Boot Camp Thread...


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Is anyone else doing BC right now? I'm going to post my FR's on this thread as i go thru it (on week 2 right now). Anyone else plowing through it feel free to post here. G'luck widdit.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
I work at a mall, at least 60 hours a week during the holidays, so i'm trying kill two birds with one stone and fit BC into my before/after work periods and breaks. It's working out pretty well!

Yesterday I had 3 2-5 minute conversations with 3 girls I'd never met on my smoke breaks. 2 weren't very attractive, one was about an HB7. I introduced myself to each, got their names, and talked with them about the busyness of the mall, their jobs, whatever came to mind. I made sure to use each of their names a couple times in the conversation and make sure I listened to each of them for subject matter to keep the conversations going.

I guess my main observation would be that it was much easier to be confident and relaxed with the 2 i wasn't even remotley attracted to then the other one (who woulda thought? :) )

That and the way making eye contact with and saying hello to HB's you walk by seems like it pulls them out of their shell...kinda surprises them (for the most part it's a pleasant surprise...I've gotten a couple of great smiles in response thus far).



Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Had a 3 or 4 minute convo. w/ a woman named Mary on another smoke break. About an HB5 35 yr. old. It was, actually, a really good coversation. Forcing yourself to talk to complete strangers really DOES help your confidence.

I was in a pretty good mood afterward, and on my way back to work saw an HB7 getting a pop from a machine by the entrance. I gave her a "how's i goin'" and a smile, and she smiled back and said "great, how bout you". I said "fantastic!", and if i hadn't had to get back to work, might actually have had a convo with her too.

Made EC and said Hi with a smile to a really cute mom and her kid walking down a hall earlier in the day, and she got a huge smile on her face and said hi back, looking really surprised. She actually said "thanks" for saying hello to her...i never noticed how rare it is that anyone just up and says hi to someone else, but now that i'm doing it daily i see just how little it's done, and how much (most) people like it when it happens. That's about all for today...


New Member
Sep 26, 2003
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Hey synergist,

Sounds like you are rocking. It is amazing what EC and a confident hello can do. Keep it up man. You are doing great.

I'm on week 3 and kind of stalled. I finished weeks 1 and 2 like a champ but then had to take a month off. I was really building momentum that I seem to have lost. It seems that this boot camp is best done all at once. WHATEVER, I'm going to finish this if it kills me.

I started on week 3, four days ago and have failed to get one good HB convo so far. I've got to not get down on myself and make this sh1t happen! Hopefully posting here will put a fire under my ass.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, during the holidays i'm working so much i really don't have much time to put into BC outside of my job...I combined weeks 1 and 2 into a 1.5 week deal, running them tandem...i'm nearing the end of the goals set for each, so week 3's just around the corner...

Won't be easy, but i started the whole thing by getting rejected on an NC (see my "Analyze This" post) so compared to that the first couple weeks are a breeze. I can definitely see how these exercises pry you out of your shell...hell, before i started BC, I didn't even know i HAD a shell...hehe...


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
I'm doing the week 1 exercises for real this week.

I have been saying hi's for the last 2 weeks, trying to finish the week 1 exercise, but I didn't even do 30 hi's in 7 consecutive days. Plus they were all easy hi's---(employees at the store, people in my apt. complex,etc.). But this week, I've done about 30 hi's so far in about 4 days with about 1/3 of them cold. The cold ones only to women however.

I felt more powerful and confident after the cold hi's. They gave me an adrenaline rush and my thoughts were more clear afterward. It felt good, even when I got rejected.

I think that I'll actually complete week 1 by the weekend.

BTW, good job thesynergist! Keep it up. I hope that I'll do the same for week 2.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
4 cold hi's today. One of them to an HB9 a little older than me at the bookstore. She was behind me on the elevator. I just turned around and said "hi." She paused and looked straight ahead. She was shocked. Once she came to her senses she said hi. I didn't start a convo with her because she was so shocked.

Later, I started a convo with this girl. She was like a 6.5.

I was looking at "The bad girl's guide to the party life" (also sold at It was in the humor section of the bookstore. The girl walks into that aisle.

Me: Hi
Now, she walks toward me.
Her: Hi
Give my attention to my book. I notice that she is looking at me. I turn and look at her.
Her: Do you work here
Me: No
Her: Oh just looking to chat it up? [smile+ giggle]
I didn't respond to this. (this reminded me of how we're not supposed to discuss "the process" with women). I turned back to my book. She walks around in a circle pondering and looking at the books near me. 30 seconds later
Me:What are you looking for? [referring to the book that
Her: "Pregnancy..." (some book about pregnancy...I think she said"the pregnancy diet"
Me: Oh

Now she looks at the books in my section. Her stance and body language is such that she is waiting for me to say something. However, I am looking at the bookstack. But after 30 seconds, I look back at her.

Her: [smiles] That's definitely not your area, huh?
Me: Yup, it's not.
Me: is this a Christmas gift?
Her: Yes for my friend.
Me: Cool
Me: Well, there's some nice humor books here.
Her: Yeah, those are always good
I turn around and look at the bookstacks again and also continue with the bad girl book. She, however, is waiting for me to say something. She waits for 20 seconds. She then looks at the book stack and is very close to me. She then goes to the my other side looks for a bit and then leaves. Looking back I should have gotten her number, even though she wasn't my type for dating. It could have led to some smooch, which would have been cool since she is definitely doable.
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Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
It's taking a while, but i'm almost done with the requirements for week 2. I'm way over on my Eye Contact and Hello quota, and need 2 more convo's w/ strangers to hit 10.

I'm getting so used to making EC and saying hello to HB's i walk by that it's almost automatic. Even if my minds 100 miles away as I walk around the mall, i do it anyway, then come to as she says hello back. It's really a satisfying feeling to make them aware of you, let them know you noticed them, get that smile. It's not something i've ever done reflexively buy now i do, and it's a great feeling. Being comfortable in doing even that simple thing has truly upped my confidence wit' da ladies, and in genral.

Also successfully accomplished a neg. hit the other day. One of my co-workers is a natural DJ, gets at least 1 phone number a week at work...half the time doesn't even ask, they just make him take it. Anyway, he was talking to an HB7 Asian:

HB: What was your name again?

Coworker: It's right on my name-tag. Hey man (to me), this chick can't remember my name even with a name tag.

Me: Laugh. Look at her and say "Well, she IS cute (at which point she smiles)...but not too smart . (at which point all 3 of us laugh).

I had to take care of another customer after that, but she kept checking me out after that. Neg-hits are awesome.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
4 cold hi's today. 2 didn't return. This is the worst day I've had in terms of returns on cold hi's.

On a positive note, I started another convo today. She was a 6.5 with decent azz and tvts. It was at a different book store.

There are like 6 rows of magazines. We EC'd, then she comes down my row. Right when she was about to stop, she was like 4 feet away from me. I turn and look at her.

Me: Hey, what's up
[She pauses and looks startled over my approach]
Her: Hey
Me: what are you shopping for?
Her: blah blah blah...what about you?
Me: Christmas shopping, but right now I'm just looking at magazines for myself...blah blah blah

She grabs a magazine. Then I grab a magazine. We looked through our magazines...she was just in front of me to the right. Then after 7 minutes she put her magazine back on the shelf started walking away. She then turned around and smiled and said bye to me. I was into my magazine. I just said "all right" with semi-wave and barely looked up.