Boot Camp++ R's Journey


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Sep 5, 2012
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I have choosen to do this because for the past 9 months I have been trying to pull my self together after a hard case of one-its/relationship that nearly destroyed me at the time. About 7 months ago I was fortunate enough to stumble into this site and began lurking. I feel with college starting back up again its prime time to start journey like this.

This is my boot camp Journal + My own set of goals.

My additional goals:

Learn teach my self something new every week:​
For my sake its not necessarily whats learned. I need to get into the habit of constantly improving my self. This will not only make a good habit as a dj but a valuable skill that will later be adapt to my career.​

Let Others Figure It Out:​
I know part of my problem is with school but it applies elsewhere. I am always helping people. Heck I enjoy helping others, however its become to one sided. I've this years going to be different. Either one hand washes the other or you figure it out your self. I spent to much time helping others get things that's not my job. This goes further then just the classroom. I invest way to much time in others; epically since I am the one that needs the time the most.​

Maintain the blog​

Yes you heard it a blog. I wont be posting any links or anything along the lines of that. This is personal. For the most part my updates will be copy pasta from my blog. why? because its 2 birds with one stone. Hobby/career and a means that I will not forget to update. As part of the hobby side of it I want to add a new different functionality that ive never used or something original to it every week.​

Forgive but not forget the past​

I am someone who is unforgiving at times. I have a problem with revenge and letting go. As well as dwelling in the past sometimes.These are very negative and bad habits. Being able to start anew and be positive about things and focus on whats happening now will get me a lot further.​

Stop over thinking:​

Another problem I have is over thinking. Its most of the time coupled with the issue above but not always. I want to clarify something here: I'm not a hesitant person. I say and do whats on my mind however I have a habit of over evaluating/ calculating situations after the fact and then wasting time planing ahead. Most people would say its not wasting time however when your missing out on whats currently happening it is wasting time.​

anyhoo wish me luck


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Sep 5, 2012
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Day one

Today was my first day back at college. It was an interesting day. I made eye contact for about an hour standing in the halls of the college looking at all the lost new people. It really made me grin and remind my self what its like to be lost. Helped a few lost souls out even.

As for the this weeks 50 hi's goal. I also got across 3 hello's today to strangers. One at the bus stop who almost got on the wrong bus and two at separate tils. Both I followed with convo's up. I've noticed this is hard because most people will look you in the eye make contact for two seconds and then break it before you can get that hi or hello in. I really think this one is going to be a tough one.

Also, I stood up for my self today. I'm proud of it for what its worth. I was/still have some one-itous for a gal in my course. She keeps trying using me and I usually let her. She knows my intentions (I was forward in the past which made her interested. However I managed to put my self in the "nice guy" category by telling her my feelings )and tries to use it to string me along. However today remember pook's post " BE A MAN ". She asked me to hold her stuff. Told her do I look your boyfriend? walked away and laughed. At first she seemed offended/shocked but later on she came back around. It was odd. It seemed after one sentence/refusal I had gained a lot of respect. She now gets the fact I will put my foot down. To add to that being the first day back and with people already asking for help (lazy bums) I put my foot down again they had to solve there own problems.

I addition, I have made a blog today to combine my passion, my goal, and my creativity into one. I like this idea because I know I wont forget, its easy to do and at the same time I can mess around and teach my self stuff by adding to it and who knows by the end of it i might have some that that is half decent by the end of it. All and all its an investment of my time and a very good one at that.

I'd like to add after reading my initial post I notice I may have attachment issues in general. Which I didn't think I have because for the most part I do as I please. After reading what I have written I obviously care to some degree a bit to much of past events and others. I need to fix that.



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Sep 5, 2012
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JohnChops said:
good luck man, the boot camp is so much fun. Im doing it right now and find myself feeling social at all times of the day.

Stick to it!
Thanks and good luck to you to.
I have actually read a lot of your boot camp. In fact I am guilty of using some of yours as template to start my own. Its nice to know there's others actively out there perusing change in their life. :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
rrafc said:
Thanks and good luck to you to.
I have actually read a lot of your boot camp. In fact I am guilty of using some of yours as template to start my own. Its nice to know there's others actively out there perusing change in their life. :rockon:

thats great man, im glad people get something out of those... its why I post them :p. Hell yeah im addicted to change and result man! :rockon: :rockon:


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Sep 5, 2012
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Updates: day two

I haven't really had the chance to post so here it is

Today I was frankly lazy. However I did get about 5 hi's in during a group activity that we had to do in a course. Not much to update about.

I think I am going to try and add a way to upload music to my blog. thus I can add songs to it that are either just all around good at the time or convey my emotions either way its an addition.

I plan to make up with todays lack of effort with a trip to the mall to get some new stuff and go after some of those hi's.


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Sep 5, 2012
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Update day three

Day three wasen't all that eventful. I got 5 or 6 hi's across. I really need to get out. I find I am spending way to much time with the same people. I need to get out of my comfort zone and do/be the person I want to be not what I am now. I got about 5 hi's in yesterday. Kinda hard most people still just look away. Maybe its my smile. I am at 13 his wow this is actually harder then I thought.


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Sep 5, 2012
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Day Six

What a Day. Where do I start?

The last few days I haven't gotten out as much the last few days. However today I made up for it. I got at least 10 hi's( I lost count so... any extras I wont count) in I was flying through them. Also a lot of follow up convos. However very few of them with chicks so my new goal is at least 10 attractive women for eye contact + hi in the next few days.

There are a few things I've really noticed. Smokers in general are a lot easyer to talk to/ start a convo up with. They also make a lot more eye contact then the avg group. Now I am not a smoker but hey what ever strangers are strangers.

Also I've got people inviting me out for random get togethers. I am going to try and get out for everything. Lot of opportunities to meet new people and possibly ladies.

A side note I keep having random run ins with the ex. Its hilarious because I always happen to be with gals from my course (you can tell it just burns her). She's already tried to apologies and what not but what ever. Shes an EX for a reason!

I find more and more you look at this all as a game heck even try and even make the convos awkward it gets easier. I'm finding my self making eye contact with people until they look away. Then looking away. Smiling also disarms most peoples general **** barrier its funny how some people flip like a pancake.

In addition to all this I find I am spending less time thinking about things and rather just going and doing them or doing something about them. IE my landlords become a belligerent ******* so I've already got a few places lined up to look at. Its so much easier to just do rather then contemplate.

Tomorrow I think I am ready for a trip to the mall get some more comfortable/newer clothing(still havent got out for back to school shopping) as well as attempt the 27 remaining hi/hellos.