Boot Camp week 2 (Response thread)

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
DJ Boot Camp - Week 2

(Initiating Conversations with Strangers)

This is the response thread for the second week of the Don Juan Boot Camp. The only content that should exist here would ideally be from those who have read the relevant chapter in the DJ eBook and have done the exercises.

When reporting, remember to log:

  • What you did, correctly and incorrectly.
  • What you thought and felt
  • How you think you're doing at this point


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Day 1

Now this was a weird day to start this. Actually, it was so weird, that I'd decided to postpone starting week 2 until next week. Except....

Monday, my car broke down (partially). Drove it to the nearest garage for an estimate. I was near Montreal, had a bunch of things to do all over the area Tuesday, so spent most of the day busing/subwaying/hitchhiking to get everything done.

I just got on the subway late evening, heading back to the main station downtown where all the lines converge, to take one going to Longueuil. It was about 9PM, I was checking out the few people in my car, thinking to myself how funny it was that they all had this blank stare, looking like they thought everybody else was invisible. I hadn't taken the subway in many years. I was sitting across from this really cute woman (a 7.5 in my book), exactly my style too. About my age or maybe a little older, petite, slim, nicely propotioned, long brown hair with greyish streaks, feminine & simple style. She was wearing a really interesting tight-fitting light-wool long-sleeved top, that was composed of two halves laced together from the neck to the wrists, native-Indian style. Kinda sexy.

Anyways, I decided to do a little EC and smile practice on her, since even though she was looking as bored as everyone else, she seemed a little livelier (kept changing positions and playing with her hair). She occasionally looked around her, so when she looked my way, I locked eyes with her, and gave her a slight smile. She acts like I'm invisible. A few minutes later, she looks towards me again. I lock eyes and repeat the smile. This time she holds the EC for several seconds, but doesn't smile back. It's kind of a blank look, but intense at the same time. I felt a bit uncomfotable, looked away briefly (doh!), and then back at her. She was a tough cookie, like she was trying to test me... A few minutes later, she's looking my way again. I lock eyes and smile. This time she flashes me a big friendly one. Phew! :)

My train arrives at the central station. I get out and find a map, to figure out which floor I have to go to. Map didn't help, and as I turn around, she's standing behind me, looking around almost as if she's hoping I'll talk to her. This caught me by surprize, partly because while the Montreal subway is nowhere near as bad as the New York one, people here are still cautious and a bit paranoïd. And also because while we were on the train, I noticed she was wearing what looked like a wedding band on her ring finger (ya, guys notice those things too! lol). In a fraction of a second, I decide to ask her if she knows which floor the Longueuil line is on, that I haven't taken the subway in 15 years and that I'm a bit lost. She answers that she hasn't taken it in 20, and she's lost too. I throw her a little C&F remark that she's wearing one of those 'don't follow me, I'm lost too' signs. So we head up the stairs together, she's chatting me up as if I'm an acquaintance, and we're looking for our respective floors together. We found her's first, so I told her 'Bye, have a nice trip'. Just as I was about to leave, she extends her hand, and tells me her name. I shake her hand (nope, didn't think of doing a female one. doh!), tell her mine, and that maybe we'll run into each other some day. No idea why I said that, I was a little off guard, so wasn't as suave as I'm capable of being. Probably an ideal setup for a number close if I'd played my cards better. But I wanted to stick to just a convo (baby steps). And she was from Montreal, so I didn't see the point. That and the fact that I thought she was married. But she seemed to enjoy our short chat, and was quite friendly. I'd say it was barely 2 minutes total.

2nd convo happened while waiting for the bus to my final destination. I sit down next to 2 college girls who were talking about starting classes. I was really tired, so just leaned back and closed my eyes. One of them was taking a different bus, so she left when her's arrived. I decided to ask the remaining one about what she was doing, and studying for. Turns out she was studying to become a teacher, and was preparing an intro for a grade 5 class she was going to meet tomorrow. Sounded like she was in her 2nd or 3rd year, therefore either 19 or 20, and about a 5.5. After about 10 minutes, I ran out of things to say. I was tired and kinda out of it, so I wasn't really listening that well. She had to get her stuff finished too. Weird coincidence, she got off at the same place I did.

2 down, 8 to go :)
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Day 3.

Yep, Day 2 got away. My regular booty call wanted some again. I think I'm starting to see a pattern here, and why there are no women in real Boot Camps. lol

Today was not that great. I biked to the park downtown again. Left home too late, got there around supper time, and it got dark faster than usual because of some heavy thundercloud cover. There was hardly anybody there, and nearly all of them were couples taking romantic strolls. :(

After about an hour of this (it was completely dark by then), I gave up and headed home. I stopped in a Subway on the way to get some supper. The only people there were the cashier, and a friend of her's. Talking about... you guessed it, guys. lol Her friend was telling her about how weird it was that since she (recently) got a boyfriend, lots of guys were hitting on her. And that she was being ignored before... So I budded in to the convo, and started telling her about why that happens. She thought it was pretty interesting stuff. I ended it by telling her that when she's gets to be old like me (they were about 18 to 20), she'd understand a bunch of stuff like this. lol We talked for maybe 2 or 3 minutes before I bailed.

So that was it, only 1 today. It's Thursday, and still 7 to go. Technically, this should be last day for this week. :( I'll have to really push it now.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Day 4.

Hey, what's going on? Am I the only guy who survived Week 1? Where is everybody? :p

Well, today was the worst of all. Biked to the park once more. Zilch, nada. Not 1 convo. Same scenario as yesterday, practically only couples taking strolls. I admit I left my place too late again. I should stick to getting there mid-afternoon. The park was great for doing the Hi's, but I'm not sure it's such a great place for initiating convo's... :(

Afterwards, I headed for Costco and the health food store to pick up some items I'd run out on. I was thinking that I'd get at least 1 or 2 convos at the latter, since the people who shop there are usually very open and friendly. Well, there was only one other guy in the store when I got there, and he didn't seem very approachable. Actually, that reminds me that I've always been more comfortable talking with girls than guys. For some strange reason I find them more interesting, and I feel more comfortable around them. Even back in HS, nearly all my friends were girls. So I was thinking that Week 3 will probably be fairly easy for me. My Achilles heel has always been being sexual when approaching women. I can talk to women without breaking a sweat, but I almost always end up in The Friendzone because I approach them as if I was another girl. Week 4 and on are going to be the real challenge...

Anyways, totally struck out today. Tomorrow's Saturday, I'm going to have to get my act together... Wish my car was fixed, I'd head back to Montreal and ride the subway. :p
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Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Week 2...

THe bible says to talk to 10 strangers, but under what context? I joined a new student organization today so naturally I talked to 10 new strangers. Does this count?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Week 2...

Originally posted by hjsknksbm
THe bible says to talk to 10 strangers, but under what context? I joined a new student organization today so naturally I talked to 10 new strangers. Does this count?
No! That does not count, because you were in a "hospitable environment." The point of talking to strangers is to expand your horizons, make you comfortable with talking to strangers who you have nothing in common with that you know about from the start. So approach people who are not related to you this directly.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
I'm on Week 2 day 2 and I have found that when closing the conversation and asking for the phone number I have gotten a startled response. This is could be because the girl wasn't attracted to me. Or could it be because I didn't have an effective trasition? When talking to girls you have to make it clear what your intentions are. I have found tthat asking if they have a boyfriend set me and them up psychologicaly for the question. Or if your using the c/f routine say something like "You know befofe class is over I'm going to ask for your phone number." They will laugh at this. And it will give them time to think about it and prepare them psychologically so you don't get that suprised or unexpected result. With the c/f routine making fun of them works great. I got a number today using this stuff. So I'm speaking from experience. Just a pointer. THis is #3 for me.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
I finished week 2 and I feel like a pimp already. I have been doing cold pickups. I found it effective just to say,"Do you mind if I sit here" and just sit down and start talking, then at the end of the conversation just ask for the number. I have gotten over much of of my fear of rejection this week. I feel like I am coming out of my shell.


New Member
Jan 7, 2004
Reaction score
Ahmedabad, India


Yeah!!!! I've made it through the second week and feeling great about it.

Finished all the reading quite early in the week and the exercises also before the end of the 7th day. It feels really good about being able to do something proactive about what all others just crib and do nothing about. Taking the BULL by its this case - the COW:D.

On a less funny note, again the major part of the exercise had to be completed on the last day. Probably it has something to do with the awkward night shifts. Still, enjoyed doing them.

Most Interesting Conversation:

This is difficult, cause I feel their are atleast three serious contenders. However, on the last evening of the week, I had still 8 hits to go and I left my place pretty charged up and confident. I went to a mega book-store named Crosswords, but instead of going inside, I first went nearby to eat somethin' as I was very hungry - caught quite a lot of sleep at home. There, I was pretty much eager to latch onto any opportunity that presented itself. I joined two young guys on a table - btw there were no chicks around. I listened initially and pondered my move with apprehension. I grew worried as they finished their food very quickly and I felt the moment slipping out of my hand. Of course, I spoke up and asked them, "Are you guys Marketing Execs?" They replied and I led on the conversation till they started talking in a friendly manner. In hindsight, I feel that it was the turning point of the evening as I was confident and the concversation turned out as expected. Must've talked for more than 10 minutes. The rest, as they say is history.

To be fair, I talked with only one chick in all and she was stranger number one.

Total Score: At least 12 conversation of 2 or more minutes, though I think I talked with 25 people easily. Couldn't count the others as at most times the talk was not for two minutes and for other misc. reasons.

THE FACT THAT REITERATED ITSELF THIS WEEK WAS THAT I FACE INITIAL APPREHENSION AND FEAR, BUT DON'T SUCCUMB TO IT AS THE BIGGER FEAR OF NOT BEING A WINNER WITH WOMEN LOOMS LARGER AND SCARIER. HOWEVER, AFTER A BIT OF A STRUGGLE, THE 'DON JUAN' IN ME TAKES OVER AND I'M ON A ROLL:cool:. (The last two persons I chatted up was at 11 P.M, when I came out from my bank, having taken money out of the ATM. I was walking by, and on the spur of the moment turned and yapped up the security guards who were busy keeping themselves warm by a bonfire).

I am a stronger and more confident person now and more so with girls and women. I feel that within and when I face myself in the mirror and am prouder of myself. The Exercises are working wonders.

Have started week 3 and can't wait to approach the girls and come back with tons of numbers;). TO WIN THE WAR THE BATTLES MUST BE WON.

Signing off for now with THANKS for NICHOLAS and KUDOS for ME.

Adios Amigos,

Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
el estado de la sol
Stuck in a rut

It's Thursday and I started on Sunday and I'm at 0 right now. I'm great at talking to women that are strangers, but I feel like an idiot stopping people that are walking by or something and trying to start a conversation. I never realized how hard it was to start out cold with strangers. I live in a smaller town and there's not too many places to find strangers.

Walmart, Target
Downtown (tourist area)
Barnes and Noble
beach and a small mall (only popular on weekends and good weather)

Can anyone help with conversation starters or maybe recommend other places?


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
bootcamp week 2 objectives completed

started bootcamp week 2 on wednesday

went out with some friends to a pub

1. two set - brunette hottie and frizzy red head not so hottie, ran my standard opener and gamed them for what seemed like well over half an hour, one of their man friends approached, i tried to amog him with a comment about his t-shirt but i seemed to be losing their interest so i ejected from the set

2. two set - brunette marissa tomhey look a like and a bottle blonde, they both seemed a lot older than me, at least 10 years older if not more, anyways the brunette marissa tomhey look a like was a hottie so i gamed them for what felt like at least thirty minutes also, the brunette seemed pretty uptight when i tried to make a joke or to get kino, some random guy entered the set, i didn't care because he was onto the blondie, they started talking about leaving, so i exited first and said something about having to return to my friends

my friends and i switch venues and went to a club

3. hit up another two set on the dance floor - a tall blondie and a a chubby frizzy haired brunette, must have had a least a few minutes conversation, i asked the blondie if she was single, she said yes, i showed her some cool dance moves, tried to escalate and she looked at me with disgust, left the set

it was about 2am so i said goodbye to my friends and left because i still had to goto work the following day

went out shopping on saturday to buy some random stuff and to get so pimp accessories for the new year's party that night

4. chatted up the girl in the music store asking her about what new year's parties are good to goto, she said she didn't know, i busted on her for being socially inept

5. chatted to the guy in the clothing store, i wanted to get myself a cool hat, i said that i would be wearing white shoes so i wanted to find a white hat, he said that it would be better if the hat was brown with a splash of white, i ended up buying a brownish hat, not sure what type it's called but from another store

6. went to the fabric store, chatted up the girl behind the counter, i wanted to get some ribbon and some letters so i could spell out the words "happy new year" on my hat, she was quite helpful but not very talkative, i busted on her for being so shy

went home and put my new hat together, got some white ribbon and some letters which spelt out "happy new year baby xx", i wanted it to say "happy new year baby yeah baby" but ran out of letters

met my friends at the pub where we had planned to have a few drinks, one of my friends commented that the hat made me look like joey from degrassis junior high, so i said that for tonight everyone was to call me joey

7. hit up another two set - two blondies, one was a real hottie but i found out later that she already had a boyfriend, and the other not so hottie, found out later that they were sisters, ran some pretty good game on them, a photographer for one of the major newspapers came and wanted to take a picture of me sitting in between the two girls, i reluctantly agreed, anyways i think the paper comes out on monday or tuesday, hopefully my pimp hat helped me make the cut... fingers crossed, my friend came up to us and said that they would be going to the casino, so i got up, asked for their number and we left the pub

went to the casino, the line was way too long and we didn't want to wait so we went back to the pub for some drinks and to complete the count down at least

as we re-entered the pub i got a lot comments from people about my hat, thinking back i should have busted out some ****y funny like "i'm not just a piece of meat you know" or something like that, anyways too late now

8. hit up another two set, this time an asian with big curly hair and an ok looking red head, we chatted for a few minutes as they were buying their drink and invited me to join them in the beer garden, i said i would speak to my friends first and then join them later

i talked my friends into coming out to the beer garden with me, hot blondie from (7) was sitting down, so i pulled her hair as i walked past

we stood around for a while and then one of my friends dared me to approach a three set sitting down at a table so i did

9. approached a three set sitting at a table, ran some pretty decent game on them and then all of a sudden 3-4 other guys started approaching them, i asked one of them if they knew those guys, they said that they were just strangers, anyways my friend entered the set a pulled me out

we all later went inside for the new years count down

10. another two set, two blondies, they were not very receptive to my chit chat, so i spoke to them for a few minutes and then blew them off

count down and everyone started kissing each other, i hate this part the most because i never have anyone to kiss on, the chicks in my group approached me first and gave me a kissy kissy on the cheek, this is where all of my work that night paid off as pretty much every set i approached, basically half the girls in the bar approached me for a kiss

blondie from (7) was getting really drunk, her sister was getting pissed off at all of the guys approaching her hottie sister, i danced with them both and extracted the hottie to a seat in the beer garden, one of the guys who was gaming on her went up to me and congratulated me, pretty much it all went down hill from there, her sister turned into a **** block, i started trying to give her a massage, touching her hair and smelling her, she already had a boyfriend so she didn't react at all to any of my advances, my friend later said that i pushed the one with the girlfriend too hard and that i should have gone after the other one, maybe he was right but it was too late, they had already left the pub

i hit up the asian from (8), eventually she invited me to an r&b place that she was going to, so she said goodbye to her friends and i said goodbye to mine and we left, she managed to get us in for free without lining up, inside a bunch of guys started hitting on her, even the mc, she bought me a drink, we danced, then she started dancing with a bunch of others guys, i didn't really care too much, tried to get into the groove but just could get myself going enough, eventually i told her that i was tired and that i was going to leave, she followed me outside, we found some place to sit and chat for a while, i started playing with her hair and smelling her, she didn't seem to react at all and said that she had to get up early to catch a plane, so i left it at that, i went home and she went back into the club for a few more hours

that's it guys, that was pretty much my new years, pretty good but next year it's going to be 1,000 times better!!!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Josetown a.k.a Chocolate City Area
My 2nd Week

20, a college student....who is a reasonably good looking...might be the fact that I wear honey colored contacts.

Started the 2nd week on a Friday:
DAY 1:
Conversation 1-Cafteria. 2 girls, one is a 7 brunette, cute, definitely gf material. Wants to study abroad, we talk about that for a while. Get her AIM, and even I hug them.

Didn't do much during that day, had a surprise birthday party i tried to host at my apartment. Two girls i saw with in the cafeteria afew days previous came by and got DRUNK. They were with two guys, who I deeply respect and let them have their fun. I don't want to steal girls from guys, unless they are totally BOMBING out.

Did really nothing, except go to the gym...afterwards...
Conversation 2-Eating Lounge. 2 Girls, one is a 7, and the other is a 7.5 blonde. The blonde asked me alot of questions, made them guess for the answers. Talked for a bit, got her AIM, it was either a flake or she doesn't sign on at all.

Was a Sunday. Was extremely nervous to sit down with anybody at 6:30, gave the excuse that I had no time to eat with any of the girls sitting down as the meeting started at 7:00.

DAY 4:
Did quite a bit of conversations this day during the school day...

Converation 3-Talked with a guy who was talking to someone else I knew first. Talked about Frat stuff. Convo lasted about 3 minutes.

Conversation 4-Talked with a girl who was sitting to the right of me on the bus. She was cute, a 7 dirty blonde. She was a nursing major, and thats what we talked about on the ride. Lasted 5 minutes, didn't get her AIM tho as I wasn't getting the interested vibe from her.

Conversation 5-Walked to the bus to campus from my apartment. Said watsup to the guy who was walking behind me. He lived in the same apartment complex as I but never met the guy, find out his roommate is in a frat. Lasted 2 minutes, as i had run out of things to say.

Conversation 6-Noticed girl who was on her way to class. While walking to the building, she notices me...I smile, convo lasted at 2 minutes about what class she's doing. Didn't get her AIM as it was sudden.

Conversation 7-Sat with a group of 3 girls(Cheerleader, Snowboard girl, Skii Girl) at a mini-lounge/cafeteria. Each of them were 7s, except for the Snowboard girl who w a 7.5. Lasted atleast 10 minutes. They were receptive to my jokes and finding out about them.

DAY 5:
Was very busy that day. Didn't have a conversation worth counting.

DAY 6:

Conversation 8-Talked to a girl in the gym, who was on a treadmill…was able to keep conversation going, eventho she didn't say much.

Converation 9-My first "outside" approach. She was a 7.5 blonde. She was sitting outside a dorm hall waiting for a ride. She looked like she was thinking hard, commented about it. She was on the volleyball team and asked what they did for that, exercising and what not. Convo lasted for about 2 minutes as she had an important call.

DAY 7:
Didn't do much this day, actually stayed back in the apartment.

Conversation 10-Dining Hall, day time. Two girls, one 7.5 blonde, the other...a big girl. Was sitting down and eating right next to the blonde and was across form the big girl. The big girl did most of the talking, at which i would ask what blondie thought, and she'd laugh whenever i said a joke. But they didn't talk much, and seemed to then watch the TV that was there. Didn't get the convo flow I wanted, so didn't get her AIM.

What I definitely want to improve on is to continue approaching when i see the opportunity, even if I'm not sure what to say, continue conversation skills, and asking for their # instead of their AIMs, eventho AIMs are fine to me, not try to only limit myself to those approaches, try to do as much as I can within reason, and to not get tense around the 8+ chicks. Week 3 will be difficult...10 approaches....time to no longer hold back.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
day 1

just finished day 1 today. It was ok had a couple conversations at the grocery store.

1. I decided to talk to the checkout guy. Figured it would be a good place to start. Funny thing was there was this older woman in front of me in line and she kept rambling on about nothing, the guy gave me a look kind of like I wish this lady would leave. I remembered what I read earlier about how older people like to talk and kind of chuckled. We actually talked about all crazy things he must hear customers talking about.

2. So I forgot something at the store. This time I made a point to get in line with a female cashier. She was about a 6. There were a couple of guys ahead of me. None of them said a word to this girl. As I approched the register I smiled, made EC and said hello. We didn't really talk but I made some stupid joke and she kind of laughed. She must have smiled at me about 3 times, and other than me looking into to my wallet to pull out money we maintainded EC the whole time.

3. I was at work and this girl customer (about a 7) started asking me about my job. I asked her what she did and where she was from. Basically just making small talk but good practice.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
well the 2nd week isn't going as well as I hoped. I got caught up with some other things and had to take a break from the program. I have now started back up where I left off. I number closed a couple nights ago. I was pretty happy about that.
On the other hand last night was horrible. I was kind of disapointed with myself. I couldn't get into the dj mindset. I went to this club, and I don't think I'd ever seen so many 10's in one room before. I talked to one girl, it really wasn't interesting at all. Not to make any excuses, but it was the type of place where everyone just wandered around looking for the next best thing. I tried making EC with some girls, but got nothing back. I got a couple hi's in passing. I ended up talking about football with this guy I met at the bar. I'll have to go back and try again.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
week 2 complete

So I've finished week 2. I didn't have a conversation that really stood out. So I'm not going to get into the details of everything. I did focus on the slight tilt of the handshake and maintaining eye contact.


Don Juan
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
(I think nobody is gonna read this shyt but here am I...)

I got one day left in week 1 after I finished its exercises. I went in a party of my dad's workplace and decided to practice some convo. People of my age were very rare there, I'm 15 and there were mostly 40+ people. There was a 19 year old boy there too, but as soon as I noticed him, he came to talk to me, so I couldn't practice my approach on him anymore...I carried well the convo though...


I was planning to practice my first approaches in parks, perhaps talking to people with dogs b/c they are more used to be approached by anyone talking about the dog. But it rained today and yesterday, and people are far less likely to go out then. I was a bit lazy too, but I think I should go for the easy ones first, just to be more relaxed when I go for the tougher ones.

(I've realized this stuff when I went out with my dogs today and was approached by a group asking about my dog age, name and etc...)

By now I've got 0 convos but I'm gonna do it...:D


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
go for it buddy!
at 15 you're already far ahead of most others...and even if you don't end up with perfect Bootcamp results the lessons will stick in your subconscious mind.
keep the updates coming!


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Week 2 day 1

Got three convos today, at the mall. One guy my age, an older guy, and an older woman. Kind of nervous at first, becasue my japanese ain't that great, and NOBODY here speaks english. No worries, though, I stumbled my way through ok. Warmed up on the way by asking some guy how to read a sign in japanese. Seemed friendly to help me. Got a of lot of great eye contact and smiles from girls at another mall I went to to hang out (and study japanese). I thought of a pretty good opener whenever I see two cuties sitting together. When I get the balls to use it, I'll let y'all know what it is.

Taiyuu Otoko


Don Juan
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, I won't leave the bootcamp.
Perhaps I will take longer to finish the lessons, it's hard to find excuses to go out everyday with no reason (mom needs to know where I'm going to and what I'm gonna do and I'm not gonna say "I will continue my training about how to become a Don Juan." :D)

One good thing I've found out is that I haven't lost the knowledge of lesson 1. It's still easy to say Hi to people now.

But let's go to the reports:

Thursday I went to my self-defense class and when I arrived there, I was 15 minutes early. So I began to talk to a classmate that I never talked to before, despite I see him every tuesday and thursday, while watching the earlier class. He is much older than me. I haven't timed it but I think I've done about two or three minutes.


Me and my dad have gone to his hometown to visit my grandma Friday. In my uncle's house, there was his son from another marriage that I didn't knew. I talked to him for some time and we played some games but I can't count this b/c I was introduced to him. Wasn't an approach.

I haven't done any DJ there b/c I was with dad during most part of the time we were there and I'm not confortable showing him my techniques. The funny thing was Sunday, when we were talking in the street without anything to do. An HB 8.5 passed by me and out of nowhere she said "Hi!". I was caught off guard and said Hi back but was so distracted that I couldn't do anything more. I thought she knew my dad from somewhere but when I asked he said "No, she probably said that to you." I wonder if she was doing a girl's bootcamp :D

I will try to DJ today or tomorrow before I go to a trip with my friends. See Ya DJ's


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2008
Reaction score
week 2

I just moved out of gf house...FREEDOM! neway I havent been able to post my week 2 cause I havent had internet access. I cant really say word for word what I did but I think I did pretty good.
Day 1 (trying to remember) went to bar with my bro-
1.opened a set with jealous gf, had to make up some as I went along cause I couldnt remember all of it I think I came off kinda awkward. I went blank again wtf! :cuss: But I used time constraint so it wasnt to bad.

Then I saw my buddy that Ive known a while and we ended up going to another bar we had alot to talk about so I didnt open anymore sets at that bar.

New bar-
2.I followed the 3 sec rule! I walked up to the first set I saw (walked in straight on tho oops) I was kinda buzzed so I was pretty loose. This set I didnt have time to think so I just said hi Im james you having a good time? doh, But this girl, id give her an 8 and probly drunk lol, smiled and told me her name and shook my hand! We talked a little and I got some balls and tickled her belly button lol! And she liked it (Im thinkin to myself,yaaaa) then her friend comes over and is a total bi*** She grabs her and kisses her and gives me a look like your an ahole and grabbed her and they walked off! :cry:
So I get me and my buddy a drink I say hi to some ppl etc.. And we get the drinks I try to open another set
3. I try jealous gf again because its all I can think of. Blown out immediatly cold shoulder, no interest, Im thinkin whats wrong with this place.

I ask my friend and he says its a gay bar! WTF you bring me to gay bar- hes like dude, look around, theres girls everywhere. But they are all gay! He says not all of them, and anyway theres girls everywhere. So I agree on that, besides I dont feel so bad getting rejected here right? So I went nuts, I opened prolly 10 sets that night got shot down by most, but I did get more comfortable with it(opening sets, dont get me wrong this place was creepy as f***) but it was still a good practice.

8 or 9. This hb7 (where outside smoking now) says; I need a light somebody give me a light and Ill show my t*ts. I was on it real fast I lit my lighter and right when she went to fire her smoke I let it go out and I said- oops you gotta show your t*ts again lmao And she did! so I lit her smoke this time NICE T*TS I tell her. She says thanks(she had a gf too).

10? Talked pretty good with this drunk girl I was too drunk at this point to remember what we talked about, but I think if I wasnt that drunk I coulda had her. Damnit karl you got me too drunk, thanks for the drinks tho.
Overall it was good practice but what a b**** it is to not be able to get anywhere! And what a screwed up place- Not my kind of environment. My friend is not gay btw.