Boot Camp week 2 (Response thread)


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2008
Reaction score
week 2 day 4

My bros birthday! Mostly hanging out with the fellas but I did keep a good mindset of the ladies. Alot of them were regulars so Im sure Ill see them again. So I made it a point to dhv and displayed some good tactics I thought. Talked with this girl for a while mostly just being myself. I negged her pretty good, dhv pretty good, was getting ioi's got to c-1!(MM) But somehow I let myself get distracted (got too drunk again) and kinda blew her off so I could party with my friends. I think I left her on a good note and am pretty sure next time I can pick up where I left off. She goes to that bar alot. Overall I am starting to do things kinda calculated now. I was bodyrocking,dhv,negs, noticeing ioi's, holding my drink by my side instead of chest( I kept finding myself doing that,but I am noticing these things!) Confidence going up!
Only thing I regret is not closing that girl


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2008
Reaction score
week 2 day 5

Went to bar alone. It was kinda early so not many ppl. so I went to the bar and sat down. Had a few drinks and this 2 set opened me! We were talkin a little bit then they ordered jello shots. Shooters! I ordered some more 2 for me 1 ea for them-I know dont buy them alcohol, but I thought it would be good to talk about. I said cheers with the little cup it was pretty funny how we all cheer with the little cup neway. Convo got a little crazy with how to eat this thing, work your tongue like this hehe. Then my targets bf came over I introduce myself etc.. then they leave.Darnit.
So I go out to smoke ask this girl(a 6,but only girl out there) if I can sit with her she says yes we get to talking then her friend comes over hb8! And she had a cast on her arm, hb8 with cast on her arm at the bar? I asked about the cast, we get to talking is that itchy,etc....etc...Then we done smoking she gets up, nice to meet you james, and they leave? I dont know what hapened there? Too little dhv? I dont know cause we were talking pretty good.Maybe she saw me as a nice guy?
Other than that not to much going on with ladies this night, But I did meet a guy who seemed pretty cool. Which is good because I dont know anybody in this town cause I just moved here.

On to week 3- markjstc,dcastillus you guys make it?


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
break down for week2

This was a bit more challenging than week 1 but it was fun nevertheless:D :

Day 1 6/16

  • Talked to a younger girl (teen) in the library about Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and what it was like, I recommended Superbad to her (as I do to anyone else who hasn't seen it) along with anything else she likes to watch, etc. etc.

    Sat in on older gentlemen playing domino, unfortunately they didn't speak English so I couldn't talk to them much.

Day 2 6/17

  • Talked to a MILF in Jamba Juice about a wheat grass shot and what benefits she thinks she's gaining from it as well as how many other vegetables are in the shot.

    Talked to two girls at Subway, one of them mentioned working at Jamba Juice so I asked her if everything was legit there and if anything "funny" went on with the juices they made, she didn't really get my sense of humor but responded in a cordial manner, we also talked about the health benefits one gets from drinking Jamba Juice products.

Day 3 6/18
Talked to my friend's friend, we talked about her job as a nurse, what she does for fun in Fresno, CA, what kind of music she likes to listen to.

Day 4 6/19

  • Talked to the guy who re-stocks our vending machines at work, I asked him about the routes he takes and how often he has to re-stock the machines at the different locations he visits.

    I talked to my coworkers mom about her career as a nurse and what she pursued afterwards, about a car accident she got into a while back, parenthood.

    Made a weak attempt to hit on my coworker that night (HB8 very close to a 9 if she were younger) made up a bunch of excuses not to hit on her instead of just being a man and charging in and taking her no matter what the costs (so then I just got stupid drunk later on that night and passed out).

    Talked to an HB7 at the bar about her move to California from Colorado, talked about what job she's pursuing, she's applying to law school and trying to get the prerequisites for that.

    Talked to a guy about his statistics class and old school hip hop, as well as his career plans.

Note: Most of the people I spoke to I was introduced to so I am not sure if they count as strangers but I didn't know them before nevertheless, so I think they do count.

Day 5 6/20 Nada

Day 6 6/21 Nothing

Day 7 6/22

  • Talked to an HB8 who was selling facial products, we talked about her products and how well it works, I also asked how she got over all the rejections she faced on a daily basis, she said something about she being the messenger and we're the people being sent the message so if we didn't want to hear it that's fine with her, she hooked me anyways and I spent a grip on those cleansing products, she was pretty good d@mn it:mad: I'd like to take away a valuable lesson from that, the power of beauty and kino, she played me like a fiddle unfortunately.

    I tried talking to this homeless gentleman about what life was like when he was my age as opposed to now, he just mentioned that things are just more expensive now than they were back then, I am sure there's more to it than that but he probably didn't want to get into it.

    I talked to a guy and his spouse about why we are so impersonal in our society and what steps we could take to change that, the spouse mostly spoke and she basically said it was a class difference type of deal where we are afraid to be open and outgoing with each other (especially in southern California) based on what kind of background we have, be it ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, age, people are always in a rush and don't take the time to greet you or chat with you. I agree with her as I remember when I went to Nashville, TN people were a bit more open to conversation, maybe it was b/c I told them I was from CA but regardless I am sure you can easily have a convo with someone at the park versus trying to do so in Los Angeles.

Total conversations this week:11
Final note: I think it is a bit of a social class issue when trying to spark up a convo with someone, I could tell depending on the way I was dressed (rugged or preppy) some people were more open to my questions or approaches but there's more to learn about approaching hotter females that I wish I could take from this week, but that's what next week's about right :up:


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Days 1 and 2 (Thursday and Friday)

Nothing. I didn't really pay attention for opportunities. On Friday I did go to the park with 2 friends and we saw a girl I had met at a party once and her friend, who I didn't know. We sat with them for a while but I don't count it, because I knew one of the girls.

Day 3 (Saturday)

I sat next to a 40-50 y.o. woman on the bus and started a convo about where she was going etc. She gave me so much information, about her son, job, hometown etc, I didn't need to use all of it to keep the conversation going. A very good start in my opinion.

Talked to the girl sitting next to me at a math competition I went to today. We didn't say much of value but the tone was open and friendly.

Although I lost two days, I think I can make up for it. Going to a party tonight, I hope there are girls there, so I can get some practice.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Day 3 contd. (Saturday night)

This night I went to a female friends house party. There were about 5 girls there, mostly not bad looking, but I knew all of them and I believe I'm in the friends zone with most of them. Nevertheless, it's a party, everyone's joking and flirtatious, so I tried to use KINO more than I usually would. I did, but still not as much as I think I should have. In any case, I wasn't expecting any action anyway, and although there was a guy there that I didn't know, I didn't speak with him in private and besides, I wouldn't have counted him because of the circumstances.

Day 4 (Sunday)

Met one of my ex-teachers and we rode the bus together for a while. She's a very intelligent person and fun to talk to but she's no stranger. No points.

Went to a concert tonight and had a great time. There, me and my buddies sat close to a HB7 and her drunk HB5 friend. I had seen them on the way there and made short EC (more like a glance). We exchanged a couple of lines with them before the concert began and although I was attracted to the hotter one, I didn't much of an attempt to approach because her friend was pretty upset and crying on her shoulder at times. Not a great opportunity. I did make the occasional EC and tried a sort of lame opener, then I gave up. Later on, though, I was in front of the stage dancing when they walked, or in the case of the now substantially intoxicated friend - wobbled, over. They didn't approach me, but I took it as an invitation, because they didn't talk to anybody else and their moving was otherwise hard to explain. I took it as an IOI, went for a chat (the friend was not crying anymore, thankfully) and we ended up staying together there for maybe an hour, excluding a few short pullaways of either side. It was a concert, so an actual conversation was not possible, but I did throw in some comments, not very good ones, and tried to use KINO. It wasn't as good as I hoped for, but there was still plenty of touching - hugging her over the shoulders (while she had done the same with her friend) to headbang or jump together, also - a slow dance. The concert went on and she was in a hurry to leave, so her mood began to deteriorate. When they were leaving I told her: "If you like, give me your number, I'll tell you how the concert ended." To which she just said 'no'. I replied with 'ok', smiled and said bye. It couldn't have been simpler and I'm proud that I wasn't influenced by the rejection. She didn't really give out any obvious IOI's so maybe she just wasn't interested, or maybe I said some stupid s**t and she was bored. In any case, it was a valuable experience and I'm happy about it. Even though it's not week 4, I think I at least deserve to count this as a conversation.

Total conversations by Day 4 - 3.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Day 5 (Monday)

AFC day, I missed 2 good opportunities to talk to girls - one at the bus stop and one in the park. Tomorrow I'm going all in, kamikaze style.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Day 6 (Tuesday)

Not a good day. I was very busy all day and couldn't squeeze in many conversations.

I sat next to a girl in the bus, she had one earphone on and was going through her music. The dialogue went as follows:
Me: What are you listening to?
Her: ...
Me: Is it a secret?
Her: Yes.
Me: Must be some very underground band then.
At this point, I just gave up. Hey if she's not good enough to have a conversation with somebody, have a nice life. Fail.

Talked to some people on a bus later on. Not for very long so I'll just count it as one.

One day left and 6 conversations to go... I'm done for...


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, I struck out. I sat next to a woman on the bus and said 'Good morning' but she just murmured a response and carried on looking out the window. Since I couldn't think of anything to say, I didn't...

Exchanged a few words with the gym teacher in training we had today, who was a hot MILF, then played some volleyball with her. She was really cool but I'm not sure if I can count this one.

Anyway, however I look at it, I'm way behind. For some reason I freeze after a couple of lines, which is just dumb. Whatever. I don't think I'll linger on this exercise, though. So I didn't get the number, **** it, I'm carrying on, the next week is just about the same anyway and I'll try to talk to more than 10 girls to make up for this week.


New Member
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
hey, i made it through week 2.
at first i was very insecure and felt like my first drop-in on a skateboard on a hughe ramp and as with skateboarding it felt pretty cool, when i had finally some success.
i made it to 11 conversation (1 or 2 were not exactly for 2 minutes,but i think, initiating a conversation is the bigger problem, then having one)
remarkable were the one with a nerd wearing sun glasses on a cloudy snowday at the bus stop (why to hell are you wearing sun glasses???), a guy from thailand who hardy spoke any german at the bus, and a conversation with cute girl for about 12 minutes on the way to the train station, i guess she like me and when we dismounted she looked like she wanted to have a date,my number or something like that. but i just left with a triumphing smile


New Member
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
my first attempts

Cute girl stting beside me at job exam: had a nice chat she was responsive and also interested in me. i regret not going for the number. (about 10 mins)

Man at 40s on the street: started the chat with a comment on the changing road directions. Answered what he does and where he is going but seemed very uninterested and asked no questions.

Middle aged lady waiting at the stop: answered my questins but i got lots of İODs(indicator of disinterest). She must be suspicious of me. So i left after 2 mins. İ thinki should have added a kind comment wth thoee two above like: i hope im not bothering you or sth. And also people in my country may be irritated by such approaces becouse it is so uncommon in our culture especially among older ppeople so i will skip the bootcamps focus advice about the seniors and will get over my shyness and approach more open and approacheble looking younger people. i also n3ed to find ways of fun comments instead of just asking questions. Anyway whtevr it takes i will complete the bootcamp.

Lady in 40s smoking at the bench on street:i said hi and sat near her she didnot smile back. İ got discoiraged and hesitated only to go back to my phon3 pretendin to b3 texting. My last attempt "hot day isnt it" didnot get any response and she left... But i will go on its kinof fun even thoug i get really excited.:box:
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Kepper of Odd

New Member
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hello have finished week 2 I have continued to find that I iteract an converse more with stor clerks waitresses more conversations lasting less than 5 minutes save for the lady who cut my hair wich was as long as the haircut. Strangers continue to avoid me save for the ocasional hello how are you. and conversations with pepole I know or Know to reconize me continue to improve and get longer. As for women I find Attractive I still at best get Just a smile or maybe a Hello.Perhaps I'm hesitating to much on to week 3.


New Member
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
My results after week 2:
This was not easy, but a good lesson. My biggest problem was to really keep up a conversation for a few minutes, because many people tend to end the conversation in many situations you would talk to strangers. So i ended up talking to more than 10 persons, but some of them for less than 2 minutes.
Sometimes it felt a bit weired, but this is just because it´s an unusual thing to talk to strangers for many of us. Never mind, i´ll keep this up!

And as i said it is a good lesson - kept me open to learn to know new people and i have experienced now that this is really what u need for pick up.

All the exercises are really something one should get used to do all the time.


New Member
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Okay, this week was not as solid as I would have liked. I figured it was the first week of classes so I would just combine camp with meeting fellow College kids and girls when possible. What I found is women (at least at my college) do not really like talking to people before class. After reading through week three material I noticed a bit about making eye contact, smiling then approaching. I think this is what screwed me because I just sat down next to the girls and started talking. I followed the guides, said hi and asked them their major, yadda yadda yadda but got stuck with 1 or 2 word answers. I didn't really count these conversations because after I asked them about their major, job, and where they grew up I couldn't really get much out of them to work with.

I DID find that meeting people in the hallway is totally not that hard. As long as they seemed to be leisurely walking against my direction I could get them to stop and chat with a quick hello and compliment. It had to be quick so I had to evaluate from the end of the hallway but it seemed to work. I noticed if you find an insignia on someones clothing that's more specific than a product name you can easily start a conversation about that. If you don't know what the insignia is just say "That thing looks neat. Does it mean something?" People are happy to talk about groups they identify with.

Easiest way to start conversations is to find a place people hang out it in close proximity (a lounge or something). People are receptive there and if you don't know anyone there you can fake like you do if you wanna lie. I don't think you really need to there though.

Best advice for this is work through friends and meet there friends. Most friends of friends are willing to at least talk to you once.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
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I started the second week one day earlier. But yesterday I was to tired to approach people. Today I guess that I will approach 1 or 2 people.


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
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Day two. Its difficult to speak with people. I have to have a real interest in the other person. I spoke with nobody.

I did incorrectly: I called a friend who can´t approach woman, I looked on the false place and I am to afraid to be rejected.


New Member
Sep 24, 2014
Reaction score
"second" week

Hi there,

I more or less "finished" the second's week job already a couple of days ago, last week somewhen. However I had to notice, that I have to arrange the time-frames for the weekly sessions a bit more flexible for me at the moment, as I am not available and do not have 7 days time in a row, due to work, studies, applications.
Anyway, I do not want to whine and cry like a baby, It might be a bit cheaty, But as long as I get better and make progress, I dont care.

So back to the topic: THe first days were really hard, to start a chat. However when I missed a really easy chance, I was really pissed of my stupid attidute This feeling became so horrible, that I just got really motivated to change this. And I really did it, It became easier and easier to just start to chat, sometimes I feel that I am not really in the mood or the other guy or girl is not in the mood of having an intense talk, then it is just over after some gentle words, sometimes it is just going really well. I talked with grannies which brought their child's children to the kindergarten, with young mothers about their babies, with some funny folks on their way to mountain tour... about work, holyday, weather, studies, school, their hometowns, whatever. I mostly talked to people at bus-stops, in public transport: tram and train. For me the reason is: it simply is time efficient, and it is quite easy, as there is someone sitting next to you, just doing nothing.

After these about very first eight or so experiences to talk to people already happens now already very automatically, without thinking a lot about what to say and how to start, I just do it.
When I feeled comfortable, I also asked nice girls them for their phone number. (happend once now to a real stranger, and once to someone I do not really know, but I have seen her before, said hello and so.) But unfortunatly the chats were not really flirty, but i guess, it was better to ask them, then not to do so.
