So, I had a few good conversations with this chubby chick I randomly bumped into at the university library a few times. Almost every time, it was her that initiated the conversation and she was all smilely for no real reason every single time. The third time I bump into her, I tell her that I'm kind of hungry, am going to grab a bite to eat, and ask if she wants to come. She declines b/c she had a judo practice in 15 minutes (my bro is on the same judo team and he confirmed it, so she wasn't making up an excuse).
The next day, she facebooks me and I ask her out for coffee sometime the next week. She says sure, and sends me her number via fbook private message. During the date, we talk for like 3 hours about all sorts of crap and the conversation was generally really good for two people who met under absolutely random circumstances. She's all playfully touchy with me during the date, but outside of that, I didn't do anything physical with her. We both agree that we enjoyed ourselves and agree to do it again soon. I have a feeling I talked about myself way too much on this date, and was too ****y, but she encouraged it all, basically.
Fast-forward a few days later. I ask her if she'd like to go see a movie at the drive-in sometime this weekend and she says sure, but says she's going to bring her atrocious fat tank of a friend along. Now, if her friend wasn't a fat tank, I would gladly resolve this situation by bringing a wing along. Unfortunately, I have no friends that would be willing to take that kind of bullet (I wouldn't be either, good God). So, I decide to tell her that I intend for this to be a date. After telling her this, she pauses for a while and tells me that she's not looking for a relationship at the moment. At this point, I'm thinking "well, I just got rejected clear as day by a ****ing fat chick. ****."
I myself am not fat (although certainly am not in superb shape; I guess I'm what you call ectomorphic in bodybuilder terms), but I am certainly socially retarded and have been in a financial situation over the last 5 years that has basically forced me to live at home while studying computer science at the local University (the girl I'm talking about also lives at home and is kind of socially stunted, too). I just graduated a week ago, and this move was partially out of desperation to lose my virginity (I'm almost 23 years old and a college graduate, jesus christ) as I almost never hit on girls I perceive to be Fat Chicks.
Anyways, how the **** did I blow this? I aimed lower than I ever have before.
The next day, she facebooks me and I ask her out for coffee sometime the next week. She says sure, and sends me her number via fbook private message. During the date, we talk for like 3 hours about all sorts of crap and the conversation was generally really good for two people who met under absolutely random circumstances. She's all playfully touchy with me during the date, but outside of that, I didn't do anything physical with her. We both agree that we enjoyed ourselves and agree to do it again soon. I have a feeling I talked about myself way too much on this date, and was too ****y, but she encouraged it all, basically.
Fast-forward a few days later. I ask her if she'd like to go see a movie at the drive-in sometime this weekend and she says sure, but says she's going to bring her atrocious fat tank of a friend along. Now, if her friend wasn't a fat tank, I would gladly resolve this situation by bringing a wing along. Unfortunately, I have no friends that would be willing to take that kind of bullet (I wouldn't be either, good God). So, I decide to tell her that I intend for this to be a date. After telling her this, she pauses for a while and tells me that she's not looking for a relationship at the moment. At this point, I'm thinking "well, I just got rejected clear as day by a ****ing fat chick. ****."
I myself am not fat (although certainly am not in superb shape; I guess I'm what you call ectomorphic in bodybuilder terms), but I am certainly socially retarded and have been in a financial situation over the last 5 years that has basically forced me to live at home while studying computer science at the local University (the girl I'm talking about also lives at home and is kind of socially stunted, too). I just graduated a week ago, and this move was partially out of desperation to lose my virginity (I'm almost 23 years old and a college graduate, jesus christ) as I almost never hit on girls I perceive to be Fat Chicks.
Anyways, how the **** did I blow this? I aimed lower than I ever have before.