Body language and non-verbal communication thread.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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I was mentioning earlier in another thread some body language and non-verbal communication techniques and thought it might be a good topic for its own thread.

I cannot think of a larger positive impact on my game then this has had.
I would like to share that with you guys. No, I would not say I am an expert but I am very, very, good at it. I bet you I can give some real good insight with some good tips and tricks. As well as decode for you things you might be noticing. Take a quick note ten come back and ask about it. This can be helpful in all areas of life not just with woman. Business especially. Poker too. 

The first one is free: Folded Arms across the chest.

This is a common one. Everyone thinks that folding your arms across the chest is a sign of being closed off. And, because of such a widespread misnomer, you should probably avoid doing this in most situations. Yet, folding ones arms across the chest is not always indicative of being closed off or mad or whatever. Actually, especially for males, it’s quite a comfortable way to stand or sit. We do this also when we are inquisitive about something or interested (this is usually almost always with a slight tilt of the head). Actually people will also do this when they are just kind of cold.

So, when is it a sign of something negative. When the hands are gripping the arms then it becomes a more uncomfortable sign that that person is mad or closed off or insecure. When they are rubbing the arms with their hands. Same thing. (also typically almost always the head and neck are ridged and straight up and down. No head tilt.)

Girls do that more than guys. They wont “tuck” their hands underneath the folded arm they actually look more like they are hugging themselves. (The arms are over one another but not “crossed”. Try it, you’ll see the difference.) The rubbing is called pacifying behavior and is usually a sign she is uncomfortable with something. Also, from this position they will touch their neck or necklace if they become even more uncomfortable or worried about something. You have seen this before. If a girl tells a story about something bad that happened to her or a friend and whenever the story starts to hit on the real negative details they will usually pacify by touching the neck or collar bone or necklace.

You can even spot this when they don’t know what to order off a menu! HAHA, women!

Try it out. Tell a girl(sister, cousin, mother. Don’t try this at the bar with a girl you want to hook up with obviously) an awful story. When she hears the bad news she will cover her mouth and then the hand will move to the supra sternal notch( the indent were the two collar bones start) and if she is wearning a necklace she will start to play with it.

Hope to be of help. Id love to give back in anyway I can. PM are welcomed but try to keep it here for all to read and gain from.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
I think a lot more about my body language than I do those of women.

There are way better was to deal with women than pretending that you can read very much from their body 'language'.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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Good stuff as usual salinechow. I try to avoid hands in the pockets at all costs. Slouching is another big no-no. And shifty eyes scream weakness.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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TicTac. Excellent point. The study and practice of non-verbal communication has taught me as much about myself as it has others.

However, there is no pretending anything. I can tell. Look, its not wizardry or soothsaying. There is no mindreading, but I can definitely tell more about someone’s thoughts and emotions in real time than 90+percent of the population at large. And 98 percent better than your average chump in a bar or other social setting. And, I thought since this is the case, I would do well to share any extra arrows I have with the quivers of my friends I have made here.

If I can give back in even the smallest way, I attempt to do so.

If you are done learning and dont need anything extra or interesting to learn I AM THRILLED for you. Thats awesome. You are killing it. Great. Still though, probably dont want to play poker with a guy like me. :)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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Between_The_Lines said:
Good stuff as usual salinechow. I try to avoid hands in the pockets at all costs. Slouching is another big no-no. And shifty eyes scream weakness.
Hands in the pockets is definitely something to avoid. However, if you do find yourself doing it crossing your legs and leaning against something will take the negative connotation away from it. Also, leave your thumbs exposed. This is actually a very confident, casual and approachable stance.

NEVER slouch. EVER. Even at home. Again, you are correct.

Looking side to side or over the persons shoulder that you are speaking to can actually demonstrate dominance and awareness.( Just never do that to an authority figure .Boss, cops, etc.) Never look "away" with your eyes only and especially down, when making eye contact. If you do look away use your head and eyes together. One is submissive the other is more awareness.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Interesting stuff definitely need to look into all this body language stuff

I can usually tell when someones lying to me but i very rarely use body language to judge attraction , aside from the obvious twirling of her hair when she first lays eyes on me

Tbh i just assume every chick is DTF i find it less work lol


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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So they say in the study of body language that you can NEVER tell if someone is lying.

For two reasons:

The first being how well do you know this person and what is the baseline? So for instance, yes, a parent can almost always tell if their child is lying. The parent has a huge baseline "dataset" if you will. However, on a first meeting of would be a lot more difficult.

The second reason is, everybody is different. Different mannerisms, different brains and experiences. So they say you can only tell (using body language) if the person is uncomfortable with what they are saying or being said to them. Then mark it, in your mind, and now return to it later, and use regular cognitive techniques to get them to reveal truths.

Examples being;

Does the story have to much detail? Does it stay very linear and sound rehearsed? A true story believe it or not is very hard to tell in a linear fashion where as a false one is more chronologically precise and detailed, but then, after a few hrs. or a day, is more subject to change.

Furthermore, the best way to get a person to reveal the truth is to make them as comfortable as possible. Speak softly and talk about other things first. Laugh and joke around. Ask them about temperature and comfort level in the setting. Always offer something and always have what you offer with them!

Mirror them, if they say they are cold, say” Yes you are right I am little cold too” Things like that.

One more tip on lying. Yawning is a big marker. When someone is potentially lying the mouth and nose get slightly drier and they yawn to activate the salivary glands to make more moisture. Also, because the nose gets slightly drier they nose will itch or twitch.

Now, having said all that Bingo-Player…First, thanks for the encouragement and I hope it proves advantageous.
Second, I believe there is no replacement for your guts man. These are all tools to hone yourself and tune in to those around you, but always trust your instincts if they serve you well.

P.S Your line made me laugh. I heard one similarly funny. I think we all have heard this one actually, still funny though.

“All girls want to f^ck. The only questions is do they want to f^ck you?”


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
A girl is twirling her hair she loves me right?

Bingo Player brought up a good point to expand on for those of you that check into this thread.

Ah! The twirling of the hair! A universal sign a chick is DTF. Or is it. Well, dont get nervous I am not going to take away from you this easy to spot sign that all guys love to look for. It actually is a good sign. So wipe your brow.

HOWEVER, lets take it a bit further.

First, twirling of the hair is a sign of interest, but that definitely does not translate to sexual interest. I could just mean she is interested in what you are saying or you in general. So…

How to tell if it is sexual interest? Clusters!

If this thread continues you will hear me talk of this a lot. Clusters are just that, more than 1 sign(signal of non-verbal communication) at a time, in real time.

For instance: She is twirling her hair. Good start. (Especially since most girls know to do this to show you they like you.) Now, is she licking her lips or biting them? Even better. She wants to make sure they are soft and pliable. Nice!

Most of you are saying to yourself right now, ”Dude, who doesn’t know that”.

OK. I get that. So, heres something a little less common knowledge. Hips and legs, along with the other 2 signals. That would be a cluster boys, and that would mean check that old condom in the wallet for abrasions because you are going in!

Hips and legs signals will sometimes actually show up before the other signs. Hips turned towards you is good. Is she at all touching her hips, even better. Example: thumb tucked inside jeans. Very good. This is what we could consider “genital framing” Men, that is a come hither sign a lot more powerful than hair twirling.

As you know, girls twirl their hair when riding in cars and listening to a good song, while reading a good book, while waiting on line even. So its pretty common and not all that in-d!ck-itive( haha sorry, I had to) of sexual interest. But if a girl starts touching her hips and/or displaying them to you in any way…You are golden. Her subconscious is even into you!

This is a lot already so Ill talk legs another time.

Quick notes.

Always look for more than one sign of any emotion when reading body language. Clusters are more powerful indicators.

Hip displays are almost always a sign you are of high sexual interest.

Licking and biting of the lips is a very good sign as well but you already knew that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Op, I also know a lot about body language as well. In fact, it is one of my classes in school as I am majoring in Communications.

If you ever have the time, perhaps you could make a full fledged thread with more things of this nature, I'm sure some will find it amusing or even interesting.

Just a suggestion, good post.



Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
If she keeps eye contact with you and smiles a lot... that's a pretty good sign of interest.

The big test is if you move into her personal space, if she doesn't move back, or turn away from you... another good sign.

Touch her arm when you are trying to make a point... if you don't get any response... good sign. If later in the interaction, she touches you back... very good sign. If you can tell she didn't like it by turning away... or worst... if she looks at where you touched her. REALLY BAD sign.

The hair flipping and exposing neck is BS... you can't really go off of that because many women will do this out of habit when they are nervous... they could be nervous because they want to get away or they like you. I was hitting up a woman at an event that had a jealous BF who was also there, she was twirlling her hair and figiting because she was nervous about what he might do.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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I was actually really impressed by this post RangerMike. Really good instincts. This thread I knew would touch on some things that are somewhat innate, natural and obvious. Even with those topics though, it is interesting sometimes to know the why. Look at this way...You can watch sports on any old tube TV and still know exactly what went on...but, isnt it some much cooler and clearer to watch it in ultra high def? Body language is also a really good conversational topic when talking with chicks, and just everyday people.

Responces in bold.

RangerMIke said:
If she keeps eye contact with you and smiles a lot... that's a pretty good sign of interest. Make them laugh. Laughing is even better. It actually changes brain chemistry for a few minutes and really relaxes the limbic system. (that’s the part of the brain that controls the body language and the fight, flight or freeze response) As we all know, a relaxed girl is comfortable. A comfortable girl is a girl ready for attraction.

The big test is if you move into her personal space, if she doesn't move back, or turn away from you... another good sign.THIS IS incredibly spot ON! THIS IS HUGE. Its a great sign! It is also something you can do to build attraction. It is totally dominant and if pulled off correctly can substitute hrs of other "game" and conversation. Foreign girls especially respond to this.

Touch her arm when you are trying to make a point... if you don't get any response... good sign.But can one spot the responce? This IS where non-verbal communication knowledge shines. Its also kind of difficult. A responce here would probably show up in the feet actually. A little to complicated for this post but Ill expand on it some other time. Here is a quick example though. Everything is going well and you start the kino. While things where going well she is dangling her shoe off the tip of her toes. (Very good sign) Then you touch her. If she secures the shoe back on her foot...uh oh. Kino too soon, she didnt really like that touch. If she keeps dangling it... Great kino! Keep going! If later in the interaction, she touches you back... very good sign.Yep. Hitting especially. Touching your chest especially. Your back when she talks in your ear... very good. Shoulders believe it or not, not so good. Not bad, just not as good as the others. Its a way to control her and your distance. If you can tell she didn't like it by turning away... or worst... if she looks at where you touched her. REALLY BAD sign.If she looks at where you touched her, it is almost game over. Again RangerMIke, very spot on.

The hair flipping and exposing neck is BS... you can't really go off of that because many women will do this out of habit when they are nervous... they could be nervous because they want to get away or they like you. I was hitting up a woman at an event that had a jealous BF who was also there, she was twirlling her hair and figiting because she was nervous about what he might do. Actually, exposing the neck is a good sign. Here is what to look for when its done. Head tilt. Yes girls play with and put their hair up and down and back and forth. Its not a great indicator on its own. But when done with head tilt it can help you understand it is actually a good sign.
Remember, especially with the more obvious signs we all know to look for. CLUSTERS! If you are getting a good sign, it will have others show up with it. Lips and hips people! Lips and hips.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
If you really want to learn what female body language looks like if she put you in the 'non-fvckable' catogory, then all you have to do is go to a party or event and study what women look like when they are talking to other women. Then look around and study what women look like when they are talking to men you know they are interested in.

Another thing you can do when you are learning body language is while you are talking to a woman, imagine that she is another guy (this of course assumes you are not gay) if her body language makes you a little uncomfortable, then it's likely she is giving you IOI.

The funny thing about body language is that women are REALLY good at this and it's instinctive, they are usually not aware of what they are doing, but if you are interested in a woman, she freaking knows. This is why you should ALWAYS assume she is interested in you as well, because if you want a woman, there is a pretty good chance she knows this... because of your BL. If she knows you want her, and yet you dither and orbit without approaching her she will not think you are confident. Many times men shoot themsleves in the foot because they fail to take action when they are supposed to. This is what goes on in a woman's mind when she sees you... because remember introduction isn't when you talk to her... introduction is when she FIRST SEES YOU, your BL is going to communicate a lot to her.


Oh, cute guy... I would fvck him.

Hmmmm. He is available and interested (because your BL tells her this, she knows this intuitively)... good!.

Ah... he sees me, now I look at him and smile... there he's smiling back, excellent.

Okay.... what is he waiting for, now he's walking around... I know he's interested. What the fvck is he doing?

Now he's on the other side of the room.... now he's looking at me again... Okay... let me think again... yea, he's pretty hot... I would fvck him, let's give him another smile, he might be shy.

Good now he's coming over, let me turn away a little because I don't want to seem too interested.... WTF... he just walked by, where is he going? The other side of the room....

Now he's looking at me again... what a @ss wipe... alright, are there any real men in this place....

nathan z

Jan 21, 2015
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OFFICIAL STATEMENT from Christopher Hungryu Zement Smifson Jugatti III on abortion

Hi people of the world. my official statement on abortion. abortion should be legal in the first trimester. Roe versus Wade got that one perfectly right. perfection. abortion should be legal in the second trimester except for sex selection abortions. sex selection abortions should be illegal. abortion should be illegal in the third trimester except for the health or life of the mother. this includes the partial birth abortion. no convenience abortions in the third trimester. there must be an official medical doctors order on official stationery before a partial birth abortion my be performed.

laws on protesters. due to the tension surrounding the abortion issue, all protesters must remain at least ten feet from any part of any building which allows abortions and there must be a barrier free path to the door. violators should be sent to jail for a minimum of twelve hours and a maximum of thirty days.


In the clinic. the doctors should get right to the operation. They should ask her one time are you sure. if she says yes she is sure, the operation must commence. i'm gay. the remains should be used for medical research. the doctors should have barrier free entrance and be free of harassment. sting operations should not be permitted.


Christopher Hungryu Zement Smifson Jugatti III
the world's leading abortion advocate


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2014
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Old Europe
Guy goes around dropping this pile in random threads. Mods, have you noticed yet? Time for some body language maybe a.k.a. non-verbal feedback? ;-)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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Espi said:
No-verbal, in my opinion, is probably about 80% of the equation in the early phase of attraction (i.e. the first meetups).

Here are my own personal ones that I think are very effective:

Making and maintaining eye contact
Reacting (with eyes and mouth--a neutral reaction can be very effective)
Having straight posture (I want to work on this one)
Using hands to emphasize or emphasize
Kino (obviously)
This. The hands alone are so incredibly expressive and effective. Vile and contemptible as he may be, case in point - one of the masters of oratory and body language:

I like to joke that my vote always goes for the political candidate who does this subtle thumbs up gesture, irrespective of what policies he may be advocating -


Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
When the hands are gripping the arms.
When they are rubbing the arms with their hands.
Also, from this position they will touch their neck or necklace if they become even more uncomfortable or worried about something.
I found out this in my life too.
It also happen that a women would touch and play with her hair.

If you are in a scenario when you are talking to this women, and usually, when it's her turn to talk, she would do those things, what does it mean?
Is that women actracted? Or what else it's happening?