bodyweight training


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
for most time until 3 years ago i was in the gym pumping iron.
i find it is excellent way of training and i would reccomend it
to everybody.
only that i think that you should substitute the bench press
with pushups from every angle.
sub db flyes with no weight flyes and
db side raises with no weight side raises,

when i started training at home without the iron,naturally i
had to switch to pushups.
after a long experimentations i found that the best (for me)
are decline "sink" pushups and top half partial"pump" pushups.
for a quick arm pumps a high reps wall pushups is great.

for my lower body i use hindu squat and half squat.

i dont have much free time so my training is like this:
monday to friday

when i get up
1 set 10 reps pushup
15 min after
1 set 10 reps pushups
1 set of squats

before work
1 set 10 reps pushup

after work
2 sets 2o reps pushup
1 set of squats


before going to sleep
1 set of 10 reps pushup

whenever i have time i do neck stretches

now i am on hollydays
my training is the same (sets spread through the day)
only that i do from 300 do 500 pushups a day
i got bad knees so i do 50 hindus a day.
no weight side raises and no weight flyes(standing)
and isometric exercises.

my upper body got a decent shape and got even better
with 300-500 pushups a day.after two days i see the difference.

1-if you never trained before do a medical checkup
2-dont do 500 pups the first day,build to it through months
3-you can even start with isometrics than slowly adding
pushups and squats
4-the principle of spreading sets is called greasing the groove


cheers and good training


pp.s. i bought my self a 20 pound dumbell and during the day whenever
i pass near the dumbel i lift it 5 times.
it should be around 50-75 lifts a day


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
If you like this type of training look into Pavel Tstatoline(SP). His website is He has a few good books too. You should add one legged squats into your workout.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
my knees hurt,that is why i do hindu squat and partials squats.
i will try bootstrappers.

MODS please move this tread if possible to the health forum.
i posted this in the wrong forum,sorry.