learned is what I need to work on: cold approaching girls!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
week 3 day 1

Ok, this is gonna be a bit more challenging than I expected lol. I decided to go to the mall this afternoon and converse with some females, keeping in mind that my goal is to talk to 8s and 9s. Well, that didn’t happen.

I talked to an HB7 at Spencer’s gift store, we briefly chatted about this cool poster with different types of chr0nic pictures on it. Only thing is, I am not sure if she was the age of consent :confused: Also, I noted how I didn't maintain eye contact while I was talking to her.

There were no 9s at the mall; that I could see of anyway. When I saw an 8, at least the ones not working at the kiosks (I’d prefer to attempt to talk to random girls as opposed to the customer service reps, since they’re kind of paid to talk to people in a sense), my b@lls shrank and I didn’t approach her or, I’d make eye contact and I must have given a creepy look b/c she’d hold her purse closer and put an extra pep in her step lol.

On to the next day, gotta hustle…..Good job on your progress Ilboy, hope your party on Friday is bangin!


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2011
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Thanks bro! The party was actually banging, I had a lot of fun behind the bar, but there weren't a lot of people...and there were many guys, way too many. Somehow I have found out that 16 year-olds dig me, but I have a rule here. (Disclaimer: legal drinking age in Germany is 16 for beer, plus she was a guest of an alumni of my frat, we don't usually let underaged people to our parties).

Hope your week was productive!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Day 2 (11/4/11)

So, I decided to go downtown solo last night to work on this week’s task. After spending an hour looking for a salsa club, I found out by speaking to an HB8 that the band wasn’t performing this night and isn’t returning until after Thanksgiving. Hope that one counts.

I then went to a Spanish restaurant. Ordered a Red Bull and vodka and talked to an HB8 there for I’d say a lil over a min. I approached her and asked her if she was the owner of the place, she said no, she was the hostess, (I kind of knew that, it threw me off b/c she wasn't at the door when I walked in, anyways, I was just looking for an excuse to talk to her lol). We then briefly discussed the whereabouts of the elusive salsa club I was looking for.

The rest of the night I hung out at a “ghetto” club (for lack of a better word), the music was bangin’, there were a few 8s, maybe one or two 9s. I didn't talk to any of 'em. I’m not gonna lie I felt like a midget in there lol, I attempted to dance with a group of HB6-7s, but they weren't having it. The marines were getting all the action. So, I just chilled and danced and watched along with all the other guys lurking around :D

Tonight I’m going to Pacific Beach with my landlord and her bf, gonna keep marching on….I’m glad your party was off the hook Ilboy! Haha yea it was a sausage fest at the club I was at last night also, I think that’s always gonna be the case. If I am not gonna talk to any girls I’ll just starting shooting the sh!t with the dudes and have fun. Wow, I didn’t know 16 was legal to drink out there, that’s a trip, good rule btw, stick to it. Keep up the good work man, peace :rockon:


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Week 3 day 3 (11/5/11)

Hey Ilboy how’s it going! Pacific Beach was cool, how’s your progress coming along? I’ll describe the events of last night below:

There were plenty of beautiful people in PB last, tons of 8s and 9s, I’m not g@y or anything but even the dudes were looking sharp. My landlord, her bf and I hit up this lounge called Firehouse. We sat down and there was an HB8 sitting next to another dude in the area, I approached both of them and asked if they were Charger fans, the HB8 seemed pretty friendly, we talked about what team she liked and where she was from and she gave me a geography lesson on where Missouri is on the map lol.

After having a glass of liquid courage, I approached these two HB8s waiting for their dinner and did the Cube thing described by Neil Strauss in his Game book. I said it was for my “psych” class, I did a terrible job bs’ing their responses but they played along. Nothing else ensued after I interpreted their responses to them so I just said thanks and went back to my seat.

Before we left my landlord had to use the restroom but she was talking to her bf about something with regards to the bathroom. So I approached this pair of HB9s and asked one of them what was going on in the girls bathroom that would make my landlord not want to go in there, this girl was pretty rude and mentioned something about maybe my landlord was a guy, I’m not sure if she was trying to be facetious or a b!tch so I just frowned :mad: told her what she said wasn’t very nice and walked away. I later found out my landlord was complaining about there not being any toilet paper in there lol.

We went to another pub and had appetizers, there were still a bunch of 8s and9s but I didn’t approach any. The night went pretty well until we stopped at a DUI check point and got the sh!t scared out of me b/c I had to take the test, even though I hadn’t drunk anything 2 hours prior to reaching the check point. I passed and we went home.

I’m happy that I was able to approach the 8s and one 9 but I did need a couple of drinks in me to do so. It’d be sweet if I can approach ‘em when I am sober…let’s see if I can b@ng out talking to the other girls I have to talk to :eek:


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
At least you approached some girls bro!
See my problem too is that I need some alcohol to really get going. And your week 3 already sounds better than mine, I didn't approach a lot of girls, I mostly had conversations with guys.

See I have been laying low a little. Last week was supposed to be my week 4, but I was sick and didn't really feel great so I figured it was time to take a break.
So today my week 4 is starting and I am feeling a little...scared. I really have that approach anxiety going on man! I have to find a way to approach 10 hot girls!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Week 3 Day 4 (11/6/11)

I know how you feel man, it’s definitely tough trying to just talk to an HB8 or 9, let alone trying to make the moves on her, as you can see I’ve only talked to one 9. Sometimes I feel like just grabbing my b@lls and going for it but when I am there and sober I’m like “Sh!!!!!!!!!yt” :nervous: Don’t give up though dude, even if week 4 takes you two weeks who cares as long as you’re out there practicing, that’s how I see it. Easier said than done though right, I know, it’s pretty challenging for sure. Before I go out I like to listen to some Game, Tupac, Eminem, and Kanye West to get me pumped, use whatever jams help you get psyched!

I did actually go out yesterday (11/6):

I finally found some salsa clubs, I went to one primarily consisting of an older crowd, I had a soda there and left to another club. The second club was a younger crowd with some HB7s and 8s, I actually recognized an HB7.5 with tig ol bitties from the first club. I approached her telling her I saw her at the last club, introduced myself and continued watching everyone dance, man these people had some moves! A few minutes later the 7.5 asked me to dance, I was like whaaaa :eek: . We just did the basics, I asked her where all the cool salsa clubs were in San Diego, thanked her for the dance, got her number and went home. I don’t think I’ll try to make any moves on her as I was genuinely interested in finding out where the cool clubs were and maybe she’ll be a good source of where to go. The thing I’ve noticed about salsa and swing dancing clubs, is a lot of the girls, no matter how pretty or not pretty they are, they’re usually willing to dance with you. But you better know how to dance. I don’t know how to dance.

Well, week 3 is winding down, let’s see if I can find me some 9s to talk to!...peace out Ilboy, keep marching on man…


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah, a little alc makes me more productive for sure!
I think I really have to go out, to a mal or a bar or something to meet hot girls, because I don't know why but I keep seeing guys everywhere!


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Week 3 Days 5-7 (11/6-11/9)

Haha, yea, I am not sure where you’re from but the malls on the weekends have plenty of HBs, even though they may be too young lol. Depending on what bars you go to you’ll see some hot girls, but you best believe there are going to be some good looking dudes there also, and therein lies the challenge. I know taking classes help, b/c there are always girls in classes, but I’d rather learn to approach hot girls anywhere I go, ie the bank, super market, etc.

Well, looks like I didn’t meet the quota for week 3’s goal. I am short by 2 hot girls. I didn’t do anything on days 5 and 6, b/c I work from 1230-9pm, I didn’t get my a$$ up early enough to go anywhere before work.

Today, day 7, I went to the local community college before work to attempt to finish up talking to 2 HBs but alas I couldn’t find any HB8s or 9s. I did ask an HB 7 where to purchase a one day parking permit though, albeit I don’t think that counts as a convo lol :whistle: . Week 4 starts tomorrow, but I prob won’t start till Friday, since I am off then. And, I really don’t care how long this takes me since I have a weird work schedule, my goal is to do my best with the exercises and have fun. And, I am not gonna lie, as much as a challenge as I think it is, it’s definitely been fun :up: Peace out


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
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Results week 3:
Not so good this time. I think i´ve talked to 5 or 6 chicks, but not always for more than 2 minutes.
I definitely didn´t make enough effort for this week´s exercise - gotta ask myself why?
One problem is, that i feel unable to talk to girls one the street, in the metro or in a bar... etc. The only place i could do it was in the library (damn good place for pick up).

I think i should repeat this week and definitely spend more time for it.

So i give myself a second chance and this time I will do it for sure!!