For me "the rational male", "how to win friends and influence people" and "48 laws of power" have been the most profound. What about you guys? Any recommendations?
Only read "How to Win Friends..." and listened to 48 laws (as well as popular psyche "Think And Grow Rich"), sure they may have "added" to my meshed memory of or subconscious interworkings of mine mind having read/listened to them, but for me, exploring stories of the natural world or learning ethology or about our bizarre place we were born into, history, and development or evolving through time, helps allow me to think on my feet in social interaction. There are clowns who may be able to be a better or total circus monkey to "entertain" Both sexes in a social scenario (for me, at least 5 days a week I'm thrown in to the midst of one on one, two on one, three on one, four on one, or a whole team of familiars vs me, a sole agent, and I have to bend and swerve to keep the peace and/or handle with kid gloves or be serious or keep it "light" or no politics/religion or be non-controversial in speech when I'd rather be biting or grating against their mellow or smooth-brains).
So for me, over the past 4 years, Robert Ardrey's Nature of Man series beginning 1961 through the early 70s has raised or peeked my intellect to be inquisitive about what we've learned as a human race, what to make of it, and where we are or may be going (nukes, how our behavior is entering new territory after 1000s of years of being meat-eating PREDATORS in our origin and existence through time). The past 50 or so years has been uncharted territory for humans on Earth. I don't think it can last without our going extinct first. Sorry. With no nations, we become slaves to someone or some thing, debased, no soul, just material.
So I've read, "African Genesis," "The Territorial Imperative," "The Social Contract," and soon to start "The Hunting Hypothesis" (short).
So creative understandings, I think, help you be creative in the words you choose to be "social." If you drone the same memes and accepted language I'm sure you could survive social situations just fine, but will you Ever be remembered by what you say or your introduction of a breaking of droning continuous record.
Finding stuff that's been suppressed is difficult. Religion stuffs Real science by touting "Consensus says..." but we know how idiotic consensus has proven to be ahem "blood-letting" "Galileo persecuted" and countless others being threatened to say what "consensus" wants said. The "nurse," for instance, that just fainted from the "COVID" Vaxx TWENTY NINE MINUTES after she took the shot. LIARS abound...