Bodyweight workout?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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My school gym is closed for two weeks for Christmas break and I was hoping you guys could help me come with a full-body workout that I can do without weights. This is what I have so far

Chest/triceps: Pushups
Biceps/back: Pullups
Shoulders: Judo pushups
Legs: Squats/calf raises/box jump


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
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The sunny side of the street.
This is from a vid on YouTube (can't find the link right now..)

You'll need a pair of 25lb dumbells for this:

8 x curls
8 x Shoulder Press
8 x Upright Rows
8 x Bent Over rows
8 x 1 arm rows
8 x Pushups (4 seconds up, 4 seconds down)
8 x Side laterals
8 x shrugs
8 x deadlifts

Do this as a 1 set, one exercise after another, rest, then repeat.

I do this about 3-4 times a week. It doesn't take too long, either.
It works for me when I'm home and don't have access to to a full gym

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
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Oh jesus christ...

Search function. This is the fourth thread I've replied to with som variation of this exact topic. Exact same reply as usual: Body-weight workouts are EXACTLY as effective as weight training, so long as you increase resistance. You will generally do this via decreased leverage. Gains made by decreasing leverage carry through 1 for 1 to increased weight. The reverse is not true.
Two basic excersises which will get you very, very strong.
Explanation of body-weight strength training.
Good progressions for impressive skills.

Basically you do body-weight training exactly like you would do weight training. You do not endlessly add reps, you increase resistance. You can do this indefinately. arm planche.JPG
When you can do that, we'll talk about adding weights.

Not really, I train with both but they are at least equal. To be honest and unbiased, my body responds better to a mixture of both that is mostly body-weight training. I've tried every combination of the two and that is what works best. Experiment for yourself.

My basic point is body-weight is just as valid as regular weights as a training method, assuming you program it intelligently just as you would weight training.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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If you have an ab ball at home, my favorite big exercise is a jack-knife with a push up. Push up first with your feet on the ab ball (gives a decline bench, basically. Push up bars can help) , get back to starting position and then tuck in for the jacknife and then repeat. 3 sets of 10-15 reps and you've got one heck of a core, back and chest combo move.

Everything else looks decent. Nice big moves and probably will be a welcome change from weight training for a little bit. give your body a different stimulus.


New Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Bodyweight exercises can help you stay fit at home and stay with a tight a budget. Here's are a few ideas of bodyweight exercises that you can do any time with no equipment. Perfect for traveling, home workouts or adding a bit of variety to your regular exercise routine.
Start with a light warm up for a few minutes. (This can be walking, marching in place or stepping side to side. The goal of the warm up is to get your blood circulating and you body temperature rising in order to prepare for higher intensity exercise).

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds to two minutes depending upon your conditioning and interest. Move to the next exercise smoothly, but quickly. You can continue the routine as long as you like (a twenty minute workout or an hour or more). Cool down with five or more minutes of stretching.


Home workout routine:

Before you start home workout warm up your body and get ready for exercise,
Push ups are one of the first exercises everyone can easily perform,
this workout is for the chest, triceps and even involve your back and shoulder muscles.....

Melbourne Personal Trainer
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