Body language, voice tone and confidence - EVERYBODY READ THIS!


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
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OK. First of all I would like to thank David DeAngelo. Although I'm writting this from my head some of the ideas come from him and other sources.

Now, before we advance everyone should read the SIRC guide to flirting which can be found at:

This is a MUST on body language. After doing it, you can read over.


Welcome back young padawan! Now, after reading the stuff above you MUST remember the 2 most important things:

1, When talking to people it's the first impression that really counts
2, The first impression is created 5%!!! from the stuff you say, and 95%!!! from the way you hold your body (body language) and use your voice.

Nice. Those values might not be correct and some people might argue about their accuracy, but just take a look at the proportion.

Now we are going to take a look at these 2 most important elements and learn some really valuable things.

******* Voice Tone *******

First I'd like to talk about the voice tone. Everyone has a standard voice tone they speak at. Notice that when you get up after a night-out how your voice changes. It's much deeper and since you are a lil bit tired you speak much slower. I once had a case, when I answered the phone in a morning like this and my aquintace didn't realize that it was me talking on the phone! Interesting, huh?

Now I don't say that you should smoke 30 cigarettes a day and take a night-out each day in order to have a more masculine voice. I'm just trying lighten things up a bit. Just admit that you can DO change your voice tone and it has an effect on how people relate to you.

Most seduction experts would tell you to go out and buy some expensive tapes at or a place like that. I won't tell you such things. Just go out and get yourself a microphone.

When you have the time do this exercise: (preferably 3-4 times a week at least) take your favourite canned pick up line (my fav is: Hi girl, how are you today? I couldn't help but notice that you were staring at my butt) turn on your favourite audio recording program, grab the microphone and start saying your fav line in your normal voice tone/speed for 3-9 times. Then lower your voice tone and do the same. Lower again and at the same time slow down your words. Go on, lower your voice and slow it down to the extremeties. Now start raising it and speeding up a bit till you reach your original tone/speed. Do the entire thing 3-9 times again. Do this for a week. By the end of the week you should have proper control over your voice.
Now play one of the recorded files and choose the best voice tone you can. Show it to your family/friends and ask their opinion about it. After you have choosen the best one, practise only that tone for another week. 36-99 times a day for another week.
After you finished this, choose 10 other cheesy pickup lines and practise them in your new voice. Try to talk in your newly acquired voice tone/speed whenever and to whoever you can.

Just one more guideline: by inserting short pauses to your sentences you can increase the dramatical effect, especially when talking to girls. Notice how politicans and other people who has to talk in public do this.
For example: Say Hi pause-pause How are you today pause-pause I couldn't help but notice pause-pause that you were staring at my butt.

Now, if you try this technique out, please notify me about your results and achievements in this post.

NOTE: I'm not saying that pickup lines work, but they are still good for practising things like this! And at the worst case if you can't come up with anything to say to that beautiful girl you just saw, you will remember some of the lines you used

****** Body language ******

Now that you have acquired a fair skill of controlling your voice tone, we can proceed to body language.

Do an experiment: once you are in a bad/angry/disappointed mood, stand in front of the mirror. Take a look at your body posture. Notice that it might be closed (hands closed, legs closed when sitting etc.) or that your back might lean forward, keeping your shoulders in front of you.
Now, notice these negative feelings inside you and start to smile. Put your biggest smile on your face even if you have to force yourself to. If you did everything right you might notice how your breathing slows down and how your mood changes in just 30-60 seconds. Interesting huh? You might find that it's kind of hard to hold that smile on your face. Yesh man, your face muscles are very-very weak and untrained! Seems you don't smile a lot, huh? Duh! Just do it man! Everytime you are in a bad mood, and it will help! Just force yourself to.

Why am I telling you all this funky stuff you might be asking? Easy. I want you to realise how your mood affects your body position and how your body position affects your mood! Got it? Easy, huh? Something you've never thought of before...
Next time you do your occasional monday pushups force a smile on your face and notice how you can keep doing the same workout everyday for the entire week just by forcing that little smile... Yesh! Your mind associates your actions with your mood. If you always do pushups in an unhappy mood, you will sooner or later give up. This is pure NLP! So go out and get some books on it. Like frogs into princes by Bandler/Grinder or Using your Brain for a change by Bandler. You will also be able to improve your overall confidence and life with this stuff! Just do it! NOW!!!

Ok, seems we've gone too far away from the actual topic. Back to the seduction stuff

Most men will approach a girl with their head tilted down, their back leaning forward and their shoulders held in fron of their body. Girls pay attention to VERY SMALL things in general. Things men don't even notice. This is something like that. Your typical postures show your lack of confidence, insecurity and stuff like that. Notice that you can change this!

So just by going with a straight back, leaning back, keeping your shoulders on your sides and walking in a cool and a calm way you will radiate confidence, no matter what!
Even if you can't control your feelings inside, you can control them outside
Oh, and please please please read the latest issue of the DJ newsletter. There is a whole article on anchoring which you can use to control your INNER emotions!

Now, next time you are walking down the street, mind your posture! But WAIT, don't walk like you had your back replaced with a picket because of a car accident. *LOL*
Be a lil bit looser. But still, radiate confidence. I'm sure with the proper practise you'll be able to do it.
Oh, and one more thing. Smile when you are alone or walking on the street, but for god's sake don't smile too much when you are on a get-together. (Not date!!! Say after me: NO DATING NO DATING NO DATING YES GET-TOGETHERS YES... etc.) Don't act like a wussy-***** who can't be cool and calm.

Also, when sitting make sure you don't sit in a closed posture. Spread your legs like you want the women sitting in front of you to do it! Take up more space! And don't mess with your hands/fingers because that shows insecurity and nervousness.

Now, I hope you find these tips useful. Again thx to David DeAngelo. Go read his free stuff (check the mailbag/cliff's newsletter at and search for Sisonpyh) That man won't fill your head with such exercises and tips but rather give some valuable insight on gals.

********* Closing *********

So, don't forget to do these things:

1, practise the voice tone/speed changing exercise EVERY DAY
2, mind your posture (watch James Bond movies and see how he does body lang - man, you can learn a lot from that movie!!!)
3, go out and buy some books on NLP
3b, check out the following website and sign up for the free newsletter if you still haven't bought your NLP books:
4, search for David DeAngelo's free stuff and sign up for his newsletter
5, if you like his stuff, support David by buying his book
6, Become a true DJ who knows his stuff/body language and enjoy!

I hope u like this post, I tried my best so it would be valuable enough for most of the ppl out there. There might be some grammatical errors, mail me about them and I'll be sure to correct those!

-The Nikeman *LOL*


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
miami florida
hey cbull, i guess we have touched the same topic, i agree with u, body language is a powerful skill that every dj should know

i liked ur post, and u can check out mine

go to Don juan tips and read the one that says
what every dj should know about how to break the ***** shield without speaking."


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
Hey PipeDJ, nice post there you have young padawan

Just tell me sg: I can't raise only one of my eyebrows, I can only raise the 2 together. Whassup with that?

And for all you guys out there reading this post and the one by PipeDJ, say to yourself: My nameis Bond. James Bond. My nameis Bond. James Bond. etc. 9999999 times!

Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Here's some of my favs. Talk really softly anf faint esspeccially when its quite around. It gives you a reason for you to lean in and she'll lean in two. If your facing each other in chairs. Put your hands on her knee's don't press down. Just press down enough ot make it seem like your leaning. If you do this right. BOth of you will be sweet talking in real soft voices. Then just go in for a kiss or whatever. My sencond cent is watch peoples hands. If you watch a backetball player there fingers are wide out and spread. If you've ever read up on body language you'll know the wider open your hand is the more ready you are to do something. If your arms are close together and you have fist your less likely to be very active with the girl. COmmon sense. Pick up a body language book on people from the library. It'll tell you everything from the way she sits to her eyes and how they look. The tilt of her head. Its good. Plus you can use it to manipulate if you know how she's feeling.