Boot Camp Time!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
Just wanted to say it is very inspiring to read your progress with the bootcamp, having just started myself (in the "I need someone to start Bootcamp with" thread). Keep up the good work.:)


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
whats up people

feeling good? i hope soo

i shur am, but i know my good mood will fade away because things always change so im going to make the best of it.

the last past days , i told my self to forgot about the bootcamp , and forgit about the c & f and forgit about everything and just relax, even though i did still feel uncomfortable at times, i was relaxed most of the time.

i dident get to approach any girls this week, but thats because im really tired of chicks here , i have been improving my conversations by talking to lots of people, i have approached chicks but noot with the intention of closing , you know , i might see a chick looking at something and ill go over and ask what shes looking at , and a conversation will start.

im waiting for this weekend, im going to try and go to the mall, and some other places to get some rejections..

but yesterday, i was just relaxing in the library by myself, and while im reading my book, i see a chick out the corner of my eye walking towards me, i lick my lips just incase im going to have to spit game, but i keep my eyes on my book. she taps my leg and she says hi, i say hey , and theres this silent moment but not uncomfortable where im looking in her eyes. i say and whats your name, she goes dymond, i remember her from earler in the year and i say , oh i think i remember you dymond, and she goes yeah blah balh , something, something happenes and she starts to walk away, i say what ? no conversation with a little smile, and she starts to walk back to me, with a smile, she says , well i was about to leave, so i say ok dymond, see you later.

i mean when i look back it there was lots of thigs that i could have said or done but she caught me at a wack moment , but no worries for me shes in one of my classes i might talk to her more.

just incase i dont get to the mall this weekend for what ever reasion , im going to approach in my school tomorrow, even though i really think most of these chicks are wack in the school but i havent seen all of them right?!

stay up fellas

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Thank you B9, your words mean a lot.

Day 4. This week hasny turned out as I wanted it to be. Now having in mind of going after numbers or rejections, I have pussied out in so many situations. I know failure is important, as Pook puts it "let yourself fail", but one thing is wanting to do it and you delivering what you say to yourself. Today, I had so much chances it was ridiculous. I saw so many hot babes waiting in different places by themselves, and hot ones too. I've never seen so many hot babes around school waiting in different places. But I didn't go for any.

I keep saying to myself that it's 4 weeks, what is it that I'm waiting for? Instant success?

I just couldn't go for it today.

But I got a number, but it was from one of the hot babes I chatted with Tuesday. That day I couldn't get myself to ask for her number, but I went for it today. I didn't she would deny it to me, and she didn't.

And about the girl I talked to yesterday, I wanted to invite her to that show but I'm gonna wait 3-5 days(maybe because Im too scared to call now, haha).

Digitz, I'm gonna try the whole Sox vs Yankee thing for myself. And 7 numbers? Wow! Again, why are you going through the bootcamp? You seem to be comfortable with women already.

Rawkin, the variable mood by day, yeh, I know what that's like. One day you feel like you can take anything, other day you're mediocre, and other you feel like hiding in the corner for the day.
And mall should be good place to get rejections, I think you're more likely to fail here then at school, I think.

Okay, I wanted to ask you guys about something. Ok, how do you make friends in college. I know some people already that I met at school and am comfortable speaking with them whenever I see them. But do you become friends, like do something outside of school. Like hang out. Asking for number just seems gay to do with another dude. How do you do this ****?

Goodbye for now.

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Last night I went to show. I saw a few good looking babes. Some seemed to be with their friends and I'm not yet comfortable approaching in that situation.

I talked to four there, YES I AM AMAZED of myself. But after talking to them, I didn't go for number. I had in mind of asking for their numbers when I was on my way out. The conversation opener was the same, it was like "Which band are you here for?". It worked well cuz it was a show.

So before I was on my way out, 2 of them had already left the show before me. But I went for the two left. I guess they thought of me as a good potential friend or something of that kind because they were cool with giving me their numbers. :( I don't know if that's good. I think the first one I asked for number saw me ask other girl for number from a distance. Haha.

And today I went to thrift store, haha, just to check out if they had any cool items. There I saw some babe, her face wasn't all that cute but her body was killer. I was certain I had choked and that I wouldn't go after her. I did visualize me ****ing her there, haha, but her body was amazing. But something "magical" made me go over there where she was. She was checking out some board games and I was a bit far(like half store away), but I went over there. I got near and I got afraid again so I retreated a bit. Another deep breath, and I walk up to her. She had a chess game box in her hands then I go "Hey, play you a game of chess". I was like behind her so she looks back and starts laughing. And boom, that's something! It was a funny one too, so I don't know, I felt more "****y and funny". It was awesome. So here came the sad part. I take out my cell and tell her to punch in her number so we can hang out sometime. And then she laughs, and then she says that I'm too young for her or something. It was true, it seemed like she was like 25 and im 18. This screwed me cuz she started walking away after she said that. That **** shot me down. I didn't even say anything back......
That was definitely a rejection and I don;t want to take it personal but that **** ****ed me up big time.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
alright off to the mall...

oh AX man ,, i like your field reports

but dont let that rejection get to you , its bull shyt now because its in the past, haha i was watching the lion king today in my boxers...dont ask why.

but the monkie i thikn its rafeki or some ****, hits the loin on the head, the lion goes OUCH THAT HURTS and rafeki goes who cares its in the past, then rafiky goes to hit that hairy lion again and the lion ducks, ... im a think about this everytime i get rejected for now on

alright ill be back with my results


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get

alright i went to the mall right, first of, i have no wheels right so, i tell my MOM " hey jucie booty, get off that tootie and take me to the mall to meet some cuties" so i was thinking she was going to drop me off but NOOO.. i dident say anything though , i just accepted it because if i can approach chicks with my MOM in a mall then i can do it anywhere. So i get in the mall right and i ditch her ass... i walk around and try to get comfy, then i hear " RAWKIN" I LOOK UP.. its my mom yelling to say hi ay the top floor, ahahha, so i wave, it was funny, but

the first approach i did was these 3 ladies walking in a group, they were cute, i say " hey ladies " they all smile some say hi, then i say , why are you all walking alone, you need a strong guy like me for protection... they all laugh... then they say from who i say from these preditors.. then we talk for a little more untill i see were getting to the end of the mall , and i dident want to walk up the stairs with them, so i just said bye ladies.. it was great , it was the first time i approached 3 chicks, and i did it in no sweat. what i learned through this was to speak slower.. i studdered a little and it might of sounded wack, but its all good.

The second approach i did was when i was talking to a kid i knew from school, we saw a chick walk by and he was like, i think thats my friends friend, then i say " he wont mind if i talk to her " and i walk up to her , leaving the other dude, ( i really just did it to show off,,, im never doing that again) so i walk up to em, and i say , hey whats up, theres 2 girls, and they both have ****in cell phones on their ear, so i start talking, im like " how are you gonna walk through the mall talking on your cell, what if someone wants to meet you.. " one girl puts her cell down and the other keep it at her ear. she says some bull shyt, then i run out of words and i just say " ok check it out... give me your number " she gets quiet, looks around , and says she has a BF, so i try and say some like like , how long were yall married , but she dident get it. then she says , you can have my friends number and i say , how bout you both give me your numbers, and ill cancel one out ( a joke but they dident get it ) then i totally ran outta words and i was rambling... all of a sudden these thug lookin guys came by us, there was like 6, and i knew one guy, and that guy knew the girl i was talkin to .. all of a sudden the girl says " i tryed to tell him , i already told him" then i was ****ed surrounded by like 8 peeps i just made an exit.

that approach i learned not to approach to prove something to somebody, and talk slower, and get some friendly rapport before you try to number close.

the third approach i did was these 2 girls hovering at the balcany, i walk up to them and i dont say anything , untill i see their reaction, then i say " looking at anything intresting " they say some bull shyt like nod their heads... then i say , dont you wish you had wings, so we could fly and hover over all these people... they look at me with blank faces... lol then i say , " you know i had a dream, that i was a bird, and i woke up , but now i think what if im really the bird and im in the dream now" i get yea and a nod lolz..... the only reason i did this was to try it out... i did it on a odler lady i think she was like 30 or some shyt and i got her to laugh but i guess younger chicks will just think your stupied.

the next approach i did was in a card shop, you know birthday cards and ****, i go in there and i notice that theres nobody at the register, then i look through the halls and i see the lady working , she pretty cute so heres what i do, i walk up to her and i say " hows it going , are you finding everything ok? we just got a new stock of cards in last week" then she laughs and says , no im working here, then we talk about playing cards which the store dident have, i get her laughing so much and i could totally tell she was diggin my ass. then coustomers some in, and i say really loud " hi hows it going , if you need any help please tell me" and i got the lady that was working laughing again, i did this once more and i totally could have number closed but i just couldent find out a way to do it , ,,,, so i say bye and i leave.

this approach i learned to speak slow and maybe have a close ready in your head, because i totally dident know how to close, it seemed so easy from the text.

through the whole mall i was saying hi to ladies randomly, and chicks were saying my name , they jnew me from school, i went to a jewelry store and i says , " im looking to get a peircing in my cheek ( and i pull at my cheek ) then i say , what would look good on my cheek--- i go to the doller store and by cards, i take out the cards and do a magic trick on the asian lady working, it was sooo funny.....

well i rarely go out becase i just moved here any i dont have any homies so when i went out , i WENT ALL OUT and tryed to approach everyonei saw that i could approach, and it was fun, i just want to say , if you even consider approaching a chick, just do it, no matter what hgappenes its going to be fun, i did ***** out a couple of times but i never kept it with me i accepted that im a ***** and i moved on.

what i learned from this sarge though was that its good to get to know the surroundings first, walk around a couple of times, feel the atmosphere.

then i learned to talk sloow, maybe its just my problem but i talk wat to fast and if im lucky il ****in studder and i look wack , lol

nother thing was, dont have ANY EXPECTATIONS i really dont even want numbers but im just asking because i never got one, if i got one i would most likely rip it up, but just have fun and dont expect ****...

hahah this was so fun


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
dayum yall, i think were slackin at telling our details, i know because uaually i really dont feel like typing shyt on here but i cant think everything is great just yet, every time i do that then i go back down into depression with my dj skills, its like have yall ever tryed to get in shape and you try and try, then you finally get there then you think everything is good and you eat some bull shyt that puts you out of shape, haha thats what i think happenens to me alot.

but anyways to shorten up everyhting thats happened this past 3 days, its been GREAT and i mean great, im hittin my DJ skills on all the chicks i meet up with, im meeting new people, i mean im just living in the moment , i usually have no tension , ahh it feels good. i really dont wanna say good because its an extreme opposite so that means it will pass but thats how it feels, lolz, i just gotta keep this constant and ill bee cool , ill come back later when i feel like typing to say more details

i hope all of you are still doin this thing , ****, HAHAH


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Mission Accomplished

Sorry guys I haven't posted in so long.

I just gotta tell you all that I'm off bootcamp simply because I don't and can't imagine going any farther. I've reached my goal and now its getting to be too much.

I'm seeing three girls and I'm very confident I can close just about any girl I want (don't mean to brag and I am a ****y motherfu*ker) and any more would just be out of control.

X, Rawkin, GQ, keep with it until your it for yourself!

This has changed me immensely, it was definately worth every minute I spent on it and it will be for you too!

Good luck boys, I wish I could keep you guys motivated but I just don't have time for this board anymore. GET AT EM!


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
yupp, they come and they go

keep evolving digitz


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
ok i guess this is over, im going to post at the DJ boot camp for the masses thread, theres no support here, hahah
