A few of the girls I slept with, I just had a feeling they were sexually interested. I went for 'em cause my gut told me to. I'd notice little things they did, that did something to me. I couldn't say exactly what it was, I just had a feeling.
The net is full of "if she does this she likes you, if she does that she doesn't", all sort of derivative and not as accurate as they claim. It's hard to find material on how to convey sexual/flirting body language. What about things we can do as guys to create a little tension to a female we are into?
The net is full of "if she does this she likes you, if she does that she doesn't", all sort of derivative and not as accurate as they claim. It's hard to find material on how to convey sexual/flirting body language. What about things we can do as guys to create a little tension to a female we are into?