May 27, 2006
I have 1 thing to say. It is getting HOT !!!!!!!!!!!
I felt good and smooth again.
I was pushing carts and bang I saw this girl, hb7. She was out of nowhere I had to chat her up
Me: looks like you live here ( her stuff was all over this table for display ( wtf ?? )
hb7: lol
Me: this isn't your house you know ( feeling smooth with new confidence )
Hb7: lol
Me: so whats your name ?
Hb7: hb7
Me: well hb7, I hope you cleaned your mess up because I ain't doing it
hb7: lol
Oh ok, not the best but at least I apporached. I didn't see her until I came in the store. I need to be more ready but hey, I learn as I go ??
Double apporach
I saw these 2 girls. 1 had booty shorts and the over didn't. This is how it's gonna work
the girl with the booty shorts will be hb7 1 and the other 1 will be hb7 2. Remember guys I have new smooth confidence and much better control over myself with better body language. Also alot of smiling.
Now b!t(h shields.
Me: ( I walk up the window, again with my new smooth confidence )
Me: ( I knock on the window and smiles )
Me: Lol ( we all started laughing because hb7 2 got scraed
Hb7 2: opens the door
Me: I hope I didn't give you heart attack
Me: I don't wanna go to jail for killing someone ( joking )
Hb7 2: lol no you scared me
Me: so whats your name ? ( smiling )
Hb7 2: hb7 ( smiling )
Me: whats your friends name ?
Hb7 1: hb7
I forgot what we talked about but I do remember this part
Hb7 2: whats your name
hb7 2: ( sees my name tag )
hb7 2: oh your blackdragon
Me: ( I cover my name tag )
Me: Now you wasn't supposed to see that
Hb7 2: lol
hb7 1: lol
again I forgot what happen after that
Me: well I'm gonna let you 2 go
Me: have a nice day girls
hb7 1: you too
hb7 2: have a nice day
Good apporach !!!!! I could have gotten a hug from both of them, but I was sweating from the heat and it's not cool to hug girls when your sweating ( you will be saying hello to b!t(h, I dare you to try )
The only reason I'm gonna count this as a apporach because
1. I love this new confidence I have
2. I was like the king or something ??
3. The girl did everything I said
I see this girl, we will call her Uglygirl because she didn't look good at all. Their was some guy their too maybe a friend or father. ( He was older ) maybe a uncle.
Me: ( see her with a cart )
Me: bring that cart to me
uglygirl: (brings to the cart to me)
Me: and don't hit the cars because the people who drive them will be pissed
Me: ( talks like I'm mad because someone hit my car) wtf ? who hit my car, I'm gonna sue them
uglygirl: lol
Me: I can't pay for the damage you do to the cars
uglygirl: lol
guy: why not ? ( trying to test my confidence, nice try )
Me: because I don't have to money and I didn't hit their car ( with new confidence, feeling smooth )
uglygirl: ( gets neveres and slowly pushs the cart to me between 2 cars as I stand their feeling like I'm the king)
Me: good job, you passed your driver's test
uglygirl: lol
The only reason I count this apporach, because I was the king in it. ( I will get better at doing this too )
Double apporach
I saw these 2 girls. They both came and sat on these kids seats. Once agian. Using good body language and smooth confidence. I felt like if I was the king again.. After getting close to them they were kinda young. Maybe 15 or 16. They laughed alot and very silly too.
The 1 with the brown hair will be brown girl and the blonde will be blond girl. I prefer the blonde girl because she looked better. The brown girl ( she wasn't black ) looked like a tooth pick.
Me: ( walk up with a " what are you 2 doing look ")
The girls stand up as if the king came in the room and it was rude to be sitting when the king came in.
If you guys were their these girls standed up very fast.
Girls: LOL
Me: oh please you can sit in the chairs
Me: feel free to sit in them
blonde: lol
brown: lol
( agian silly girls )
Me: so whats your names
blonde: lol blonde
brown: lol brown
( they walk away and but I don't give in so easily and I forgot what we were talking about )
I remember this
Me: so which 1 of you is the bad influence
brown: I go to church every sunday
( the girls laugh )
Me: ( with my new confidence) I think your the bad influence
blonde: she is
Me: well you have to ignore her or she will have you in jail or beat up by other girls for talking smack
brown: lol
blonde: lol
( In the end, didn't go well, brown was the queen bee. These 2 girls were like pepper and salt. Didn't far from each other. The queen rejected me so the blonde had to rejecte me too.
If I had a wingman, we could have split the 2 girls and ketp them from working together to rejecting us. But it was just me. Again silly girls )
I got apporached today, well sorta....
I saw this 1 hot girl trying to her car. Before I could say anything she said something to me.
Hb8: I'm so stupid at times
And their gose my apporach. ( Takes a dollar bill and throws it in the trash can )
I hate when girls have to say something first to me. BECAUSE THEN I CAN'T COUNT THE APPORACH. ( thanks b!t(h )
Me: ( I act like a cop and help her park )
Me: their you go
Hb8: lol
Me: can you put this up for me ( feeling like a king agian )
Hb8: sure ( takes it )
Me: ( I take it back ) I'm just joking
Me: why do you girls do that ?
Hb8: blah blah ( I forgot what she said )
Me: ok then well here ( I and her the bag to throw away )
Hb8: ( takes it and throws it away for me )
WTF !!!!!!????? I just met her
Me: thanks for throwing the bag away for me
Hb8: lol no problem
Me: maybe you could take me home ( wrong move, I wasn't thinking )
Me: because I have gas problems ( too close, at least I fixed it up some )
Hb8: blah blah ( told me where she lived and stuff )
Me: whats your name ?
Hb8: hb8
Me: well hb8 a have a nice day
Hb8: you too
I can't count this but oh well
Jerk Time:
Lately this co-worker of my ( a girl )
Be trying to act tough to me. So it's take to cut here down to size
( I saw her and we begin to talk and head to the lockers )
Me: so whats up with this new attudie of yours
Girl: oh I like being mean
Me: oh really ? you think you can say what w/e you want
Me: ( put my hand on the a locker and ketp her from leaving, leaving her trapped)
Me: ( she knows I'm playing, so don't think I'm threating her )
Me: I don't like this new attuide stuff of yours
Girl: blah blah ( beings to explain )
Me: I see
Me: well this new you has to go ( strong eye contact and again joking )
Girl: lol ok
Me: ( I remove my hand from the locker to let her go )
Me: I'll let you go this time but that new you has to go
Girl: w/e lol and ~walks away~
Ahhh I felt like a king.
I heard this girl said she kiss a guy. She was talking to another girl, again co-worker.
Later that day I came back up to her to tease her about. It's quite funny.
Me: So did you kiss him with tongue ?
Girl: noo
Me: well I like to kiss girls ( LOL )
Girl: ( gives me the " your crazy " Look )
Me: thier's a book on kissing people
Me: you should check it out
Girl: w/e lol
Fun fun.
Good day, I got $3.00 in tips for helping people and a good double apporach.
I felt smooth and like a king. I losed the feeling when I got tired.
I have to say, my convo skills are improved and are getting longer. I'm getting closer to 50 apporaches. I'm getting alot more self-control, but I feel like I just missing hints of interest and moves to do kino. So I need to work on paying attention again. Don't worry guys after this jouney I will be doing another 1. So don't think I'm gonna quit.