Boot Camp Time!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 6 Week 1

I meant to post last night but I didnt have the time (or the motor skills). I went out drinking with a couple of girl buddies (a 7 and a 6, not worth fu*king) and met up with a bunch of cool guys and had a good time. Me and the 7 hit up a frat party off campus and I left her behind as I talked to as many girls as possible (which went really well, didnt # close though, should have) and we left soon after to go to a bar nearby. We got pretty trashed and just chilled out the rest of the night, meeting people on and off campus, good times...

Anyway, today was Day 6 and I hit way over 50 "hi's" and I'm feeling really comfortable holding EC and saying "hello" to just about anybody now. I'm actually quite suprised at the change I'm starting to see.

I'm going out tonight with a couple of the guys I met last night to another frat party which should be good (best frat on campus! this kid joe has the hookup with the bouncer) so I'm pretty pumped. I'm gonna go easy on the drinking and see how many numbers I can get tonight. This is huge for me, I rarely ask for #'s so I'm kinda nervous but thats how it all begins...

Wish me luck Don's, I'm going out to get laiiiiid!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 1 Week 2

Week 1 for me was huge for me...

I got a number of a cute 8 and a 7, banged a girl (HOT 8.4) I've been wanting since I got to college and had a blast at the bars/frats/parties this weekend!!!

Im pumped for week 2 boys - this really is changing my attitude and personality as we speak. Give me a silent nod if you know what I'm talking about.

Get your rest tonight and dream of a successful week 2 no matter how good or bad week 1 went.

Once again it's on...


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
Oh hell yes, week 2

i just wanted to post to say im still down!

im ready for what ever this week brings....

**growls like a beast**


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
i started the day of saying hi to random people, you all wont imagine how much i love doing that , the reactions are sooo funny, today i got the up scale chicks they just straight up shunned my ass but i just cracked up , i mean it was soo funny , their faces, haha but anyways

i had to adleast of started convos with 6 people today but i read that they needed to be a minute or longer or something like so so if that , then i only got about 2

the first one was like, i saw this chick walking beside me , and the bell rang, im like

you know your reallly late

* giggles and shyt *

how are you sopossed to get your A's if your going to be slacking like this

* but i just had lunch *

no dayum excuses ( grin )

not really a convo but its close and it was adleast a min

the second was when i saw a teacher carrying a hella big box around the hall

i said

* i though movers were sopossed to handel the boxes *

yeah me to

* so i see they have the adminstration do the dirty work *

well its not that heavy


well i dont know, thoes were just randome approaches you know like not intended for a close just to start conversation.

the other people i talked to i had rapport with already so im not going to count thoes.

what i need to work on is speaking slowely and clearly, it keeps slipping my mind then i end up with brain farts.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 2 Week 2

Whats going on guys,

I don't know what happened today but It was just not fun.

I forgot to say "hi" to people this morning going to class and coming back from it I totally botched an opportunity to have a conversation with two cool girls.

I've been doing a ton of school work all day and I'm kinda overwhelmed with it all right now.

Plus I don't know where any of my friends are right now and I'm gonna have to hit up dinner alone which really sucks.

It's just been a bad day in general so I'll just have to have a really good one tommorow.

Some encouragement is needed, payce.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
awwh man **** happenes, today i found myself chicken out on this one oppertunity to make a convo, ay maybe its our instincts telling us not to, maybe not but..

when i have bad days i think of them as good days .. that might sound weird but its kind of my mind set , kinda like how would we know a clear sky if there wasent cloudy rainy days, how would we know nice people if there wasent *******s.

its like uhh movement....... the root of movement is to be still , things just dont move all the time , that would be exausting, things need to start from stillness to get their momentum.

so its like when i have a bad day , i cherish that day because with out my bad days i couldent respect the good days as much,

but im not trying to like be a ass hole im just sharing my mind set with you it really seems to help me out maybe it will help you.

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
mind if i join you guys. I'm also in college and I'd like to get my first woman this year.

I'm comfortable with saying 'hi', eye contact with strangers but starting conversations it's just too much a biggie for me.

I'm in the bootcamp til the end, no giving up. I'm starting late, but I'm still gonna keep up with you guys since I feel it's not too late.

Day 2 Week 2

Didn't go out today, too much school work that I procastinated.

Tomorrow it's full blow, I'm sure.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 3 Week 2

I'm about 3/4's through Day 3 right now and it's going perrrrrrfect.

Class was a breeze and I had good conversations with girls and guys all throughout the day.

I had two totally random conversations with strangers which went really realllllllly well! I talked for a good 20 minutes to some old guy who served in Desert Storm which was cool. Then I talked to some kid in my dorm who I never talked to before but saw him around and found out he played ball and went it for atleast 10 minutes.

I really like focusing the conversation on the other person, it's interesting plus you can pick out what they're really interested in and keep them happy which they'll associate with you. Swiite righttt.

2 down, 8 to go and thanks Rawkin for your post, that made a lot of sense to me. ROCK OUT WITH YOUR C*CK OUT PLAYA! lol


an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 3 Week 2

Today, for me, it was one of those days were you feel so much like crap. I woke up really late and I barely made it to first class on time. I just didn't feel comfortable at all through the rest of the day. I did get my 'hi's out there, on anybody. When I passed up some hot chicks(maybe 2 max today), I said my line even if they didn't EC me. I found that if you speak out clear and loud, and not be a *****, you'll get your 'hi' back even if they never acknowledged you.

I did to manage to start a short convo with a classmate after class, a dude. I kept the convo on the class assignment that had just been due. Really short, maybe just shy of a minute. I'm not going to tally that one up on my week's chart because I know I can do better. So my count is at 0.

Big plans for tomorrow, I don't want to back out. Will pay local university a visit( but I attend a small community college), and will go to a rock show later. I will have massive opportunities to initiate conversations with strangers tomorrow. Wish me luck guys.

Digitz, It's amazing you're standing out. Seems like you had an awesome day. Keep it up, you'll get far.

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 3 Week 2

I had plans on going to the uni this morning, but it's been raining all day. I'm gonna have to make that up with somewhere else to go.


Paid mall a visit. Went solo to the mall, a first, I fealt like a lost wonderer. I admit to wussing out. Man I had great opportunities, but my balls hid in deeper in my scrotum.

For example, I was at a cool store. It was small so it was cool place to condense people into one little place, great opportunity to approach and look like it's casual. There were not so bad looking girls(15-16yo) there and I passed them by. What a pansy am I? I saw one of them in front of the thongs section in this store. She had reached out for a few, just to get a feel of them I guess. I wanted to stroll by and say a line like "Don't choose that one, choose this{other} one. That color is just not you." Blah, I gizzed up. Maybe I overanalyzed the situation too much. ACT NOW! Remind me of that guys.

Still at this little store: I was at the stations were you can listen to a few CDs they have on display. Alright, Im listening to some of those tunes when I see a 5 right next to me. Practically just throwing herself at me. I can evet bet she made EC but I tried to ignore her, in which I did. God! That could've been my first real convo with a female this week. I blew it again. A 5 for God sakes. And me scared stiff to talk to her?

Anyways, I'm strolling the rest of the mall. I went with the COMFORT ZONE as Tiger Eye puts it. Saying 'Hi's" as I pass people by. As I pass by one of the little mall cart store, or whatever they're called, the chick working there(chubby but cute, I say 6) just out of nowhere asked me "Are you 18, cutie?" Whoa, this caught me off guard. I make that confused look with my eyebrows. I'm pretty sure I wet myself here, or close to. The cart thing was one of those wireless phone places. "I'm 16", I tell her. (?!?!?!?!?! WTF is up with me!?!?!?!?!) She smiles, and I ask why does she ask. She responds with a C+F answer, WHOA! "I was trying to hit on you by asking your phone number" HAHA. Mr Nice Guy took over and just smiled. I left with a bye. What a mistake? But I'm sure she was trying to sell me up some cellular service. But I should've stayed and played around with her though. What a mistake I made. I came up with some C+F responses to her question in my mind as I kept simulating the situation over and over in my head after I left like a *****, how sad. "Why? You trying to pick up on cute 18 year old guys like myself or something?", that WOULD've been a nice answer.

Go to the rock show but dissapointed. The place was dead, 30 people max including the band members. There was cute chicks but there were clearly with their guys. I tried to initiate with one of the band member and I found myself choking after his answer to my ONLY question. I need to follow on, why do I become intimidated? Didn't I learn anything from Pook? I stayed for one of the bands to play but then left.

That was the day, dissapointing. But I always look up to tomorrow. Everytime tomorrow comes, I choke up once again. Wow what self-motivation, right?

Tomorrow has to be DIFFERENT. HAS TO! IT MUST!

0 2min+ convos with stranger up to date.
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Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
day 3 week 2

alright , its nice that yall are still in

im starting to lose modivation but ahh i need to kick it up the next days.

in the last 2 days i havent been talking to much people , it was thoes days like the x there said , where you feel like shyt , i have neet new people and i must have went up to 3 people with short conversations.

its hard to get a good convo going you know,

like the convos that i want to have is the fun laughing conversations , its hard because most people are up tight here, or the talk about boring shyt.
well maybe its not boring to them considering their bring it up , haha but

i still do say hi to random people but i think i need to brain storm some new ideas because im getting lammme!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 5 Week 2

What the dealio men?

Glad to see we've got a new face, props to you X (oh yeah and ACT NOW! ;) ) and Rawkin for keepin with it this far. It's tough but imagine being the GREATEST and realize your on your way each day (freestylin?).

On to Day 4, it was crazy. In the morning I couldn't get it together so I went to the gym and had a really good workout. Coming out of the gym I was so pumped and confident that I went back to EC and greeting everyone as usual.
Later, on my way to the cafe with a couple buddies we ran into this hot hispanic looking girl (long legs making a perfect ass with handsize tits and a cute face) which my friends hassled and I told her "Excuse my friends, they dont see good looking girls everyday. How about you join us for dinner and help them with thier problem?"
She declined and then GAVE ME HER NUMBER!!! as my buddies stood there with thier mouths hanging out (you couldn't slap the smile off my face if you tried in that moment).

Today I'm about to leave for dinner but I had a couple conversations with cool people today. Met this one kid that lives in a different dorm who invited me to a big party Friday night. We talked about how there should be ski lifts from one building to another and just joked around pretty much.
I also talked to this girl Lily who I've seen before but never really talked to her. We talked about why she wants to be a psychologist and how good it would feel to help people (blah blah blah but you could tell she appreciated talking about herself).

So thats my past couple days in a very small nutshell, best luck for tommorow men,

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an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 4 Week 2

I definitely kept that in mind today, Digitz. ACT NOW, how powerful those 2 words are. But keep me reminding me in case I do forget.

Amazing morning, I guess I was really hyped up. I completely forgot about the 10 convos and tried to loosen up. My inspiration was to do something today worth talking about in this journal.

So here I am, stepping afoot in school campus, well it was the parking lot. I'm walking through the parking lot when I see a hottie from what I could see in her car looking for a parking space. I jump out in front of her(but it was some 25 feet or so) and I kinda make a goofy look like she's about to run me over. It looked ridiculous and dumb sure, but it got me started because I noticed she started smiling. Smiling like hell.

I see a hot babe walking into campus not so far away from this spontanous car thing. She's way ahead of me so I start walking faster. I get close enough from behind, and I go "Run! Run! You're gonnna be late to class". She looks back, smiles and just like that I MANAGED TO INITIATE MY FIRST REAL CONVERSATION THIS WEEK! Whoa! ACT NOW! Follow that advice guys! ACT NOW! But I was a boring conversationalist and I kept the whole convo on her classes. It was past 2 mins, no number close. But it felt amazing!

But blah, it all died down after that. I didn't initiate conversations with other stragers the rest of the day. I had such a wonderful morning but I let the day go to spoil by not looking approaching other people. I went straight home after school.

But it's 1 convo. 9 to go in 3 days. I now know I can do it.

Digitz, you're are on your way to natural pimpness.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 6 Week 2 - Morning

I just woke up from an AWSOME night and I had to post this,

Read about my Day 4 this week and you know I met up with a hot hispanic.

I've been really good friends with this hispanic girls best friend (A cool but wierd Jewish girl, not a f*ck) for about a week now (had no idea they knew eachother) and she's been giving me all the signs she wants it. I don't know what happened last night but Hispanic calls me up with her friend and they both want to hang out and go downtown. I'm almost positive Jewish Girl built me up to be a great guy to Hispanic.

Anyway, I say ok after I get my work done and go out with them around 10:30 pm (we met up w/ other people as well). We do a bunch of random things and it ends up just us three at 2 in the morning in front of my dorm. We played wiffleball because they both had a lot of energy (Hispanic sucks at wiffleball) and eventually moved into my room.
I think Jewish Girl could tell me and Hispanic were flirting (playful kino all night!) and she just dissapeared! I really didn't notice her leave and the next thing I know me and Hispanic are making out hardcore on my bed!!!

We're groping, licking and kissing all over and she keeps saying: "This is soo bad, she likes you so much, we shouldn't be doing this." and I just kept saying "Your right we shouldn't be feeling this good, this is so dirty!" Something along those lines.
Anyway she didn't feel comfortable having sex because my ROOMMATE keeps waking up and peeking over (DAMN IT)!!!

We still felt eachother up, got down to our underwear (no bra for her) and then fell asleep together (not without waking up 4 or 5 times to tussle). I grabbed a condom right before she was about to orgasm (me fingering) but she still refused. So atleast shes not a total sl*t (good and bad ;) ).
Anyway she just left and I have class to get to, sooooo HERE I COME DAY 6!!!

Keep it guys,

Laaaaay (them ya big pimps!)


ACT NOW X! Seriously (right now) and thanks for your words of encouragement it means a lot ot me, you can just tell that you've got what it takes to be an incredible Don Juan. Go out, look that cute girl in the eye and take whats yours!

Rawkin, keepin workin as hard as you have and your going to be among the biggest pimps of us all. I know for a fact that your going to come out of this as one of THE greats. GET AT EM!
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Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
whoa!! digtz man your gettin all the math!!


thats great man your living life, thanks for thoes words to i needed it!!

today was melo, i did approach 3 chicks to start a conversation but they were really short, the good conversations i had were with people that i had rapport with already.

hmm i wonder if pre - rapport could be counted or if you had to do random , maybe random , but i think i compleated my 10, im going to go out this weekend somewhere and start convos with people, what i tryed to do this week is go to the common situations i was in and consume everything then write some things down , then come up with some lines to start conversations, because really i found that almost everybody iscraving for a conversation in some of the places tha im in, but i just dont know how to crack it open...

this weekend im going to try and get out and make something happen because im not pleased with my melo ass week, i was thinking way to much , and everything came of serious, ahh but thats past , im fawkin gattin on the ball now , im a start to RAWK OUT WITH MY **** WAYYY OUT

peace all of you

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 5 Week 2

Great stuff today. Amazing. My fuel is having something to talk about each night in this journal. BTW, thanks Digitz for the encouragement. Rawkin, don't fall behind man. I want us all to pull it through together.

Im dedicating at least 20 minutes every morning to listen to some music that will get me going. I find myself screaming to the fukin music. It gets me going throughout the day. Try it out buddies.

I visit Best Buy today. There is no school today, just Tuesday and Thursday for me. I didn't have in mind starting conversations here, I just wanted to have fun with the crap they have there. Okay, I'm playing on one of the computers there but I notice these 2 women(just cute, not hot. maybe 25+ yo.) up and down one of the aisles. I had an icebreaker in mind for them so I walk up to them. "God, choose a movie already. If you are looking for a rated X movie, I err... don't think they have any here."(this was said in a playful manner). One of them looked disgusted, the other cracked up laughing. The one laughing played along with something like: "Gosh, thanks. No wonder we couldn't find it{she looks at her friend, and she smiles}". I messed it up when I asked which movie were they really looking for. I would've kept the whole rated-x thing going. So I have small convo with friendly one and we just talk about movies. DUMB. I didn't even ask for her name nor gave her my name. No number close, I'm not ready for that yet.

I go to music section and see a dude who has one of my fave's band shirts. So we end up talking about music. He tells me he's in a band and tells me that I should go watch them play.

I go back to DVD section and start another convo with a older guy who was in the comedy section. He didn't know which movie to buy, so I told him what I thought about some of the movies there. I did most of the talking here, so I think I screwed it up here.

So wow, 3 stranger convos in one outing.

A friend, later at night, invites me to go clubbin with him. I've never been to a club before. HAHA. This club is so close to the university, so the avenue is packed with hotties walking. I didn't dare to walk up to any stray one(*****). I say hi to them, GEE :(
, but I do act crazy and wave to the girls I see driving. I got cool responses from them, they would normally wave back and smile. So that's a cool confidence booster. One month ago, I would have never dared to do such things. I've always been an insecure, shy *****. Change has been nice.

Inside the club, I feel uncomfortable with the whole scene, I'm a newbie there. My friend has been there before and dives right in. Me in the other hand, stands by the wall like a loser. It takes me a good 10 minutes to realize that I don't know any of these *****es and reject is what they do. I see this ugly ***** dancing by herself.(I had to start somewhere). Why would an ugly ***** reject such a good-looking guy like myself?(HAHA). I would pull away from her for moments and that would drive her crazy I guess and brought me in closer to her. So it's 2 songs and I decide I can do better. My next victim is not so bad looking. I implied butt bumps with her, putting her hands on my ass, slide down and up her thighs. All this was me from behind. I guess this was working on her so she wanted to turn around and make deep eye contact with me. She did turn around but I would turn her again so I can grind her ass again, hehe. I leave after two songs, and I guess she was expecting me drool over longer because when I left her she suddenly stopped dancing. It must have surprised her that I wasn't too desperate to stay there longer.

I danced with maybe other 4 girls. But I got pushed off so many times, so many, so many times.

What an awesome night. Next time, next time I will get a hot babe to do her job on me.

............ WOW!

4 convos in total this week. 3 of them today. 6 to go in 2 days.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Day 7 Week 2 - Morning

Awsome job to both of you Rawkin (you had the balls to approach 3 chicks! DAMN!) and X (I f'n loved your movie approach!) for your hard work.

It's the morning again and I'll give you a quick update of where I'm at for the week (hopefully get an update in tonight). So far in conversations I'm at 7 and I need 3 more for today so I'm out to charge.

Yesterday, oh man I was so ****y going out into the day. Definately too much and I kinda ripped into one of my friends who's a girl over nothing important. Felt good at the time but I'm gonna have to apologize because this girl is like a sister to me (*we shouldn't be ones to bring people down either*).

I cooled off after that and had a really good conversation with this girl I met in the lunch line and we sat together. Not a girl I would go out with but she was cool and I should have number closed her to be a friend and for practice.

During the night I went out with some buddies and went downtown to check the scene. Turned out to be a ghost town on and off campus (vacation weekend, a lot of people went home) so it was uneventful.

However I did come back to my room to find my roommate STONED OUT OF HIS MIND (he's not a pothead at all). He's sitting at his computer watching stick figures battle FU*KING CRACKING UP! LOL. Freaking hilarious...good times.

Well, I'm off to have 3 more conversations, can't wait to hear your good news later.



Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
whats up you guys

well its sat and i woke up HYPED I went for a run then i cleaned hella things in the house , washed my cloths. took a shower, when i got out the cloths were done! air dryed my nuts off! lolz
i put on my cloths and i went for a walk , theres really nobody inthis town thats out so i just walked where ever

its funny because when i walked out my house it rained!!, hahaah but i like rain

so i go to 7 11 and its a nice day so i say to the guy , hey whats goin on, and he says nothing , i say why are you working bro you should be out side enjoying theweather in a playimg tone and hes like poor people have to work were not rich like you , hqhaha im like what thaa, i wish.

then i start on my walk again and i see 2 little boys walking and i just scream , heyyyy whats up! they just look! lol

i walk more and these 2 chicks are walking on the other side of the street as me, so i yell , heyyy nice day isnt it? one looks unintrested in looking at me and the other stops and nods her head, i keep walking but i bet i could have talked to them more, i mean one actually stopped rather than some people who just say hi back and walk.

i think i went way over the 10 convo limit but its like all of my convos are short , like stranger rapport, haha you know , not friend rapport.

after that i found a park and i watched kids playing soccor, you should have heard the parents " GET ON THE SIDE "" " KICK IT TO JODY"" and smokin cigs while saying it , haha

ohh well i dident get that many good convos today but i went out inthis wack town,,..

i hope you all are feeling this boot camp, i want to explode next week when i see more civilization.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
where i wanna get
whats up you guys

well its sat and i woke up HYPED I went for a run then i cleaned hella things in the house , washed my cloths. took a shower, when i got out the cloths were done! air dryed my nuts off! lolz
i put on my cloths and i went for a walk , theres really nobody inthis town thats out so i just walked where ever

its funny because when i walked out my house it rained!!, hahaah but i like rain

so i go to 7 11 and its a nice day so i say to the guy , hey whats goin on, and he says nothing , i say why are you working bro you should be out side enjoying theweather in a playimg tone and hes like poor people have to work were not rich like you , hqhaha im like what thaa, i wish.

then i start on my walk again and i see 2 little boys walking and i just scream , heyyyy whats up! they just look! lol

i walk more and these 2 chicks are walking on the other side of the street as me, so i yell , heyyy nice day isnt it? one looks unintrested in looking at me and the other stops and nods her head, i keep walking but i bet i could have talked to them more, i mean one actually stopped rather than some people who just say hi back and walk.

i think i went way over the 10 convo limit but its like all of my convos are short , like stranger rapport, haha you know , not friend rapport.

after that i found a park and i watched kids playing soccor, you should have heard the parents " GET ON THE SIDE "" " KICK IT TO JODY"" and smokin cigs while saying it , haha

ohh well i dident get that many good convos today but i went out inthis wack town,,..

i hope you all are feeling this boot camp, i want to explode next week when i see more civilization.

an X there

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Day 6 Week 2

There was a family get together. That was pretty much for today.
Dissapointing I know.