Boot Camp Time!


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
awwwh thoes are always best when alcohol and drama are involved, hhah

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 7 Week 2

Alcohol, haha, yeh definitely. I slept like a ***** because of it.

I was aware that I had to finish the day off with 6 conversations. It's 12 AM and I only have 2 to tally up.

One was at the gas station, some attractive older woman, was filling up her BMW car(NICE!). I was at the same pump filling up but on the other side. She was having trouble cuz the pump would keep clicking and stopping. I try to help her(haha) but Im no good. But she manages to talk about her job and how far she lives from her job. She would not yap down, but that was nice cuz It left all the work up to her. I just listened and nodded. I left when she finished filling up. Weak exit.

Then I go to the houseware store looking for a certain light bulb. I was having trouble finding it so I seek help from one of the workers there. I remember starting about the lightbulb and how couldn't I find it and the convo ends talking about Las Vegas. Haha, wtf. I don't remember how it got there. Good 5 minutes I'd say. It was a man in his 40s and he's paid to be friendly. Bleh.

I know I didn't finish week 2 with 10 convos with strangers. But the purpose of week 2 was to proove that people(most) wont eat you if you go talk to them, and I sure feel that this week got me somewhere. God! When the hell have I approached strangers and kept 2+ min conversations with them? NOT UNTIL THIS WEEK. This week was awesome.

But I know this upcoming week is managable, I mean after all I did approach a HB(like an 8 on my scale) who was moving. And I got that going. Though I need to work on my conversation skills, and apply some C+F in there.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 2 - Week 3

like WOAH!

Reading your posts X and Rawkin, you can just tell your confidence is skyrocketing! (and it only gets better baby!).

The same things happening to me so give me a loud "I AM THE GREAT CATCH" right now to set your mind straight.

This has been a crazy week huh?

I'm not even sure how many conversations I had, over 10 I know, weird ones, good ones, really really bad ones (I'll tell you this story later its fu*king hilarious!) and some freaking awsome ones.

I haven't been posting as much due to school, friends, the gym etc... but I'll try to get back on it everyday for you two pimps!


You pumped for this 3rd week boys?
I can't hear anything?
I said:

Damn right you are so get out there and get going!


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get


but anywayz, i had to change up some things for me to get on track , i made a vow to now read any so suave atricles or not much on the week, because i think way to much and over analyse, im just going to forgit everything and learn from my experences rather than other but im going to be smart about it , of course no afc nonsense. haha i started a new journal and im hyped.

to day i saw this hunny walking in the hall right , so i say " HI IM RAWKIN " THEN SHE WAS LIKE MY NAME IS SHA NA ... SOMETHING , HAHA i said , i dident ask waht your name was, i tryed to make it look c & f ish but it was to quick i think , so i sayd im kidding, she gave me one a thoes , NIGGA PLEASE LOOKS then she left , awwh, hahah it was funny to see her face though.

that was the only cold approach attempt at a convo to a stranger that i would condider doing something with , but convos i had with other people where un countable , and i wa saying hi to hellla people.

i made a goal to just have fun and live in the moment rather than thinking about what to say ,

but enough about my boring ass life , yoo digitz tell us that story man, hahaha i had hella bad convo attempts man, i walked to this chick right and i was excited or something , i fawkin studdered, awwh i looked like a fool , haha but its all cool, yo x your results are looking awesom , we ARE ALL GONNA COME OUTTA THIS ULTIMATE ALPHAS! HAHA


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
today was cool

i approached a couple a chicks

im finding that iots hard to get a convo starting, like unless the other person is feelin you right of the bat then they might give you something to work with but ahh it weird. i can make a good first impression right maybe get a little laugh , but if i want get a get convo goin its kinda difficult. im trying to stay away from rehearsed lines but i think im going to think of something just to be ready? tell me what you guys do

other than that today was great

im a go do some running , ahh



Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 3 Week 3

I have no time right now so I'll make it brief...

I had two really good conversations with girls named Becca and Heather and one crappy attempt with this girl named Jenna.

I talked with both of them (at different times) about travels around the world (both of them just went with this) and we talked for atleast 20 minutes each. I should have # closed on Becca and Heather gave me her # without asking! That was sweeet.

This is what I need,

But I gotta run,

Laaaaaaay pimps

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 2 Week 3

Yesterday I had to much crap to take care of that I didn't set aside any time for HB scoping.

And to make it worse for me, I got sick today so.... you do the math.

But Please Master Digitz, bestow your secrets of success to me.

You have the thing going.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
great day as alway

got rejected...

went up to this chicks , i was like

( bumped her shoulder ) hey whats up

she mumbled

im rawkin

looks at me keeps walkin

dayum do you always act like this or is it just because im so cute!

then she minus well have sprinted

haha but

i had a hella big convo with this one girl in one of my classes, talked about some bullshyt that i dont feel like typing, well...

tomorrows a new day

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 4 Week 3

Another sick day yesterday, diarrhea, ehhhrr.

And today I screwed it up majorly. I choked like hell, I would say to myself she is not a hot babe, and when a HB was at approachable distance I would still choke. I think I'm going to need those three days that I missed out and probably extending my week a few days longer.

One thing I have discovered about myself is that I'm more confortable in class. I'm wee bit more OK with starting conversations with other people in my classes. That is definitely a plus in change considering the fact that I was afraid of this in the past.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Kickass effort guys , keep it up!


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
my st0ools have been lose all week man i feel you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 5 Week 3


I got way too complacent these past couple days chilling with hispanic girl and other friends. I need to get back out there and start up some conversations! I've only had 4 real conversations with girls so far so I need 6 more this weekend.

So far I'm really happy with how this is going (besides me slacking this week). Have you noticed that you keep your head up, look into peoples eyes and say "hi" to just about everyone? I know I have and it's a good feeling to know that this comes naturally now (work on it if its not, the good feeling really is worth it).

Now, it looks like this week really isn't going as well for all of us as it should be. X, I'm not going to allow you to add 3 days and Rawkin your leading the pack here, WE ARE HAVING 10 CONVERSATIONS THIS WEEKEND!

Thats right, I'm sitting here saying "how can we make this better?" and the answer I keep getting is to PUSH IT! How fu*king good will it feel after you approach 10 hot girls to know that YOU HAVE THE BALLS other guys don't. How fu*king good will it feel to be able to APPROACH ANYONE ANYWHERE ANYTIME and have them enjoy your presence! I take pride when I know others like me and I know YOU DO TOO!

Work with me my new found brothers...IT'S FRIDAY LETS GO FOR IT NOW!!!


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get

hell yeah man, i know what you mean about that keeping your head up and things like that i mean everywhere i go my head is always up, and ive noticed who the insecure people are, ive gotten the im going to look backwards while im walking towards you so i can avoid contact, then ive gotten the im gonna look down so i can avoid contact, but i still say hi and they act suprised that i did, haha, or maybe they think im ugly and they dont want tolook at me , hahah wtf

this week has been alright ive made some mistakes like hesitating on starting conversations, and ( holly shyt theres a big ass spider in here )ive been using to much F in my C&F but all work on it.

i know my problem its just so hard to overcome it, it like i think to much about things to do and say you know, i dont do it alot but i do it at perfect moments to not do it, if you know what i mean, haha

but other than that bullshyt id say im doing very good, most of the time . i keep sayin im not going to read any advice but i end up reading it, haha, maybe i should just look back on my journal .

check this out thoug, i tryed this out today and it worked really well, this chick was in front of me right and she dident hold the door open for me , but thats because she dident see me, so when she passes the door i nudge her shoulder and say , now that was soo rude ( with a sly smile ) i mean you couldent even hold the door open for a guy, the chick got a hugh smile on her face and it broke the ice really well, just something that worked .

but yeah guys, weeek 4 DAYUUUMMM, i hope its no crazy shyt like do crunches in front of 8 chicks while trying to start conversation, haha wtf but yeah , tell me whats hard for you guys, like what are you all struggling on, and what are you mastering.

right now i think im starting to master just keeping my head up and in a good mood saying hi, but i struggle when i get in the real convo.

hesitation = masterbation, i been saying that all freakin day, haha


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
well week 4

yall are still in right?

im ready

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
It's my day to do some serious school work! Essays and whatnot.

You are a beatch Digitz. You made me go out there this weekend. Thanks though, I appreciate it.

It was Friday night, and I went clubbing but this night I was dead. I was a pansy, and it was sad.

Next day, Saturday, I decide to go to mall and buy me a shirt. I was inside a store and I spot a decent looking babe out there in the other side of store. I really wanted to go to her and start something but Im still uncomfortable with that. But somehow minutes later she was in my side of store and voila. Ice breaker was dumb, "what do you think of this shirt?" but it got something going. No number close, just friendly ****.

So I spot another good looking one at a cinammon roll place at mall but I had seen her at one store I passed by earlier on. There is a line of like 4, and she is last. So me being a littlle pumped up after last convo decide to join line. "Don't you work at...?" She was like "what?". "I think I saw you over at....", and she said she was just shopping. Convo about her favorite stores to buy. Hmm... god i realize im still a pathetic nice guy to listen to that **** instead of taking the conversation to something interesting. But when I chat with people, I totally forget about the C+F attitude, I really need to work on this. But I asked for her phone number and she gave a bull**** response that her cell phone just got lost and that she's hardly ever at home. Hmmm.... I didn't bother to ask about email. I think I was not going to feel good after this but I somehow managed to keep my day going.

I was at Dillard's next passing by the women's department. And I saw a reallly hb in my opinion, at least a 9. I really was going to choke on this but she actually somehow noticed me as I passed by and I said 'hi', and then she responded with a dead hi. I continue walking but I decide to look back and ask her if she had the time. She didn't have a watch so she got out her cell. Haha, there you go, a convo about cell phones and phone companies and their services or whatever. Boring. But I was completely nervous, really nervous. How pathetic. I was to scared to go for number close. I was like, hey catch you later, and that was it. :( God I need to also work on my departs, they are so lame.

So wow, three babes in one outing. 3's my number.

At this point I knew I needed 7 more to please Digitz. Haha.

So I go to Wal Mart at night(WHAT WAS I THINKING! HBS AT WALMART ON A SAT NIGHT?!?!). The only one that I saw in the whole store was with her man. I was at the pens, pencils aisle, and so was she. I saw a dude with her, so I assumed it was her man. But the dude left for a while and I managed to go talk to her. Basic convo on if she was going to school, which one, blah. Her dude came back and I greeted him but he was kinda suspicious. But that was it.

That was great day, 4 convos with attractive girls.

So I was hyped up again about going to the mall again. It's sunday and I don't see any hb there, at least not without their guys or girl friends. I went in and out few stores and I saw no future victims. I had given up, so I go back to car to leave and what do you know, there was just a hb parking right next to my car. Haha, I break the ice talking about how cool her car was. Yeh. She was responsive to that.

So I decide to hang out with a cousin later at night, and he goes to a coworker's(kinda attractive woman) house to giver her a video tape of something, so I go with him. So she let's us in her house. And there on the living her is her younger sister, like 16, wow, hot looking. I was kinda timid but she was very friendly looking, and she was doing her homework so I comment on that. So that's how that convo starts, and she invites me outside cuz her sister and my cousin are talking in living room. She was an awesome person and we had a long convo until it was time to go after like 15 mins or so. She had commented about her having a boyfriend so I never went after any contact info. I was kinda C+F with her because I felt more comfortable her, so I got her laughing and a few arm hits. Haha. Nice.

So that was week 3, 6 convos. I don't know if I'm prepared enough for Week 4. You guys tell me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hey X that cellphone bit was money! And that doorway bit too ruckus; stoooolen!


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
X man you sound like how i am right now, most of the time when im having a good conversatin, or what i think is decent i totally forgit about the c & F but if i think of the C & F before like when i look at her i mess up because all im thinking about is getting the C & F line out, i dont know, does that sound like you also.

i still feel kind of uncomfortable, mostly with my voice, i sound like a little ***** sometimes, im going to so some vocals tonight or something. Thats not really improtant and i dont really care about it that much but sometimes i feel like im hodind my real voice for some reasion

what i see that happening is that i see a chick right
, ok this is what exactly happenes, all the time, i see a chick or what ever, the first thing i do is think to myself " what am i going to say to break the ice" then i find something in my head, now since i approach more i go up to the chick right after i find something in my head right, but after i say what ever to break the ice, and she replies my mond goes completly blank , or a say something wack, thats if i approach, or i might find something in my head to say , then i think what am i going to say after that , then i end up not approaching?

its soo crazy, its like i know what im doing but its a habit you know and its hard to break? i just want to relax , but i find that hard.. WTF?

so anywaysi dont know how im a get through that but today was cool, i dident approach, just dident feel right, but i did practice on my conversations, tomorrow ill try for my rejections/. bahh


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 3 Week 4


It's going great but I have no time right now...

I'll be sure to update you seducers tonight!

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Man, if you are comfortable with talking to women and getting their numbers, please go ahead and join.

So yesterday was Day 2, and I really was trying to get 4 convos with HBs that I still needed from last week. I got 2, but they were from hot ones in my classes. If I would've asked for their numbers and told them I would just use it for school work purposes they might have given it to me. But guess what? I pussied out on 2 occasions.

Today being Day 3, I knew I had to get my act together and stop procastinating my work until the last day of the week. I have no school on Wednesdays but I still decided to go to school. No classes just walk around for a few hours. In the cafe, there is always girls there. I really wanted to approach some of them there but I just couldn't. They just seemed busy with books, cells, whatever that I backed up. Out of the whole time I was there, the only convo was when I went to computer lab. I was going to check up on the internet for awhile, and I saw a really hot babe surfing the web and the seats beside her were empty. So I sit next to her, I felt weird sitting next to her with all the seats available, I didn't talk to her because I admit I was scared. But I was at a local band's website, and I ask her that if she liked Emo music. Haha. She looked confused. She asked what that was. Haha. I thought I was gonna looked stupid but after I explained what it was we had a short convo on music. I told her I was going to a show with some awesome local bands this Friday. She sounded interested. I told her if she gave me her phone number I could tell her what time it would start. She gave me her number. I told her I had a class to go to and left.

Wow! my first number. I hope it's not a flutie. But I have to admit I'm scared to call even if it's a fake number she gave me......

If I have learned anything, is that I can approach SOME women. But I need to learn to approach ANY woman I want. And even though I don't want to get rejections, you guys say it's necessary, so I hope they're not that painful.

Rawkin, I get you man! Everything you say is what happens to me. I know I am C + F with people I am comfortable around but when it comes to talking to people that I approach I just can't get that C + F attitude of mine to show. I know when I am talking to them I want to come up with something C + F to say, but my head doesn't work that fast in those moments.

And Welcome Jay.

I still think you are a beatch Digitz. But I can't hate you, even though I want to.

Man this week is going to be so hard.....



Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 5 Week 4

Hey I actually have time to post and I know your excited to read it.

It's Day 5 and I'm still up on things like you dirty womanizers. Last week was the sh*t and I'm loving reading over all your posts.
This stuff is pure gold - you know you love me pushing you X. Rawkin your a f*cking pimp and it's nice to have a new face GQ (make a date with her in class is what I would do).

On to this week, it's been out of control (I've got 7 numbers so far!). First off, my roommate got kicked out of my room for selling cocaine (WHICH IS FU*KED I HAD NO IDEA! he was like a brother to me) which sucks but I do have a very very large room now with a very very large double bed which is...ahem...nice.

As I'm sure you all know its the Red Sox vs Yankees right now and I've found this to be an awsome conversation starter and date! Use this for God's sake! I've had 3 dates in my room to watch the games and the only place to sit is my bed...where do you think that naturally goes?

I don't know if you remember the hispanic girl I spoke of earlier but it's becoming quite serious between us. Shes been sleeping here almost every night that I'm not busy doing work or with someone else. I cannot describe to you how good it feels to have no dependence on someone who you can see a potentially very fufilling relationship with (and how much value the girl attaches to you).

I can honestly say I am very happy right now.

I'm 100 percent behind you guys on this and reading your posts has made all the difference to me...I look at you like brothers for real.


ABC Laaaaay