KarmaSutra said:
Clomid is precribed for women to adjust the ph balance of her vaginal mucous.
It won't do anything for men.
Oh, and I agree, you're an idiot.
You are partially incorrect: clomid will work on the human HPTA (hypothalamus-pituitary axis) regardless of sex. I'm not sure about the pH balancing of vaginal mucosa, but could very well be true.
Clomid (clomiphene citrate) is SERM or a selective estrogen receptor modulator. This basically means that they're not pure agonists/antagonists, but will do different stuff at different tissues.
As many readers said it is prescribed as a female fertility drug. However, the way clomid works is to increase gonadotropin release from the anterior pituitary by blocking negative feedback inhibition in the appropriate hypothalamic centers. By blocking the feedback inhibition the hypothalamus will release more GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) into the pituitary, which in turn will stimulate the pituitary to release FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone). Therefore, functionally clomid increases serum gonadotropin levels, namely FSH, LH, etc. These hormones will affect the primary sex glands (ovaries and balls) and stimulate them to produce the appropriate hormones as well as function optimally. The Leydig cells in our balls produce testosterone and related androgens, while ovaries produce estrogen/progesterone, blah blah blah.
I'm a former high performance athlete, turned male stripper, turned competitive bodybuilder. I've used clomid many times in my life while coming off AAS cycles. My recent PCT went quite well (thanks Colossus), and I ended up running hCG (which contains a part that acts as a LH analog) and am currently finishing off my course of clomid. Empirically I definitely notice that I ejaculate more during PCT. I don't use PCT drugs specifically to kum more, but its a pleasant side effect! I've heard other guys say PCT increases load size as well.
Unfortunately clomid also makes you feel like a total biitch at times... When I first start taking it, I just feed tired and sad for a couple of days. I'm normally a very optimistic/happy guy. It gets better afterwards, but I do notice I'm more emotional, etc.
Personally for me I find abstaining for sex/masturbation for a couple days gives me a bigger load. Kegels help to shoot it further. Adequate hydration and nutrition are also important. There's tons of diets, etc out there that are supposed to increase loads.
Bunk42, good first post by the way.